G l o s s a r y


A2/ADAnti-Access/Area-Denial (中国)
A3MAir Force and ArmyAnti-jamming Modem (USA)
AAASAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (USA)
AAAUActive Array Antenna Unit (India)
AAAXAutonomous Attritable Aircraft Experomentation (India)
AACAir Armaments Center (USA)
AACAir Combat Cloud (Europe)
AACUSAutonomous Aerial Cargo/Utility System (USA)
AADAdvanced Air Defence (India)
AAGAdvanced Arresting Gear (USA)
AAGAnti-Air Gun (共通)
AAGAmphibious Assault Group (USA)
AAMDCArmy Air & Missile Defense Command (USA)
AAMDSAegis Ashore Missile Defense System (USA)
AAMDTCAegis Ashore Missile Defense Test Complex (USA)
AARAdvanced Artillery Radar (Israel)
AARVArmoured Ammunition Resupply Vehicle (共通)
AARGMAdvanced Anti-Radar Guided Missile (USA)
AARGM-ERAARGM-Extended Range (USA)
AASArmed Aerial Scout (USA)
AASAdvanced Airborne Sensor (USA)
AASMArmement Air-Sol Modularire (France)
AASPGAnti-Air SP Gun (共通)
AAVAssault Amphibious Vehicle (共通)
abAir Breathing (共通)
ABDSActive Blast Defence System (Denmark)
ABIRAirborne IR (USA)
ABLAirBorne Laser (USA)
ABMAnti-Ballistic Missile (共通)
ABMAir Burst Munition (共通)
ABMSAdvanced Battle Management System (USA)
APBIAirbone Boost-Phase Intercept (USA)
ACAAircraft Carrier Alliance (UK)
ACBAdvanced Capability Build (USA)
ACCAir Combat Command (Europe)
ACCAir Combat Cloud (USA)
ACCIIAdvanced Combined-Cycle Integrated Inlet (USA)
ACCSAir Command and Control System (NATO)
ACDAdvanced Capability Development (USA)
ACEAllied Command Europe (NATO)
ACEAir Combat Evolution (USA)
ACEAgile Combat Employment (USA)
ACKAdaptive Crossdomain Kill-webs (USA)
ACLANTAllied Command Atlantic (NATO)
ACPAutonomous Collaborative Platform (USA)
ACSAerial Common Sensor (USA)
ACSAegis Combat Systemr (USA)
ACSAutonomous Control System (USA)
ACSAutonomy Core System (USA)
ACSAAcquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (共通)
ACSVArmoured Combat Support Vehicle (USA)
ACTArrays at Commercial Timescale (USA)
ACTVArmy Common Tactical Vehicle (USA)
ACTDAdvanced Concept Technology Demonstration (USA)
ACVAir Cushion Vehicle (共通)
ACVAmphibious Combat Vehicle (USA)
ACVArmored Combat Vehicle (USA)
A/DAnalon-to-Digital (共通)
ADAAeronautical Development Agency (India)
ADAAdaptive Antenna (Israel)
ADAAir Domain Awareness (UAV)
ADAAWAir Dominance Air-to-Air Weapon (USA)
ADAHRSAir Data, Attitude, Heading, Reference System (USA)
ADAMArea Defense Anti-Munitions (USA)
ADAPTAir Defence Availability Project (UK)
ADCPAdvanced Display Core Processor (USA)
ADDAgency for Defense Development (韓国)
ADGMAir Dropped Guided Munition (USA)
ADIZAir Defense Identification Zone (共通)
ADLAdvanced Data Link (USA)
ADMAcquisition Dicision Memorandum (USA)
ADRAviation Detachment Rotation (USA)
ADRAS-JActive Debris Removal by Astroscale-Japan (日本)
ADSArea Denial System (USA)
ADSActive Defense System (Germany)
ADS-BAutomatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (USA)
ADSIAir Defense System Integrator (USA)
AEAAirborne Electronic Attack (USA)
AECCAero Engine Corporation of China (中国)
AEIAmerican Enterprise Institute (USA)
AESAActive Electronically Scanned Array (共通)
AETFArmy Evaluation Task Force (USA)
AETPAdaptive Engine Transition Program (USA)
AETPAdaptive Engine Technology Program (USA)
AEWAirborne Early-Warning (共通)
AEW&CAirborne Early-Warning and Control (共通)
AFAAir Force Association (USA)
AFATDSAdvanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (USA)
AFBAir Force Base (USA)
AFCArmy Future Command (USA)
AFCActive Flight Control (共通)
AFCAArmed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (USA)
AFCEAArmed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (USA)
AFCSRAirborne FCS Radar (共通)
AFGSCAir Force Global Strike Command (USA)
AFINCAir Force Intranet Control (USA)
AFINDEXAfrica-India Filed Training Exercise (India, Africa)
AFPAgence France-Press (France)
AFRAESA-Fed Reflectors (共通)
AFREAdvanced Full Range Engine (USA)
AFRLAir Force Research Laboratory (USA)
AFSAir Force Station (USA)
AFSBAfloat Forward Staging Base (USA)
AFSCAlliance Future Surveillance and Control (NATO)
AFSOCAir Force Special Operation Command (USA)
AFSPCAir Force Space Command (USA)
AFSSSAir Force Space Surveillance System (USA)
AFUAssault Fire Unit (USA)
AFUUkrainian Armed Forces (Ukraine)
AFVArmoured Fighting Vehicle (共通)
AETFArmy Evaluation Task Force (USA)
AGBADArmy Ground Based Air Defence (Norway)
AGLAutomatic Grenade Launcher (共通)
AGMAir-to-Ground Missile (共通)
AGRAutonomous Ground Resupply (USA)
AGSAdvanced Gun System (USA)
AGSAirborne Ground Surveillance (NATO, USA)
AHEADAdvanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction (Swiss)
AHELAirborne HEL (USA)
AHLAdvanced Heavy Lifter (中国)
AHSHAdvanced High Speed Helicopter (Russia)
AHWAdvanced Hypersonic Weapon (USA)
AIArtificial Intelligence (共通)
AIAir Interdiction (共通)
AI3Accelerated Improve Interceptor Initiative (USA)
AIAMDArmy Integrated AMD (USA)
AIAMDSArmy Integrated AMD System (USA)
AICCAviation Industry Corporation of China (中国)
AiOAll in One (Israel)
AIDCAerospace Industrial Development Corp. (台湾)
AIEWSAdvanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System (USA)
AIPAir Independent Propulsion (共通)
AIRSSAlternative IR Satellite System (USA)
AISAutomated Identification System (USA)
AISPAirborne SIGINT Payload (USA)
AITAmerican Institute in Taiwan (USA)
AJTAdvanced Jet Trainer (台湾)
A-KitAirborne Sensor Adaptation Kit (USA)
ALARMAir-Launched ARM (UK)
ALASAdvanced Light Attack System (Serbia)
ALASAAirborne Launch Assist Space Access (USA)
ALBMAir-Launched Ballistic Missile (共通)
ALCMAir-Launched Cruise Missile (共通)
ALCSAirborne Launch Control System (USA)
ALEAir Launched Effect (USA)
ALGAdvanced Landing Ground (共通)
ALHAdvanced Heavy Lifter (Russia, China)
ALHTKAir-LaunchedHit-to-Kill (USA)
ALIASAircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (USA)
ALITAerospace Long March International Trade (中国)
ALMITCAerospace Long-March International Trade Company (中国)
ALMTAerospace Long-March International (中国)
ALPSArmy Long-Range Persistent Surveillance USA)
ALPVAutonomous Low-Profile Vessels USA)
ALRRWAir-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (USA)
ALTAAcquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (日本)
ALTBAirborne Laser Testbed (USA)
ALTBMDActive Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (NATO)
AMARSAdvanced Multi-function Airborne Radar System (日本)
AMaRVAdvanced Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle (USA)
AMSAgile Multi-Beam (Sweeden)
AMCAir Mobility Command (USA)
AMCAviation and Missile Command (USA)
AMCAir Material Command (USA)
AMCArmy Material Command (USA)
AMCAAdvanced Medium Combat Aircraft (India)
AMCOMAviation and Missile Command (USA)
AMDAir and Missile Defense (共通)
AMDCAir and Missile Defense Command (USA))
AMDRAir and Missile Defense Radar (USA)
AMFAirborne Maritime Fixed (USA)
AMFAllied Command Europe Mobile Force (NATO)
AMKAerodynamic Modification Kit (Europe)
AMLAutonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (USA)
AMOSArctic Mobile Observing System (USA)
AMPActive Mission Payload (USA)
AMP-HELArmy Multi-Purpose HEL (USA)
AMPSAdvanced Multi-Sensory Payload System (Israel)
AMPVArmored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (USA)
AMRAAMAdvanced Mediumrage AAM (USA)
AMRDECAviation anf Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (USA)
AMSARAirborne Multirole Solid-state Active-array Radar (欧州)
AMTIAsia Maritime Transparency Initiative (USA)
AMTIAir Moving Target Indicator (共通)
AMVAdvanced Maneuvering Vehicle (USA)
AMVArmored Modular Vehicle (Sweeden)
ANASISArmy/Navy/Air Force Satellite Information System (韓国)
ANCILLARYAdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-less Launch and RecoverY (USA)
ANGAir National Guard (USA)
ANLAnti-Navire Legere (France)
ANSAutonomous Navigation System (USA)
ANSILARYAdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-less Launch and RecoveryY (USA)
ANSRAutonomous Naval Support Round (USA)
AOAAnalysis Of Alternatives (USA)
AOAAngle of Attack (共通)
AOCAssociation of Old Crows (国際)
AOCAir Operayion Center (USA)
AOEWAdvanced Off-board EW (USA)
AOIArea Of Interest (共通)
AOIPASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (USA)
AOPVArctic OPV (Canada)
AOTDActive Optical Target Detector (USA)
APAMAnti-Personnel/Anti-Materiel (USA)
APARActive Phased Array Radar (Europe)
APARAdvanced Phased Array Radar (共通)
APCArmoured Personnel Carrier (共通)
APDSArmour Piecong Discarding Sabot (共通)
APECAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (国際)
APFSDSArmour-Piecing Fin-Stabilised Discarding-Sabot (共通)
A-PhIAtomic-Photonic Integration (共通)
APIAllied Prototyping Initiative (USA)
APISArray Passive ISAR Adaptive Processing (Spain)
APKWSAdvanced Precision Kill Weapon System (USA)
APMIAccelerated Precision Mortar Initiative (USA)
A-PNTAssured-PNT (USA)
AppleAdaptive Photonics Phase-Locked Elements (USA)
APPUAsian-Pacific Parliamentarians' Union (国際)
APSActive Protection System (共通)
APSArmy Prepositioned Stocks (USA)
APTAdvanced Persitent Threat (USA)
ARAugmented Reality (共通)
ARAAttack Recobnaissance Aircraft (USA)
ARAVAegis Readiness Assessment Vehicle (USA)
ARBSAdvanced Refuelling Boom System (USA)
ARCAdaptive Radar Countermeasure (USA)
ARCICArmy Capabilities Integration Center (USA)
ARDECArmament, Research, Development and Engineering Center (USA)
ARDELAdvanced Radar Detection Laboratory (USA)
ARESAESA Radar for Engagement and Surveillance (USA)
ARFASEAN Regional Forum (Asia Pacific)
ARGAmphibious Ready Group (USA)
ARGEArbeitsgemeinschaft (Germany)
ArgusAutonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance (USA)
ARGUS-ISAutonomous Real-time Groud Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System (USA)
ARHActive Radar Homing (共通)
ARHArmed Reconnaissance Helicopter (USA)
ARHAnti-Radiation Homing (共通)
ARIESAirborne Reconaissance Integrated Electroni System (USA)
ARLArmy Research Laboratory (USA)
ARLMAnti-Radiation LM (共通)
ARMAnti Radiation Missile (共通)
ARMDCAffordable Rapid Prototype Missile Drone Concept (英日伊)
ARPACArmy Pacific Command (USA)
ARRCAllied Rapid Reaction Corps (NATO)
ARRMDAffordable Rapid Response Missile Demonstrator (USA)
ARRWAir-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (USA)
ARSArtillery Rocket System (共通)
ARSAerial Refuelling Store (USA)
ARSOACArmy Special Operations Aviation Command (USA)
ARSSTArmy Space Support Team (USA)
ARTEMISAdvanced Responsive Tactically Effective Mik\litary Imaging Spectrometer (USA)
ARTISTAdvanced Radar Technology Integrated Systems Testbed (UK)
ARTSAdvanced Radar Targeting System (UK)
ARVAmerican Rheinmetall Vehicles (USA)
ARVArmoured Recovery Vehicle (共通)
ARV-A-LArmed Robotic Vehicle-Assault-Light (USA)
ARV-MArmed Robotic Vehicle-Mine Detector (韓国)
ASABAir and Missile Defence Command and Control Security Accreditation Board (NATO)
ASaCAirborne Surveillance and Control (UK)
ASALMAdvanced Strategic Air-Launched Missile (USA)
ASARSAdvanced SAR System (USA)
ASATAnti-Satellite (共通)
ASBMAnti-Ship Ballistic Missile (中国)
ASCALONAutoloaded and Scalable Outperforming Gun (Europe)
ASCGAutomated Small Calibre Gun (UK)
ASCMAnti-Ship Cruise-Missile (共通)
ASDPSWSAgile Small Deflection Precision Stabilized Weapon System (USA)
ASEANAssociation of South‐East Asian Nations (Asia)
ASEMAsia-Europe Meeting (国際)
ASEVAegis System-Equipped Vessel (日本)
ASFAdaptival Strike Frigate (UK)
ASGAtomic Spin Gyroscpoe (共通)
ASIPAirborne Signals Intelligence Payloard (USA)
ASIPArrow System Improvement Program (Israel)
ASLAVAustralian Light Armoured Vehicle (Australia)
ASMAnti-Ship Missile (共通)
ASMDAnti-Ship Missile Defence (Australia)
ASPAnual Service Practice (USA)
ASPAdjunct Sensor Prototype (USA)
ASPIAustralian Strategic Policy Institute (Australia)
ASPJAirborne Self-Protection Jammer (USA)
ASPMAirborne Self-Protection Missile (USA)
ASRAir Surveillance Radar (共通)
ASRAAMAdvanced Short Range AAM (欧州)
ASRADAdvanced Short Range Air Defence (Europe)
ASRAD-RAdvanced Short Range Air Defence Missile System (Europe)
ASROCAnti-Submarine Rocket (USA)
ASRRAirspace and Surface Radar Reconnaissance (USA)
ASTAMIDSAirborne Standoff Mine Detection System (USA)
ASTAMIDAirborne Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Minefield Detection (USA)
ASTORAirborne Stand-Off Radar (UK)
ASTROApplied Science & Technology Research Organization (USA)
ASuWAnti-Surface Warfare (共通)
ASVAutonoumous Surface Vessel (共通)
ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare (共通)
ATACMSArmy Tactical Missile System (USA)
ATALDAdvanced TALD (Israel)
ATBMAnti-Tactical Ballistic Missile (共通)
ATCAir Trafic Control (共通)
ATDAdvanced Technology Demonstrator (日本)
ATDAdvanced Teaming Demonstration (USA)
ATDBArmy Tiger Demonstration Brigade (韓国)
ATDLAdvanced Tacrical Data Link (USA)
A-TeamAdvanced-Teaming (USA)
ATGMAnti-Tank Guided Missile (共通)
ATGWAnti-Tank Guided Weapon (共通)
ATHENAAdvanced Test High Energy Asset (USA)
ATLAirborne Tactical Laser (USA)
ATLAdvanced Tactical Laser (USA)
ATLAAcquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (日本)
ATLASAdvanced Tracking and Launch Analysis System (USA)
ATMAnti-Tank Missile (共通)
ATMAll Things Missile (USA)
ATOCAcceptance Test Operational Capability (Italy)
ATPAdvanced Targeting Pod (USA)
ATRAutomatic Target Recognition (共通)
ATRRAdvanced technology Risk Reduction (USA)
ATSAirpower Teaming System (USA, Australia)
ATTActive Tracking Technology (韓国)
ATUASAutonomous Technology for Unmanned Air System (USA)
ATVAll-Terrain Vehicle (共通)
AUASAdvanced UAS (USA)
AUAVAssault UAV (共通)
AUDROSAutonomous Drone Service 
AUDSAnti-UAV Defence Systems (USA,UK)
AUKUSAustralia, UK, US Australia, UK, US
AURAll Up Round (共通)
AURAAttack Utility Replacement Aircraft (USA)
AUSAAssociation of the US Army (USA)
AustradeAustralian Trade and Investment Commission (Australia)
AUVAutonomus Underwater Vehicle (共通)
AUVSIAssociation for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (国際)
AV-CATAmphibious Vehicle-Carrier Armoured Trackway (中国)
AVICAviation Industries of China (中国)
AVMAdaptive Vehicle Make (USA)
AWAlternative Warhead (USA)
AWACSAirborne Warning And Control System (共通)
AWDAir Warfare Destroyer (Australia)
AWPAlternative Warhead Program (USA)
AWSAffordable Weapon System (USA)
AWSAegis Weapon System (USA)
AWSArrow Weapon System (Israel)
AZALAzerbaijan Airlines (Azerbaijan)
BAABroad Agency Announcement (USA)
BACNBattlefield Airborne Communication Node (USA)
BAMSBroard Area Maritime Surveillance (USA)
BAPBaltic Air Policing (NATO)
BATSBoeing Airpower Teaming System (Australia, USA)
BBBase Bleed (共通)
BCABudget Control Act (USA)
BCSBeam Control System (USA)
BCSBattle Command System (USA)
BCTBrigade Combat Team (USA)
BCT-MBCT Modernization (USA)
BDRBasic Design Review (USA)
BDLBharat Dynamics Ltd. (India)
BDSBeidou Navigation Satellite System (中国)
BECABasic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (India, USA)
BFSARBattle Force Ship Assessment and Requirement (USA)
BFTBlue Force Tracking (共通)
BGBattle Group (France)
BGWBoost-Glide Weapon (共通)
BHMDBallistic and Hypersonic Missile Defense (共通)
BILLBeacon Illuminator Laser (USA)
BISBureau of Industry and Security (USA)
BISTBaseline Integration System Test (USA)
BITBuilt-In Test (共通)
BLOSBeyond-Line-Of-Sight (共通)
BMBattle Manager (国際)
BMBattle Management (共通)
BMCBattle Managrmrnt and Weapon Control (共通)
BMCBattle Managrmrnt Control (Israel)
BMCBattle Managrmrnt Center (共通)
BMC4IBattle Managrmrnt and C4I (Israel)
BMCSBattle Managrmrnt Control System (Israel)
BMDBallistic Missile Defense (共通)
BMDOBallistic Missile Defense Organisation (Israel)
BMDRBallistic Missile Defense Review (USA)
BMDSBallistic Missile Defense System (USA)
BMEWBallistic Missile Early Warning (共通)
BMEWRBallistic Missile Early Warning Radar (共通)
BMEWSBallistic Missile Early Warning Systems (USA)
BMSBattle Management System (共通)
BPOPBasic Plan on Ocean Policy (日本)
BOCBattery Operations Center (USA)
BOLTBoundary Laher Transition (共通)
BPCBorder Protection Command (豪)
BPIBoost Phase Intercept (共通)
BRGVBoost Glide Research Vehicle (USA)
BROACHBomb Royal Ordenance Augumantaion Charge (UK)
BSITBaseline Integrated System Test (USA)
BTERMBallistic Trajectory Extended Munition (USA)
BTFBomber Task Force (USA)
BTGBattalion Tactical Group (Russia)
BTIDBattlefield Target Identification (UK)
BTMDBeijin TongMeiDa Science and Technology Development Co. (中国)
BVRBeyond-Visual-Range (共通)
BVRAAMBeyond-Visual-Range AAM (共通)
BWBBlended-Wing Body (共通)
BWUASBlue Water Maritime Logostics UAS (USA)
C2Command and Control(共通)
C2BMCC2 BM Communication (USA)
C3Command Control and Communications (共通)
C3IC3, Intelligence (共通)
C3ISRC3I, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (共通)
C3TC3 - Tactics (USA)
C4ADSCenter for Advanced Defense Studies (USA)
C4ICommand, Control, Communication and Computers (共通)
C4ISRC4I, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (共通)
CAAAChina Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (中国)
CAAMCommon Anti-Air Missile (UK)
CAATSACountering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (USA)
CABCommon Array Block(USA)
CABCombat Aviation Brigade (USA)
CACChengdu(成都) Aircraft Corporation (中国)
CACCombined Armes Company (USA)
CAC2SCommon Aviation Command and Control System (USA)
CADComputer Aided Design (共通)
CADIChengdu Aircraft Design Institute (中国)
CAESARCaptor AESA Radar (Europ)
CAESARCaptor AESA Radar (Europ)
CAEWConformal AEW (Israel)
CAGComptroller and Auditor General (India)
CAGCarrier Air Wing (USA)
CAIChina Avaition Research Institute (中国)
CAHWonventionally Armed Hypersonic Weapon (USA)
CAIChengdu Aircraft Industry (中国)
CAICChengdu(成都)Aircraft Industries (Group) Corporation (中国)
CAIGAChina Aviation Industry General Aircraft (中国)
CAIGCChina Aviation Industry Group Corporation (中国)
CALCMConventional ALCM (USA)
CAMCapabilities Assurance Mission (UK)
CAMMCommon Anti-air Modular Missile (UK)
CANDLCompact Airborne Networking Data Link (NATO)
CANDORCyber Analytics for Network Defense and Response Options (USA)
CAOCCombined Air Operation Center (USA, NATO)
CAPCombat Air Patrol (共通)
CAPESCombat Avianics Programmed Extention Suite (USA)
CARATCoperation Afloat Readiness and Training (USA)
CARDCoordinated Annual Review on Defence (EU)
CARDCChina Aerodynamics Research and Development Centre (中国)
CASClose Air Support (共通)
CASChinese Academy of Sciences (中国)
CASCollision Avoidance System (共通)
CASCombat Air Strategy (UK)
CASCChina Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (中国)
CASICChina Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (中国)
CAsMMCommon Anti-surface Modular Missile (UK)
CASTCounter-Air Science and Technology (USA)
CASTCChina Aerospace Science and Technology Corporatiob (中国)
CASUPCockpit and Senso Upgrade Program (USA)
CATBirdCooperative Avionics Test Bed (USA)
CATICChina Aviation Technology Import-Export Corporation (中国)
CATOBARCatapult-Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (共通)
CATSCombat Air Teaming System (India)
CAVCommon Air Vehicle (USA)
CATVCold-Weather All-Terrain Vehicle (USA)
CAVSCommon Armoured Vehicle System (Europe)
CAWCarrier Air Wing (USA)
CBARSCarrier Based Aerial Refueling System (USA)
C2BMCCommand, Control Battle Management, and Communications (USA)
C2BMSCommand, Control Battle Management System (共通)
CBC2Cloud-Based Command and Control (USA)
CBOCongressional Budget Office (USA)
CBPCustoms and Border Protection (USA)
CBRNChemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (共通)
CBRNeCBRN, and explosive (共通)
CCCentral Command (USA)
CCACollaborative Combat Aircraft (USA)
CCACChina Commercial Aircraft Corporation (中国)
CC-COILClosed-Cycle COIL (USA)
CCDCooperative Cyber Defence (NATO)
CCDCCombat Capabilities Development Command (USA)
CCDCECCD Centre of Excellence (NATO)
CCDCOECCD Center Of Excellence (NATO)
CCDDContinuous Capability Development and Delivery (USA)
CCECombined Cycle Engine (共通)
CCFCourse Correcting Fuze (共通)
CCFTCaptive Carry Flight Test (共通)
CCGChina Coast Guard (中国)
CCHCombatant Craft Heavy (USA)
CCIEChanneled Centerbody Inlet Experiment (USA)
CCJCore Component Jammer (USA)
CCMConvention on Cluster Munitions (国際)
CCMCombatant Craft Medium (USA)
CCMCommunication Counter Measure (共通)
CCPCom Cycle Propulsion (共通)
CCECombined Cycle Powered Engine (共通)
CCTCaptive-Carry Test (USA)
CCTRClose Combat Tactical Radar (USA)
CDCross Domain (共通)
CDEContinuous Detonation Engine (共通)
CDITLCombined Day-In-The-Life (USA)
CDLCommon DataLink (USA)
CDNContent Delivery Network (共通)
CDRCritical Design Review (USA)
CDRRCritical Design Readiness Review (USA)
CDRRCompetitive Demonstration and Risk-Reduction (USA)
CD&RRCompetitive Development and Risk Reduction (USA)
CDSCostal Defense System (共通)
CECapability Enhancement (USA)
CECCooperative Engagement Capability (USA)
CECAComprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (共通)
CECANCaptor R-sCAn (欧州)
CECCCongressional Executive Commission on China (USA)
CECTChina Electronics Technology Corporation (中国)
CEIECChina National Electronics Import and Export Corporation (中国)
CENTCOMCentral Command (USA)
CEOChief Executive Officer (共通)
CEPCircular Error Probability (共通)
CERTEXCertification Exercise (NATO)
CERTSComputer Emergency Response Teams (USA)
CESMCommunication ESM (UK)
CETCChina Electronics Technology Group Corporation (中国)
CEVCombat Engineer Vehicle (共通)
CFCBCarbon Filament Cluster Bomb (中国)
CFEConventional Force in Europe (Europe-Russia)
CF(L)35Conceptual Force (Land) 2035 (UK)
CFMCooperative Finacial Mechanism (Europe)
CFPCall for Proposal (EU)
CFRPCarbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (共通)
CFTCaptive Flight Test (共通)
CFTConformal Fuel Tank (USA)
CFTCross Functional Team (USA)
CFTEChina Flight Test Establishment (中国)
CFXCommand Fighter Advanced (Germany)
CETGCChina Electronics Technology Group Corp. (中国)
CGMCommon GPS Module (USA)
CHAMPCounter-Electronics High-Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (USA)
CHASECyber-Hunting at Scale (USA)
CHEOSChina High-resolution Earth Observation System (中国)
C-HGBCommon Hypersonic Glide Body (USA)
CHIRPCommercially Hosted IR Payload (USA)
CHITACompound Helicopter Interactional Aerodynamics (USA)
CHRDIChina Helicopter R&D Institute (中国)
CIAMCentral Institute of Aviation Motors (Russia)
CIASCenter for Information Assurance and Security (USA)
CICCombat Information Center (共通)
CICADAClose-in Covert Autonomous Disposable Aircraft (USA)
C-IEDCounter-IED (共通)
CIDCombat ID (UK)
CIDSCostial & Island Defense System (共通)
CIRCyber and Information Space (Germany)
CISCommunications and Information System (NATO)
CISCommonwealth of Independent States (ex-Soviet Nations)
CISACybersecurity & Infratructure Security Agency (USA)
CISACCenter for International Security And Cooperation (USA)
CITCyber / IT (Germany)
CIWSClose-In Weapon Systems (共通)
CJADC2Combined JADC2 (USA)
CJRCobra Judy Replacement (USA)
CKEMCompact Kinetic Energy Missile (USA)
CKVCommon Kill Vehicle (USA)
CLAMPContinuous Look Attack Management for Predator (USA)
CLAWClean Area Weapon (USA)
CLCCommand Launch Computer (USA)
CLGCCombustion Light Gas Gun (USA)
CLTCommon Launch Tube (USA)
CLUContainer Launch Unit (USA)
CLUCommand Launch Unit (USA)
CLWSCompact Laser Weapon System (USA)
CMCruise Missile (共通)
CMCounter Measure (Germany)
CMCCeramic Matrix Composite (共通)
CMDCM Defense (共通)
CMDCentral Mulitary District (Russia)
CMGControl Moment Gyro (共通)
CMICC-UAS Mobile Integrated Capability (USA)
C-MMRCompact Multi-Mission Radar (Finland)
CMOUComprehensive MoU (共通)
CMOSComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (共通)
CMRBComposite Main Rotor Blade (USA)
CMSContainer Missile System (Russia)
CMSCounter-Mine Suite (共通)
CMSCombat Management System (共通)
C-MUSICCommercial Multi-Spectral IR Countermeasure (Israel)
CNACenter for Naval Analyses (USA)
CNACentral News Agency (台湾)
CNASCenter for a New American Security (USA)
CNSAChina National Space Administration (中国)
CNCECubeSat Networked Communications Experiment (USA)
CNCIComprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (USA)
CNMFCyber National Mission Force (USA)
COACourses Of Action (共通)
COBRACoastal Battlefield Reconnaissance and Analysis (USA)
COCOMCo-ordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (国際)
CODADCombined Diesel And Diesel (共通)
CODAGCombined Diesel And Gasturbine (共通)
CODDSC2BMC Operational Defense Design System (USA)
CODECollaborative Operations in Denied Environments (USA)
CODECyber Offensive and Defensive Exercise (台湾, USA)
COFACompact of Free Association (南太平洋, USA)
CODLOGCombined Diesel Electric Or Gas turbine (共通)
CODOGCombined Diesel Or Gas turbine (共通)
COFACompact of Free Association (USA, South Pacific)
COGAGCOmbined Gas turbine And Gas turbine (共通)
COGLAGCOmbined Gas turbine eLectric And Gas turbine (共通)
COILChemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (USA)
COINCounter-Insurgency (共通)
COLREGSInternational Regulations for Preventing Collisiona at Sea (共通)
COMACCommercial Aircraft Corporation of China (中国)
COMINTComunication Intelligence (共通)
COMCASACommunications Compatibility and Security Agreement (共通)
CONOPSConcept of Operations (USA)
CONUSContinental United States (of America) (USA)
CORIANCounter-Remote Control Model Aircraft Integrated Air Defense Network (USA)
COTSCommercial Off-The-Shelf (共通)
C2PCommand and Control Processor (USA)
CPBCertifiable Predator B (USA)
CPCECommand Post Conputing Environment (USA)
CPECChina-Pakistan Economic Corridor (中国, Pakistan)
CPFHCost Per Flying Hour (共通)
CPGSConventional Prompt Global Strike (USA)
CPMIECChina National Precision Machinery Import Export Corporation (中国)
CPSCommon Processing System (USA)
CPSConventional Prompt Strike (USA)
CPSIConventional Prompt Strike Initiative (USA)
CPTCyber Protection Team (USA)
CPXCommand Post Exercise (共通)
CRContinuing Resolution (USA)
CRContingency Respose (USA)
CRADACo-Operative Research And Development Agreement (USA)
CRAMCounter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通)
C-RAMCounter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通)
CRANEControl of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effectors (USA)
CRAWCompact Rapid Attack Weapon (USA)
CRBMClose Range Ballistic Missile (共通)
CRD2Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (日本)
CREACentre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (Finland)
CRCCyber Resilience Centre (Australia)
CRD2Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (日本)
CRFControl Response Firing (Germany)
CRfICapability RfI (USA)
CRICost Reduction Initiative (USA)
CROWSCommon Remotely Operated Weapon Stations (USA)
CRSCongressional Research Service (USA)
CRWCanard Rotaor/Wing (USA)
CSCombat System (USA)
CSCapability Set (USA)
CSARCombat Search And Rescue (共通)
CSBACenter for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (USA)
CSBCChina Shipbuilding Corporation (台湾)
CSCChina Shipbuilding Corporation (中国)
C-SCANChip-Scale Combination Atomic Navigator (USA)
CSCBCtber Electromagnetic Activities's Cyber Support to Corps and Below (USA)
CSDBCollaborative SDB (USA)
CSEACombat Systems Engineering Agent (USA)
CSGCarrier Strike Group (USA)
CSICChina State Shipbuilding Corporation (中国)
CSISCenter for Strategic and International Studies (USA)
CSISCanadian Security Intelligence Service (Canada)
CSISTChung Shan Institute of Science and Technology (台湾)
CSLCommon Source Library (USA)
CSMConventional Strike Missile (USA)
CSOCChina Shipbuilding and Offshore international Corporation (中国)
CSPCapability Sustainment Programme (共通)
CSpOCombined Space Operations (国際)
CSpOCCombined Space Operations Center (USA)
CSRSCoasrtal Surveillance Radar System (India, Maldives)
CSSCChina Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (中国)
CSSQTCombat Systems Ship Qualification Traial (USA)
CSSRCChina Ship Science Research Center (中国)
CSTCChina Shipbuilding Trading Co. Ltd (中国)
CSTOCollective Security Treaty Organization (Russia)
C-sUASCounter Small UAS (USA)
CTASCased Telescoped Armamment System (共通)
CTBMCounter-Tactical Ballistic Missile (共通)
CTBTComprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (国際)
CTFCombined Task Force (USA)
CTMConventional Trident Modification (USA)
CTOLConventional TakeOff and Landing (共通)
CTTSOCombating Terrorism Technical Support Office (USA)
CTVControlled Test Vehicle (USA)
CsUASCounter Small UAS (USA)
C-UASCounter UAS (USA)
C-UAVCounter UAV (USA)
CUESCode for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (国際)
C-URAMCointer-UAV, Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通)
CVCarrior Varianf (共通)
CVCombat Vehicle (共通)
CVCConstant-Volume Combustion (共通)
CVFFuture Aircraft Carrier (UK)
CVLOCounter Very-Low-Observable (共通)
CWComplex Weapon (UK)
CWBConformal Weapon Bay (USA)
CWCChemical Weapons Convention (国際)
CWDLCommon Weapon Datalink (USA)
CYCalendar Year 
D/ADigital-to-Analon (共通)
DAADefense Authority Act (USA)
DAADetect-And-Avoid (共通)
DA-ASATDirectascecent ASAT 
DABDigital Audio Broadcasting (共通)
DACDefence Acquisition Council 
DACSDivert and Attitude Control System (共通)
DADRDeployble Air Defence Radar (共通)
DAIRCMDistributed Aperture IRCM 
DAMTCDirect Attack Moving Target Capability (USA)
DAGRDirect Attack Guided Rocket (USA)
DAPADefence Acquisition Programme Administration (韓国)
DARCDeep Space Advanced Radar Capability (USA)
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA)
DASDistributed Aperture System (USA)
DASDefnsive Aids Suites (UK)
DASADefence and Security Accelerator (UK)
DASDefensive Aid Suites (共通)
DASALSDistributed Aperture SAL Seeker (USA)
DASSDefensive Aids Subsystem (Europe)
DBFDigital Beam Forming (共通)
DBMDistributed Battle Management (USA)
DBRDual Band Radar (USA)
DBSDoppler Beam Sharpning (共通)
DCADefense Cooperation Agreement  (共通)
DCADefensive Counter Air (共通)
DCGS-ADistributed Commona Ground Station-Army (USA)
DCoMPASSDigital Compact MultiPurpose Advanced Stabilised System (Israel)
DCPDefence Capability Plan (Austraria, New Zealand)
DCPDefence Command Paper (UK)
DCRDual-Combustion Ramjet (共通)
DCSDirect Commercial Sale (USA)
D&DDesign and Development (USA)
DD&CDetail Design and Construction (USA)
DDIGDefense Department Inspector General (USA)
DDLDigital Datalink (USA)
DDoSDistributed DoS (共通)
DDPDesign and Development Phase (USA)/font>
DDPDefence-in-Depth Payload (USA)/font>
DDPSDepartment of Defence, Civil Protection, and Sports (Switzerland)/font>
DDRDDirectorate of Defence Research and Development (Israel)
DDR&DDirectorate of Defence Research and Development (Israel)
DDSData Distribution System (USA)
DEDirected Energy (共通)
DEADefensive Electronic Attack (USA)
DEADDestruction of Enemy Air Defense (共通)
DEDDDirected Energy Demonstrator Development (USA)
DEPDistributed Electric Propulsion (USA)
DEWDirected Energy Weapon (共通)
DEWSDigital Electronic Warfare Suite (USA)
DExProDefense Export Promotion Center (韓国)
DFEDynamic Force Employment (USA)
DGADirection générale de l'Armement (France)
DGHELDistributed Gain High Energy Laser (USA)
DGPSDefferential GPS (共通)
DHSDepartment for Homeland Security (USA)
DIADefense Intelligence Agency (USA)
DIADefence Innovation Agency (France)
DIBMACDefense Intelligence Ballistic Missile Analysis Commitee (USA)
DICASDefense Industrial Cooperation, Acquisition and Sustainment (日本)
DIDCDefense Industry Development Council (韓国)
DIGARDigital GPS Anti-jamming Receiver (USA)
DIMEDense Inert Matal Explosive (USA)
DIRCMDirectional IR Countermeasure (共通)
DirectDistributed, Interactive, Command-and-Control Tool (USA)
DISDefence Industral Strategy (UK)
DISADefence Information System Agency (UK)
DIUDefense Innovation Unit (USA)
DLRGerman Aerospace Center (Germany)
DMBDual-Mode Brimstone (UK)
DMEDistance-Measuring Equipment (共通)
DMMMDual-Mode Motar Munition (Israel)
DMTIDismounted MTI (USA)
DMZDe-Militarized Zone (Korea)
DNRDonetsk People's Republic (Ukraine)
DNSDomain Name System  (共通)
DoDDepartment of Defense (USA)
DoDINDoD Information Network (USA)
DoSDenial of Service (共通)
DOTDevelopmental and Operational Testing (USA)
DOT&EDirector of OT&E (USA)
DPALDiode-Pumped Alkali Laser (共通)
DPDDefence Policy Dialogue (共通)
DPETDeployable Passive ESM Tracker (NATO)
DPICMDual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (USA)
DPNSDismounted Position and Navigation Sensor (UK)
DPPCDefense Project Promotion Committee (韓国)
DPUDefense Policy Update (Canada)
DRADirect Radiating Array (共通)
DRACODemonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (USA)
DRCDARPA Robotics Challenge (USA)
DRDLDefence Research and Development Laboratory (India)
DRDODefence Research and Development Organisation (India)
DRFMDigital Radio-Frequency Memory (Europe)
DRPPLDraft Request for Prototype Proposal (USA)
DRRDue Regard Radar (USA)
DSADefence Space Agency (India)
DSARCDeep-Space Advanced Radar Capability (USA)
DSCDirect Commercial Sale (USA)
DSCADefense Security Cooperation Agency (USA)
DSDDiscrimation Sensor Demonstrator (USA)
DSIDiverter-less Supersonic Inlet (共通)
DSICDalian Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (中国)
DSMACDigital Scene Matching and Area Co-relation (共通)
DSMEDaewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (韓国)
DSPDefense Support Program (USA)
DSPDemonstration Satellite Program (USA)
DSRADefence Space Research Agency (India)
DSSDiscriminating Space Sensor (USA)
DSTDefense Science and Technology (Australia)
DSTADefence Science and technology Agency (Singapore)
DSTLDefence Science and Technology Laboratory (UK)
DSTODefence Science and Technology Organisation (Australia)
DSWSDavid's Sling Weapon System (Israel)
DTDevelopment Test (USA)
DTEDDigital TED (共通)
DTiDefence Technology Institute (Thailand)
DTSDistributed Targeting System (USA)
DTTIDefense Technology and Trade Initiative (USA)
DVB-TDigital Video Broardcasting-Terrestrial (共通)
DVHDouble V-Hull (USA)
DWESDistributed Weighted Engagement Scheme (USA)
EAElectronic Attack (共通)
EABEchelon Above Brigate (USA)
EABOExpeditionary Advanced Base Operations (USA)
EACEnhanced Air Cooperation (Austealia, USA)
EADExpendable Active Decoy (共通)
EAEUEurAsian Economic Union (Russia)
EALPEnclosed Assembly Launch Pod (USA)
EAMMEnterprise Application Migration and Modernization (USA)
eAPenhanced Air Polcing (NATO)
EAPCEuro-Atlantic Partnership Council (Europe)
EAPSExtended Area Protection and Survivabily (USA)
EAPS IDEAPS Integration Demonstration (USA)
EASEuropean Activity Set (USA)
EASEast Asia Summit (East Asia)
EASAEuropean Aviation Safety Agency (Europe)
EASREnterprise Air Surveillance Radar (USA)
EBRDEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Europe)
EBSExpeditionary Bomb Squadron (USA)
ECCEnforcement Co-ordination Cell (UN)
ECCMElectronic Counter Counter Measure (共通)
ECCTEnterprise Capability Collaboration Team (USA)
ECCUEUCOM Control Center-Ukraine (USA)
ECFEuropean Correcting Fuze (Europ)
ECMElectronic Counter Measure (共通)
ECMAEnterprise Cloud Management Agency (USA)
ECOWASEconomic Community of West African States (Africa)
ECPEngineering Change Proposal (USA)
ECRElectronic Combat Reconnaissance (共通)
ECRSEurofighter Typhoon European Common Radar System (Europe)
ECSEngagement Control Station (USA)
ECTAEconomic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (共通)
EDAEuropean Defence Agency (EU)
EDAExcess Defense Articles (USA)
EDCAEnhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (Philippine,USA)
EDFEuropean Defence Fund (EU)
EDIEuropean Deterrence Initiative (USA)
EDIDPEDI Development Programme (EU)
EDMEngineering Development Model (USA)
EEASEuropean External Action Service (EU)
EELVEvolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (USA)
EEPEngine Enhancement Package (韓国)
EEPExplosively Formed Projectile >(共通)
EEUEngineering Evaluation Unit (USA)
EEZExclusive Economic Zone (国際)
EFAExplosively Formed Axe (共通)
EFPExplosively Formed Penetrator (共通)
EFP or eFPEnhanced Foward Presence (NATO)
EFSSExpenitionary Fire Support System (USA)
EICEuropean Infrastrucure Consolidation (USA)
EIIEuropean Intervention Initiative (EU)
EIPEarly Intercept Phase (共通)
EISEnvironment Impact Statement (USA)
EISEnterprise Informarion Systems (USA)
EISSEnhanced Integrated Sensor (USA)
EJEscort Jammer (共通)
EJABElectnonic Jammer Against Bomb (Israel)
EKVExoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (USA)
ELESEnhanced Launcher Electronic Systems (USA)
E-LGTREnhanced-Laser-Guided Training Round (USA)
E-LIDSExpeditionary LIDS (USA)
ELINTElectronic Intelligence (共通)
ELRExtended Long-Range (Europ)
ELSAEuropean Long-Range Strike Approach (Europ)
EMAEmergency Management Agency (USA)
EMALSElectromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (USA)
EMAMExtended Mission Area Missile (USA)
EMARSEnhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance System (USA)
EMARSSEnhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (USA)
EMBMElectro-Magnetic Battle Management (USA)
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility (共通)
EMC2Enterprie Open System Architecture Mission Computer 2.0 (USA)
EMCATElectromagnetic Catapult (UK)
EMDEngineering and Manufacturing Development (USA)
EMDDEngineering and Manufacturing Design and Demonstration (USA)
EMIElectroMagnetic Interference (共通)
EMISATElectroMagnetic Intelligence Satellite (India)
EMGElectoMagnetic Gun (共通)
EMLElectoMagnetic Launch (共通)
EMLFElectroMagnetic Launch Facility (USA)
EMMEuropean Modular Missile (Europe)
EMPElectro-Magnetic Pulse (共通)
EMPAREuropean Multifunction Phased-Array Radar (Europ)
EMREuropean Mid-course Radar (USA)
eMRBMextended MRBM (USA)
EMGElectoMagnetic Rail Gun (共通)
EMRISElectronically-Scanned Multifunction Reconfigurable Integrated Sensor (USA)
EMRGElectoMagnetic Rail Gun (共通)
ENNPIAExchange of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information Agreement (AUKUS)
ENTAPSEngine Technologies for Aircraft Persistence and Survivability (UK)
EOElectro-Optical (共通)
EOCEarly Operational Capability (USA)
EO-DASEO Distributed Aperture System USA
EOPEnhanced Oppotunities Partner (NATO)
EOREngage On Remort (USA)
EOTSEO Targeting System (共通)
EPAEconomic Partnership Agreement (共通)
EPAAEuropean PAA (USA)
EPAWSSEagle Passive/Active Warning Surveivability System (USA)
EPCEuropean Political Community (Europe)
EPFEuropean Peace Facility (EU)
EPIAFSEnhanced Portable Inductive Artillery Fuse-Setter (USA)
EPSRCEngineering and Physical Science Research Council (UK)
EPUElectric Propulsion Unit (共通)
ERAExplosive Reactive Armour (共通)
ERAMExtended-Range Active Missile (USA)
ERAM2Extended-Range Attack Munition (USA)
ERAMSExtended Range Artillery Munitions Suite (USA)
ERCExtended Range Cannon (USA)
ERCExpendable RC (Europe)
ERCA Extended Range Cannon Artillery (USA)
ERFBExtended Range Full Bore (USA)
ERGMExtended Range Guided Munition (USA)
ERIEuropean Reassurance Initiative (USA)
ERIPEuropean Reassurance Initiative Program (USA)
ERMExtended-Range Munition (USA)
ER/MPExtended Range/Multi-Purpose (USA)
ERSEarly Releasse Submunitions (共通)
ERSExpeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron (USA)
ERWnExtended Range Weapon (USA)
ESAEuropean Space Agency (Europe)
ESBExpeditionary Sea Base (USA)
ESBExpeditionary Signal Battalion (USA)
ESB-EESB-Enhanced (USA)
ESDPEuropean Security and Defence Policy (Europe)
ES/ELINTElectronic Support/ELINT (Israel)
ESGExpeditionary Strike Group (USA)
ESISExpeditionary Ship Interdiction System (USA)
ESMElectronic(-warfare) Support Measure (共通)
ESPAEELV Secondary Payload Adapter (USA)
ESSIEuropean Sky Shield Initiative (Europe)
ESSMEvolved SeaSparrow Missile (USA)
ESSOREuropean Secure Software Defined Radio (Europe)
ESSSExternal Store Supoort System (USA)
ESTEastern Standard Time (USA)
ESTExcalibur Shaped Trajectory (USA)
ETHOSEnabling Technologies for High-Speed Operable Systems (USA)
ETIEmerging Technologies Institute (USA)
EUBGEuropean Union Battle Group (EU)
EUFOREuropean Union Force (EU)
EUCOMU.S. European Command (USA)
E-UGSExpendable-UGS (USA)
EU HYDEFEuropean Hypersonic Defence Interceptor (EU)
EUROGUARDEUROpean Goal based mUlti mission Autonomous naval Reference platform Development (EU)
eVTOLElectric VTOL (共通)
EWElectronic Warefare (共通)
EWEarly Warning (共通)
EWBMElectronic Warefare Battle Management (USA)
EWCEarly Warning Capability (蘭)
EWPMTElectronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (USA)
EWREarly Warning Radar (台湾)
EWSMSEarly-Warning and Space-Monitoring Systems (Russia)
EXACTOEXtreme ACcuracy Tasked Ordnance (USA)
ExLFExpedient Leader Follower (USA)
EXPERTExperimental Reentry Vehicle (Europ)
EXTRAEXTended RAnge (Israel)
F6Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionaed, Free-Flying Spacecraft united by Information eXchange (USA)
FAAFederal Aviation Administration (USA)
FAADForward Area Air Defense (USA)
FAATFirst Article Acceptance Testing (USA)
FAB-TFamily of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (USA)
FACFoward Air Controller (共通)
FACETFalcon Combined-Cycle Engine Technology (USA)
FACOFinal Assembly and Check Out (共通)
FAEFuel Air Explosive (共通)
FAICFast Attack Interdiction Craft (Philippine)
FALCONForce Application and Launch from CONUS (USA)
FARFalse Alarm Rate (共通)
FARA-CPFARA-Competitve Prototype (USA)
FASFederation of American Scientists (USA)
FASGWFuture Anti-Surface Guided Weapon (UK)
FBCB2Force 21 Battle Command Brigade and Below (USA)
FBCTFCS Brigade Combat Team (USA)
FBOFederal Business Opportunities (USA)
FBXRForward Based X-band Radar (USA)
FBXRForward Based X-band Radar-Transportable (USA)
FBX-TForward Based X-band-Transportable (USA)
FCFire Control (共通)
FCASFuture Combat Air System (Franco-German)
FCASWFuture Cruise Anti-Surface Weapon (UK, France)
FC/ASWFuture Cruise/Anti-Ship Weapon (UK, France)
FCCFire Control Center (共通)
FCCSFire Control and Communication Station (USA)
FCDAFire Control Dicision Aid (USA)
FCEFires Center of Excellence/font> (USA)
FCLPField Carrier Landing Practice (USA)
FCPFuture Capabilities Programme (UK)
FCRFire Control Radar (USA)
FCSFuture Combat System (USA)
FCSFire Control System (共通)
FCTForeign Comparative Testing (USA)
FCUFire Control Unit (共通)
FDCFire Distribution Centre (Norway,USA)
FDIForeign Direct Investment (共通)
FDRRFinal Design Readiness Review (USA)
FDT&EForce Development Test and Evaluation (USA)
FDUFire Direction Unit (共通)
FEANIXFuture Effector Adaptable、Networked、Intelligent、Xpendable (Europe)
FEFTAForeign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (日本)
FELFree Electron Laser (共通)
FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency (USA)
FEPFull Electric Propulsion (共通)
FFFire and Forget (共通)
FFDFull Fleet Deployment (USA)
FFFFähigkeitslücke und Funktionale Forderung (Germany)
FFIDFuture Force Integration Directorate (USA)
FGFAFifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (India)
FIACFast Inshore Attack Craft (共通)
FIAMDRFuture Integrated Air and Missile Defense Radar (USA)
FIDLFully Integrated Data Link (USA)
FIRFlight Information Region (国際)
FIRMSFire Information for Resource Management System (USA)
FLAFast Lightweight Autonomy (USA)
FLAADSFuture Local Anti-Air Defence System (Maritime) (UK)
FLADSFuture Local Anti-Air Defence System (UK)
FLAUSFamily of Low Altitude Unmanned Systems (USA)
FLAVIIRFlapless Air Vehicle Integrated Industry Research (UAV)
FLECFisheries Law Enforcement Command (中国)
FLEPFinal Lifetime Extension Programme (共通)
FLIRFoward Looking InfraRed (共通)
FLMFocuced Leathality Minition (FLM)
FLRAAFuture Long-Range Assault Aircraft (USA)
FLRDFCFuture Long Range deep Fires Capability (UK)
FLVFuture Vertical Lift (USA)
FMANFuture Missile AntiNavire (France)
FMCFuture Missile de Croisière (France)
FMCTFissile Material Cut-off Treaty (国際)
FMFForeign Military Finacing (USA)
FMFFleet Maritme Force (USA)
FMSForeign Military Sale (USA)
FMTVFamily of Medium Tactical Vehicle (USA)
FNCFuture Naval Capabilities (USA)
FOBSFractional Orbital Bombardment System (共通)
FOCFull Operational Capability (共通)
FOGFibre-Optic Gyro (共通)
FOIPFree and Open Indo-Pacific (国際)
FONOPFreedon-Of-Navigation Operation (USA)
FOPENFoliage Penetration (共通)
FORESTERFoliage-penetration, Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Tracking and Engagement Radar (USA)
FORGEFuture Operationally Resilient Ground Evolution (USA)
FOTAFibre-Optic Towed Array (Europe)
FOT&EFollow-On Operational Test and Evaluation (USA)
FOVField Of View (共通)
FPAFocal Plane Array (共通)
FPDAFive Powers Defence Arrangements (UK & Allied)
FP-HMDFlat-Panel HMD (日本)
FPVFirst Person View (共通)
FRAFiscal Responsibility Act (USA)
FRONTEXFrontieres exterieures (Europ)
FRPFull-Rate Production (USA)
FRVFlight Research Vehicle (USA)
FSAForce Structure Assessment (USA)
FSAFree Syrian Army (Syria)
FSAFFuture Surface-to-Air Family (Europ)
FSBFederal Security Service (Russia)
FSCFuture Surface Combatant (UK)
FSUfrigate systems Upgrade (NZ)
FS-LIDSFixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (USA)
FTAFree Trade Agreement (共通)
FTCForce Troops Command (UK)
FTFFlexible Target Family (USA)
FTSForce Tracking System (国際)
FTSFlight Termination System (USA)
FTUASFuture Tactical UAS (USA)
FUFire Unit (共通)
FVLFuture Vertical Lift (USA)
FWFixed Wing (共通)
FYDPFuture Year Defence Program (USA)
G2MGPS-Guided Munition (USA)
GA-ASIGeneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (USA)
GA-EMSGeneral Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (USA)
GaganGPS-Aided Geo-Augmented Navigation (India)
GAMBGiraffe Agile Multi-Beam (Sweeden)
GAMMGround Attack Micromissile (UK)
GAOGovernment Accountability Office (USA)
GATMGlobal Air Trafic Management (国際)
GATORGround Air Task Oriented Radar (USA)
G/ATORGround/Air Task Oriented Radar (USA)
GATRGuided Advanced Tactical Rocket (Israel,USA)
GATR-LGATR-Laser (Israel,USA)
GAVGuizhou Aviation Group(中国)
GAVGremlin Air Vehicle (USA)
GBGuided Bomb (共通)
GBADGround-Based Air Defence (UK, 共通)
GBADSGround-Based Air Defence System (南ア)
GBASMGround-Based Anti-Ship Missile (USA)
GBIGround-Based Interceptor (USA)
GBLGround Based Launcher (南ア)
GBR-PGround-Based Radar Prototype (USA)
GBSAAGround-Based SAA (USA)
GBSDGround Based Strategic Deterrent (USA)
GBASMGround-Based Anti-Ship Missile (USA)
GBMRADGround-Based, Medium-Range, Air Defence (Australia)
GBWDSGround Based Weapons Delivery System (USA)
GCASGround Collision Avoidance System (共通)
GCAPGlobal Combat Air Programme (日、英、伊)
GCCGulf Cooperation Council (国際)
GCCGround Control Station (共通)
GCGMGuided Carl-Gustaf Munition (USA,Sweedwn)
GCSGlobal Combat Ship (UK)
GCVGround Combat Vehicle (GCV)
GDDGuam Defense Development (USA)
GDEBGeneral Dynamics Electric Boat (USA)
GDELSGeneral Dynamics European Land Systems (Europe, USA)
GDLGas Dynamic Laser (共通)
GDLSGeneral Dynamics Land Systems (USA)
GDMSGeneral Dynamics Mission Systems (USA)
GDPGross Domestic Product (共通)
GDSGuam Defense System (USA)
GEMGuidance Enhancement Missile (USA)
GEM-TGEM-Tactical (USA)
GEOGeosynchronous Orbit (共通)
GEOINTGeospatial Intelligence (共通)
GEOT-EGEO Early On-Orbit Test (USA)
GEVGround-Effect Vehicle (共通)
GGNMGliding Guided Naval Munition (韓国)
GIDEGlobal Information Dominance Experiments (USA)
GIGOGCAP International Government Organisation (日、英、伊)
GISISGlobal Integrated Shipping Information System (国際)
GLCMGround Launched CM (共通)
GLEFGreen Laser Escalation of Force (USA)
GLOCGround Lines Of Communication (共通)
GLONASSGlobal Navigation Satellite System (Russia)
GLSDBGround Launched SDB (共通)
GLUASGrenade Launched Unmanned Aerial System (USA)
GMGuided Missile (共通)
GMAGeneric Missile Architecture (Europ)
GMBGuided Mortar Bomb (Israel)
GMDGround-based Missile Defense (USA)
GMMGuided Mortar Munition (Israel)
GMRGround Mobile Radio (USA)
GMSGriffin Missile System (USA)
GMS2Gunship Multispectral Sensor Systems (USA)
GMTIGround Moving Target Indicator (共通)
GNAGovernment of National Accord (Libya)
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System (共通)
GNUGuidance and Navigation Unit (共通)
GOGrowth Option (USA)
GOCGround Operation Command (韓国)
GOPGrand Old Party (USA)
GOSSRAGeneric Open Soldier Systems Reference Architecture  (EU)
GPGuard Post (韓国)
GPALSGlobal Protection Against Limited Strikes (USA)
GPAWGlobal Precision Attack Weapon (USA)
GPFFGeneral Purpose Frigate (UK)
GPIGlide Phase Interceptor (USA)
GPRGround Penetrating Radar (共通)
GPRGlobal Posture Review (USA)
GPSGlobal Positioning System (共通)
GrATSBround Asset Tracking System (USA,UK)
GRFGlobal Response Force (UK)
GRWSGuided Rocket Weapo System (中国)
GSGlobal Strike (USA)
GSEGround Soldier Ensemble (USA)
GSOMIAGenerel Security of Military Information Agreement (共通)
GSSGround Soldier System (USA)
GSSAPGeosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program  (USA)
GTVGuided Test Vehicle (USA)
GUGIGlavnoye Upravlenie Glubokovodnikh Issledovanii (RU\ussia)
GUSSGround Unmanned Support Surrogate (USA)
GVSCGround Vehicle Systems Center  (USA)
GXV-TGround X-Vehicle Technology (USA)
HAAHigh Altitude Anti-Ship (USA)
HAAHigh Altitude Air-Ship (USA)
HAASHigh Availability Aerostat System (Israel, USA)
HAAWCHigh Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Concept (USA)
HABHigh-Altitude Balloon (USA)
HACMHypersonic Attack Cruise Missile (USA)
HADESHigh Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (USA)
HADRHumanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (共通)
HAICHougdu(鴻都)Aviation Industry Group (中国)
HAIGHougdu(鴻都)Aviation Industry Group (中国)
HAIGHarbin Aircraft Industry Group (中国)
HALHindustan Aeronautics Ltd (India)
HALEHigh-Altitude Long Endurance(共通)
HALE-DHigh-Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator(USA)
HALEUHigh-Assay Low Enriched Uranium (USA)
HALLHigh-Altitude Long Loiter(共通)
HALOHYpersonoc Air-Launch OASuW(USA)
HAMEHigh-Altitude Medium Endurance(共通)
HAMMERHighly Adaptable Multi-Mission Radar (USA)
HammerHighly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range (France)
HANHydroxylammonium nitrate (共通)
HAPSHigh Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (UK)
HAPSHigh Altitude Platform System (UK)
HardbutHard and Deeply Buried Target (UK, France)
HARMHigh-sdeeed ARM (USA)
HARMSPROHARbor and Maritime Surveillance and PROtection (EU)
HARTHeterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance Team (USA)
HASCHouse Armed Service Committee (USA)
HASTEHypersonic Accelerator Suborbital Test Electron (USA)
HAVHybrid Air Vehicle (共通)
HAWCHypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (USA)
HAWLHovering Aerial Weapons-delivery Kit (Philippine)
HBHigh Band (共通)
HBGVHypersonic Boost-Glide Vehicle (共通)
HBGWHypersonic Boost-Glide Weapon (共通)
HBTSSHypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (USA)
HCMHypersonic CM (共通)
HCSCHypersonic Conventional Strike Capability (USA)
HCSMHARM Control Section Modification (USA)
HCSWHypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (USA)
HCVHypersonic Cruise Vehicle (USA)
HDHigh Diver (USA)
HDAHanwha Defense Australia (韓、豪)
HDAMHARM Destruction of enemy air defences Attack Module (USA)
HDBTHard and Deeply Buried Target (共通)
HDOTH-RHomeland Defense OTH-R (USA)
HDPWHard Target Penetrator Warhead (USA)
HDRHomeland Defense Radar (USA)
HDRGPWSHypersonic Defense RGPWS (USA)
HDR-PHDR-Pacific (USA)
HDSHomeland Defense System (USA)
HDWSHypersonic Defense Weapon System (USA)
HDWSHypersonic Defense Weapon System (USA)
HDWSCHypersonic Defense Weapon System Concept (USA)
HEHigh Explosive (共通)
HeATSHelicopter-mounted Asset Tracking System (USA,UK)
HEHigh Explosive (共通)
HEATHE Anti-Tank (共通)
HEAB-THigh Explosive Airburst with Trace (USA)
HEDHybrid Electric Drive (USA)
HEDPHE Dual Purpose (USA)
HE-ERHE-Exended Range (Norway)
HE-ExRHE-Exended Range (Norway)
HEGMHigh Explosive Guided Mortar (USA)
HEIHigh Explosive Incendiary (共通)
HE-IMPHE-Impact (France)
HELHigh Energy Laser (共通)
HELIOSHEL Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance (USA)
HELLADSHEL Liquid Area Defense System  (USA)
HELMA-PHEL for Multiple Application–Power  (France)
HELMDHEL Mobile Demonstrator (USA)
HELMTTHEL Mobile Test Truck (USA)
HELSHEL System (Germany)
HELSIHEL Scaling Initiative (USA)
HELSTFHEL Test Facility (USA)
HELTDHEL Technology Demonstrator (USA)
HELTFHEL System Test Facility (USA)
HELTVDHEL Tactical Vehicle Demonstration (USA)
HELWSHEL Weapon System (Germany, USA)
HEMTTHigh Expanded Movility Tactical Truck (USA)
HELMTTHigh Energy Laser Mobile Test Truck (USA)
HEOHigh Elliptical Orbit (共通)
HEPHarpoon Enhancement Programme (Israel)
HEPHE Proximiry (USA)
HERTIHigh Endurance Rapid Technology Insertion (UK)
HETHeavy Equipment Transporter (USA)
HELTVDHEL Tactical Vehicle Demonstration (USA)
HEUHighly Enriched Uranium (共通)
HFHsiung Feng (台湾)
HFEHeavy Fuel Engine (共通)
HFTEHigh-Frequency Test-Bed (USA)
HGBHypersoniuc Glide Body (USA)
HGDHypersoniuc Glide Defense (USA)
HGTCHypersonic Ground Test Center (USA)
HGVHypersoniuc Glide Vehicle (共通)
HGWHypersoniuc Glide Weapon (共通)
HGWSHypervelocity Gun Weapon System (USA)
HHIHyundai Heavy Industries (韓国)
HHICHyundai Heavy Industries and Construction (韓国)
HyCATHigh-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities (USA)
HIFIREHypersonic International Flight Research Experimentation (USA,Australia)
HIIHuntington Ingalls Industries (USA)
HiJENKSHigh-Powered Joint Electromagnetic Non-Kinetic Strike Weapon (USA)
HIMARSHigh Mobility Artillery Rocket System (USA)
HISTEDHigh-Speed Turbojet Engine Development (USA)
HITHypersonics Industry Team (USA)
HITLHardware In-The-Loop (共通)
HK-DASHard-Kill Defensive Aid System (UK)
HLCHeavy Lift Challene (UK)
HLDFHigh-Level Data Fusion (USA)
HMHypersonic Missile (共通)
HMDHelmet-Mounted Display (共通)
HMDSHelmet-Mounted Display System (USA)
HMLHigh-Mobility Launcher (国際)
HMMWVHigh-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (USA)
HMSHandheld, Manpack, Small Form Fit (USA)
HNSHost Nation Support (共通)
HOBHeight-Of-Burst (共通)
HOGEHover Out of Ground Effect (共通)
HOJHome On Jam (共通)
HOTSHigh Operational Temperature Sensors (USA)
HPAFHypwesonic Production Accelerator Facility (USA)
HPLWHigh Power Laser Weapon (Gernany)
HPMHigh-Power Microwave (共通)
HPMSHigh-Power Microwave System (共通)
HPMTTHPM Technology Testbed (USA)
HPRFHigh-Power RF (共通)
HRRHigh Range Resolution (USA)
HRVHTV Return Vehicle (日本)
HRWHuman Rights Watch (国際)
HSADHigh Speed Antiradiation Demonstration (USA)
HSLHindustan Shipyard Limited (India)
HSRFRVHigh-Speed Reusable Flight Reserch Vehicle (USA)
HSSWHigh-Speed Strike Weapon (USA)
HSTDVHighpersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (India)
HSVHigh Speed Vessele (USA)
HTBHypersonic Test Bed (USA)
HTBGWHypersonic TBGW (USA)
HTCDFHypersonic Technologies and Capability Development Framework (UK)
HTKHit-To-Kill (共通)
HTMHard Target Munition (USA)
HTSHay'at Tahrir al-Sham (Syria)
HTSFHard Target Smart Fuze (USA)
HTVHypersonic Test-Vehicle (USA)
HTVHypersonic Technology Vehicle (USA)
HTVSFHard Target Void-Sensing Fuze (USA)
HTXHeat Exchanger (共通)
HUDHead Up Display (共通)
HULCHuman Universal Load Carrier (USA)
HURUkraine’s Defense Intelligence Directorate (Ukraine)
HMMWVHigh Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (USA)
HVGPHyper Velocity Gliding Projrectile (日本)
HVMHyper-Velocity Missile (共通)
HVPHyper-Velocity Projectile (共通)
HVXHypersonic Air Vehicle Experomental (UK)
HWBHybrid Wing/Body (共通)
HWGBHypersonic Weapon Glide Body (共通)
HWILHardWare In-the-Loop (共通)
Hybrid CoEEuropean Center od Excellence for Counter Hybrid Threats (Finland)
HyCATHypersonic and High-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities (USA)
HYVINTHypervelocity Interceptor (USA)
HYDIS²HYpersonic Defence Interceptor Study (Europe)
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency (国際)
IAFTXIndia-Africa Field Training Exercise (India, Africa)
IAIIsrael Aerospace Industries (Israel)
IAMDIntegerated Air and Missile Defense (USA)
IAMDBCS<#IADM>IAMD Battle Command System (USA)
IAMDWSIntegerated Air Defense Weapon System (USA)
IARPAIntelligence Advanced Research Project Activity (USA)
IBCSIntegrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (USA)
IBCTInfantry Brigade Combat Team (USA)
IBMSIntgrated Battle Management Software (Europe)
IBSIntegrated Broadcast Service (共通)
ICADIllegal、Coercive、Aggressive、Deceptive (共通)
ICAMIdentity, Credential, and Access Managemen (共通)
ICAPImproved Capability (USA)
ICBMInterContinental Ballistic Missile (共通)
ICCInternational Criminal Court (国際)
ICCInformation Command Center (USA)
I2CEWSInformation, Intelligence, Cyber, Electronic Warfare and Space (USA)
ICAMIdentity, Credential and Access Management (共通)
ICJInternational Court of Justice (国際)
ICPIndustrial Cooperation Programme (台湾)
ICSInterim Capability Step (NATO)
ICVInfantry Combat Vehicle (共通)
ICVIntelligence and Command Vehicle (中国)
IDIntegrated Demonstration (USA)
I&DIntegration and Demonstration (USA)
IDASInteractive Defence and Attack System for Submarines (Germany)
IDCCInternational Donor Coordination Centre (Europe)
IDDS-AIron Dome Defense System - Army (USA)
IDECMIntegrated Defensive ECM (USA)
IDEXInternational Defense Exhibition & Conferance (UAE)
IDFIndigenous Defensive Fighter (台湾)
ID/IQIndefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (USA)
IDRInitial Design Review (USA)
IDSIndigenous Defensive Submarine (台湾)
IdZInfanterist der Zukunft (Germany)
IEDImprovised Explosive Device (共通)
IEPSIntegrated Electric Propulsion (or Power) System (共通)
IEWSIntegrated Electronic Warfare System (共通)
IFCInformation Fusion Center (Singapore)
IFCIntegrated Functional Capability (USA)
IFCNIntegrated Fire Control Network (USA)
IFCSImproved Fire Control System (USA)
IFCSIntegrated Fire Control Station (USA)
IFDLIntra-Flight Data Link (USA)
IFFIdentification Friend or Foe (共通)
IF-LCIron First Light Configuration (Israel)
IF-LDIron First Light Decoupled (Israel)
IFLKIron First Light Kinetic (Israel)
iFOGInterferometric Fiber-Optic Gyro (共通)
IFPCIndirect Fire Protection Capability (USA)
IFPCInc2IFPC Increment-2 (USA)
IFPCInc2-IIFPC Increment-2 Intercept (USA)
IFUInternational Fund for Ukraine (国際)
IFVInfantry Fighting Vehicle (共通)
IGCCInstitute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (USA)
IGDIndividual Gunshot Detection (USA)
IGEImproved Gray Eagle (USA)
IGSOInclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (共通)
IHIntegrated Hypersonics (USA)
IIFInstitute of International Finance (国際)
IIFPIntegral Information Floating Platform (中国)
IIRImaging IR (共通)
IISSInternational Institute for Strategic Studies (UK)
IMInsensitive Munition (USA)
IMCInitial Manoeuvre Capability (UK)
IMCOMInstallation Management Command (USA)
IMDIntegrated Missile Defence (USA)
IMDOIsrael Missile Defence Organization (Israel)
IMETInternational Military Education and Training (USA)
IMIIsrael Military Industried (Israel)
IMINTImage Intelligence (共通)
IMOInternational Maritime Organization (国際)
I-MPUGVIntelligent MPUGV (韓国)
IMSIntelligence Mission System (Europe)
IM-SHORADInterim Maneuver SHORAD (USA)
IM-SHORADInitial Maneuver SHORAD (USA)
I-MSTIntegrated Mast (共通)
IMUInertial Measurement Unit (共通)
INDSRInstitute for National Defense and Security Research (Taiwan)
INEInertial Navigation Element (共通)
INFIntermediate-range Nuclear Forces (国際)
INFSAIntegrated Naval Force Structure Assessment (USA)
INKSNAIran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act (USA)
INSInertial Navigation System (共通)
INSAnti-Navire Leger (France)
InSbIndium Antimonide (共通)
InTopIntegrated Topside (USA)
INVENTIntegrated Vehicle Energy Technology (USA)
IOCInitial Operational Capability (USA)
IOTInitial Operational Test (USA)
IoTInternet-of-Things (共通)
IOT&EIOT and Evaluation (USA)
IPInternet Protocol (共通)
IPAInfrastructure and Procuments Authority (UK)
IPACInter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (国際)
IPCPIndividual Partnership and Cooperation Programme (NATO)
IPDIndo-Pacific Deployment (日本)
IPEFIndo-Pacific Economic Framework (国際)
IPMDAIndo-Pacific MDA (USA)
IPDIIndo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative (USA)
IPOInitial Public Offering (共通)
IPODSIntegrated Precision Ordnance Delivery System (USA)
IPSCInternational Peace Keeping and Security Center (Ukraine)
IQPCInternational Quality and Productivity Center (国際)
IRInfraRed (共通)
IRAPInvisible Reactive Armour Protection (Israel)
IRBMIntermediate Range Ballistic Missile (共通)
IRCMIR CounterMeasure (共通)
IRCPSIntermediate-Range CPS (USA)
IR&DIndependent Research and Development (共通)
IRFImmediate Response Force (USA)
IRGCIsramic Revolution Guard Corps (Iran)
IRIGC-MTCIndia-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Co-operation (India, Russia)
IRIS-TIR Imaging System-Tail (Germany)
IRIS-T SLSIRIS-T Surface Launched Short Range (Germany)
IRIS-T SLMIRIS-T Surface Launched Medium Range (Germany)
IRSTIR Search and Tracking (共通)
ISIslamic State (Iraq)
ISAFInternational Security Assistance Force (国際)
IsankeIntegrated Sensing and Non-Kinetic Effest system (UK)
ISARInverse SAR (共通)
ISDIn-Service Date (UK)
ISILIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Iraq)
ISISIntegrated Sensor Is Structure (USA)
ISISIntegrated SIGINT System (Germany)
ISISInstitute for Science and International Security (USA)
ISISIslamic State of Iraq and Syria (共通)
ISMIntegrated Sensor Manager (USA)
ISMIndustry Science and Medical (共通)
ISMIntegrated Sensor Mast (共通)
ISPSpecific Impulse (共通)
ISRIntelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (共通)
ISROIndian Space Reserch Organisation (India)
ISSInternational Space Station (国際)
ISTARIntelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (共通)
ISVInfantry Squad Vehicle (USA)
ISWInstitute for the Study of War (USA)
ITALDImproved TALD (Israel)
ITARInternational Trade in Arms Regulation (USA)
ITBIntegrated Test Bed (NATO)
ITEPImproved Turbin Engine Program (USA)
ITNIntegrated Tactical Network 
ITPInnovation and Technology Partnership (Europ)
ITPPIndividually Tailored Partnership Program (日本, NATO)
ITRInitial Technical Review (USA)
ITTInvitation To Tender (UK)
ITVInstrumented Test Vehicle (USA)
ITWAAIntegrated Tactical Warning Attack Assessment (USA)
IUSAIndian Unmanned Strike Aircraft (India)
IVASIntegrated Visual Augmentation System (USA)
IWSIntegrated Weapon System (USA)
JABMMJoint Air-Breathing Multi-Role Missile (USA)
JABMSJoint Air Battle Management System (Australia)
JADCJapan Aircraft Development Corp. (日本)
JADC2Joint All-Domain Command and Control (USA)
JADOJoint All-Domain Operation (USA)
JAGMJoint Air-to-Ground Missile (USA)
JALNJoint Aerial Layer Network (USA)
JAM-GCJoint Concept for Access and Maneuver in the Global Common (USA)
JAMMSJoint Airborne Multisensor Multimission System (Italy)
JASSMJoint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile (USA)
JASSM-ERJASSM-Extended Range (USA)
JASTJoint Advanced Strike Technology (USA)
JATASJoint Allied Threat Awareness System (USA)
JATMJoint Advanced Tactical Missile (USA)
JAXAJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency (日本)
JCAJoint Combat Aircraft (UK)
JCMJoint Comman Missile (USA)
JCOJoint C-sUAS Office (USA)
JCPOAJoint Comprehensive Plan of Action (国際)
JCTDJoint Concept Technology Demonstration (USA)
JDAMJoint Direct Attack Munition (USA)
JDIJoint Declaration of Intent (共通)
JDRADMJoint Dual-Role Air Dominance Missile (USA)
JDWJane's Defence Weekly (UK)
JEDIJoint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (USA)
JEFJoint Expeditionary Force (欧州)
JEONJoint Engagement Operational Needy (USA)
JETJoint Estimating Team (USA)
JETJSF Enterprise Terminal (USA)
JEWCSJoint Electronic Warfare Core Staff (NATO)
JFCC IMDJoint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (USA)
JFHQ-DoDINJoint Force Headquarters-DoDIN (USA)
JFCJoint Force Command (NATO)
JFTLJoint Future Theater Lift (USA)
JFTMJapan Flight Test Mission (日本)
JHL-40Jess Heavy Lift-40 (USA,Canada)
JHMCSJoint Helmet-Mount Cueing System (USA)
JHPSSLJoint High-Powered SSL (USA)
JIAMDOJoint IAMD Organization (USA)
JIDAJoint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency (USA)
JIEDDOJoint IED Defeat Organisation (USA)
JIMJoint Investigative Mechanism (UN)
JIMEXJapan-India Marimite Exercise (日本、インド)
JLENSJoint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (USA)
JLOTSJoint Logistics Over-the-Shore System (USA)
JLTVJoint Light Tactical Vehicle (USA)
JMEWSJoint Multiple-Effect Warhead System (USA)
JMMCJoint Mission Management Center (USA)
JMRJoint Multi-Role (USA)
JMUJapan Marine United (日本)
JNN-NJoint Network Node-Network (USA)
JOEJoint Operating Environment (USA)
JORNJindalee Operational Radar Network (Australia)
JPADSJoint Precision Airdrop System (USA)
JPALSJoint Precision Approach and Landing System (USA)
JPIDDJapan Pacific Islands Defense Dialogue (日本, Pacific)
JPOJoint Program Office (USA)
JPMRCJoint Pacific Multinational Readiness Training Center (USA)
JREAPJoint Range Extension Application Protocol (USA, NATO)
JROCJoint Requirements Oversight Council (USA)
JRTCJoint Readiness Training Center (USA)
JSFJoint Strike Fighter (国際)
JSIJapanese Super Interceptor (日本)
JSLCADJoint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (USA)
JSMJoint Strike Missile (Norway)
JSOC Joint Special Operations Command (USA)
JSOTFJoint Special Operations Task Force (USA)
JSOTF-PJSOTF-Philippines (USA)
JSOWJoint Stand-Off Weapon (USA)
JSPEARJoint Strike Planning and Excution Auto Router (USA)
JSTARSJoint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (USA)
JTAJoint Test Assembly (USA)
JTACJoint Terminal Controller (USA)
JTACJoint Terminal Attack Controller (USA)
JTAGSJoint Tactical Ground System (USA)
JTAMJoint Advanced Tactical Missile (USA)
JTARVJoint Tactical Aerial Resupply Vehicle (USA)
JTIDSJoint Tactical Information Distribution System (USA)
JTMCJoint Track Management Capabilities (USA)
JTRSJoint Tactical Radio System (USA)
J-UCASJoint Unmanned Combat Air System (USA)
JUWLJoint Universal Weapon Link (USA)
JWCJoint Warfare Centre (NATO)
JWCCJoint Warfighting Cloud Capability (USA)
KAAKorean Air Aerospace (韓国)
KAHKorean Attack Helicopter (韓国)
KAIKorea Aerospace Industries (韓国)
KAL-ASDKorean Air Line Aerospace Division (韓国)
KAMCOKorea Asset Management Corporation (韓国)
KAMDKorea Air and Missile Defense (韓国)
KARIKorean Aerospace Research Institute (韓国)
KCNAKorean Central News Agency (北朝鮮)
KDBKorea Development Bank (韓国)
KEETKinetic Energy Electronically Timed (USA)
KEIKinetic Energy Interceptor (USA)
KFORKosovo Force (NATO, EU)
KFXKorean Fighter X (韓国)
KGGBKorean GPS-Guided Bomb (韓国)
KIDAKorea Institute of Defense Analyses (韓国)
KIMSTKorea Institute of Maritime Science and Technology Promotion (韓国)
KMPRKorea Massive Punishment & Retaliation (韓国)
KMEPKorean Marine Exchange Program (韓国、米国)
KMSAMKorea Medium Range SAM (韓国)
KnAAPOKomsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (Russia)
KNDSKMW+Nexter Defense Systems (Germany, France)
KoFCKorea Finance Corporation (韓国)
KRFSKu-band Radio Frequency System (USA)
KRGKurdistan Regional Government (Iraq)
KRITKorea Research Institude for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement (韓国)
K-SAAMKrea-Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile (韓国)
KSFKosovo Security Force (Kosovo)
KSOEKorea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering (韓国)
KTRVTactical Missile Corporation (Russia)
KTSSMKorean Tactical Surface to Surface Missile  (韓国)
KuRFSKu-band Radio Frequency System (USA)
KUHKorean Utility Helicopter (韓国)
KUS-VHKorean Air Unmanned System-Vertical Helicopter (韓国)
KVKill Vehicle (共通)
LAADBLow Altitude Air Defense Battalion (USA)
LAARLight Attack/Armed Reconaissance (USA)
LACLine of Actual Control (共通)
LACMLand Attack Cruise Missile (共通)
LACOSTELarge-Area Coverage Optical Search-while-Track and Engage (UK)
LADARLaser Detection And Ranging (共通)
LADSLaser Area Defense System (USA)
LaGSLaser Guided Sidewinder (Germany)
LAHLight Attack Helicopter (共通)
LAHATLAser Homing AtTack (Israel)
LAIRCMLarge Aircraft IR CounterMeasure (USA)
LALADMISLow-Altitude Air Defence Missile System (Turky)
LAMLoiter Attack Missile (USA)
LAMDLow-Altitude Missile Defense System (韓国)
LAMDLIG Artillery Missile Defense (韓国)
LAMVLight Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle (共通)
LANCALightweight Affordable Novel Combat Air (UK)
LANPACLand Force Pacific Symposium and Exposition (USA)
LASLight Air Support (USA)
LASSOLow Altitude Stalking and Strike Ordnance (USA)
LAVLight Armored Vehicle (共通)
LAWLight Amphibious Warship (USA)
LAWLight Anti-Armor Weapon (共通)
LaWSLaser Weapon System (USA)
LAWSLethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (共通)
LBLow Band (共通)
LBASMLand-Based Anti-Ship Missile (USA)
LBSLoad-Bearing System (Singapore)
LCALight Combat Aircraft (India)
LCAAPSLow-Cost Attritable Aircraft Platform Sharing (USA)
LCAATLow-Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology (USA)
LCACLanding Craft Air Cushioned (共通)
LCASLow-Cost Attritable Strike (USA)
LCASLow-Cost Active Seeker (USA)
LCASDLow-Cost Attritable UAS Demonstration (USA)
LCASDLow-Cost Attritable Strike Demonstration (USA)
L-CATLanding Catamaran (USA, France)
LCCLife-Cycle Cost (共通)
LCHLight Civil Helicopter (韓国)
LCILow Cost Interceptor (USA)
LCMLanding Craft Mechanized (USA)
LCMCMLow-Cost Miniature Cruise Missile (USA)
LCMRLightweight Counter Motar Radar (USA)
LCSLittoral Combat Ship (USA)
LCSSLow Cost SAL Seeker (USA)
LCULanding Craft Utility (USA)
LDLaser Disignator (共通)
L/DLength-to-Diameter (共通)
LDEW CDLDEW Capability Demonstrator (UK)
LDPELong Duration Propulsive ESPA (USA)
LDSLaser Dazzle Sight (UK)
LDUUVLargest Developmental UUV (USA)
LEAPLong Endurance AOEW Platform (USA)
LEAPPLand Environment Air Picture Provision (UK)
LEDLight-Emitting Diode (共通)
LEEDLong Endurance Electronic Decoy (USA)
LEMOALogistics Exchange Momorandum of Agreement (共通)
LEMVLong Endurance Multi-Payload Vehicle (USA)
LEOLow-Earth Orbit (共通)
LEOLethality Enhanced Ordenance (共通)
LEPLife Extension Programme (USA)
LEPLaser Eye Protection (USA)
LGBLaser-Guided Bomb (共通)
LGPLaser-Guided Projectilet (共通)
LGRLaser-Guided Rocket (USA, UAE)
LHDLanding Helicopter Dock (共通)
LIDARLaser Imaging Detection and Ranging (共通)
LIDSLow, Slow, Small UAS Integrated Defeat System (USA)
LIMALight Mobility Aircraft (USA)
LIMAWS(R)Lightweight Mobile Artillrry Weapons System (Rocket) (UK)
LINUSSLockheed Martin In-space Upgrade Satellite System (USA)
LISSLong Range Intelligence and Security System (UK)
LJFLand Joint Fires (UK)
LLAMALegged Locomotion and Movement Adaptation (USA)
LLDLayered Laser Demonstrator (USA)
LLVLight Launch Vehicle (USA)
LMLoetering Munition (共通)
LMADISLight Marine Air Defense Integrated System (USA)
LMAMSLethal Miniature Munition System (USA)
LMFSLightweight multirole Frontal Aircraft (Russia)
LMMLightweight Multirole Missile (UK)
LMSLittoral Mission Ship (Malaysia)
LMSSRLockheed Martin SSR (USA)
LMVLittoral Mission Vessel (Singapole)
LNALow Noise Amplifier (共通)
LNALibyan National Army (Libya)
LOLow-Observability (共通)
LOALetter of Acceptance (共通)
LoACLine of Actual Control (共通)
LOALLock-On-After-Launch (共通)
LOBLLock-On-Before-Launch (共通)
LoCLine of Control (共通)
LOCUSTLow-Cost UAV Swarming Technology (USA)
LOECLuoyang(洛陽)Optoelectronic Tevhnology Development Corporation (中国)
LOECLuoyang(洛陽)Optoelectronic Tevhnology Development Center (中国)
LOGIRLOw-cost Guided Imaging Rocket ( USA、韓国)
LoILetters of Intent (共通)
Lo/LoLift on / Lift off (共通)
LORLetter Of Request (USA)
LoRLaunch On Remote (USA)
LORALong-Range Artillery weapon system (Israel)
LORAMIDSLong-Range Air and Missile Defence Systems (Turky)
LOSLine Of Sight (共通)
LOSVLarge Optionally Crewed Surface Vessel (Australia)
LOUTLow-Observable UAV Testbed (Germany)
LPDLanding Platform Dock (共通)
LPILow Probability of Intercept (共通)
LPLLow Power Laser (共通)
LPLDLPL Demonstrator (USA)
LPSLand Precision Strike (UK)
LPWSLand-based Phalanx Weapon System (USA)
LRALTLong Range Air-Launched Target (USA)
LRAS3Long Range Advanced Scouy Surveillance System (USA)
LRASMLong Range Anti Ship Missile (USA)
LRRMLong Range Ballistic Missile (India)
LRCLong Range CM (India)
LRCMLong Range Cannon (USA)
LRDRLong Range Discriminating Radar (USA)
LREWLong Range Engagement Weapon (USA)
LRHWLong-Range Hypersonic Weapon (USA)
LRIPLow-Rate Initial Production (USA)
LRLAPLong-Range Land Attack Projectile (USA)
LRMFLong-Range Maneuverable Fires (USA)
LRPBLong Range Penetrating Bomber (USA)
LRPFLong Range Precision Fires (USA)
LRPGKLong Range Precision Guidance Kit (USA)
LR-PGKLong Range Precision Guidance Kit (USA)
LRPMLong Range Precision Munition (USA)
LRMPLong Range Maneuvering Projectile (USA)
LRPSLong-Range Persistent Surveillance (USA)
LRRLong Range Radar (UK)
LRSLong-Range Strike (USA)
LRSAMLong Range SAM (Israel/India)
LRSBLong-Range Strike-Bomber (USA)
LRS-BLong-Range Strike-Bomber (USA)
LRSOLong Range Stand Off (USA)
LRSOWLong Range Stand Off Weapon (USA)
LRSSLong-Range Surveillance Sensor (Germany)
LRSPLong-Range Strike Platform (USA)
LRSWLong Range Strike Weapon (USA)
LRUSV>Long Range USV (USA)
LS3 (LSSS)Legged Squad Support System (USA)
LSALight Sport Aircraft (共通)
LSCLarge-Surface Combatant (USA)
LSEGLondon Stock Exchange Group (UK)
LSRSLittoral Surveillance Radar System (USA)
LSSS (LS3)Legged Squad Support System (USA)
LSVLogistics Support Vessel (USA)
LTALighter Than Air (共通)
LTALight Tactical Aircraft (共通)
LTALaunch Tube Assembly (USA)
LTAMDLower-Tier AMD (共通)
LTDLaser Target Designator (共通)
LTFILower Tier Future Interceptor (USA)
LTHLight Tactical Helicopter (USA)
LTTELiberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sri Lanka)
LUALoitering Unmmand Aircraft (台湾)
LUHLight Utility Helico (USA)
LunA-1010-Year Lunar Architecture (USA)
LUSTERLaser UV Sources for Tactical Efficien Raman (USA)
LUTLimited User Testing (USA)
luWESLuftgestützte Wirkung im Elektromagnetischen Spekturm (Germany)
LV-2Launch Vehicle-2 (USA)
LVSSLight-weight Vehicle Surveillance System (USA)
LVTLow Volume Terminal (USA)
LW30PROXLight Weight 30 mm Proximity Sensing Ammunition (USA)
LWSLaser Weapon System (共通)
LWSDLaser Weapon System Demonstrator (USA)
M3Maximum Mobility and Manipulation (USA)
M3RMobile Multi-function Modular Radar (France)
M&AMergers and Acquisitions (共通)
MACMetal-Augumented Charge (共通)
MACMultidomain Artillery Cannon (USA)
M-ACEMobile Acquisition ans Cueing Effector (USA)
MACHMaterials, Architecutures, and Characterizztiob for Hypersonics (USA)
MACH-TBMulti-Service Advanced Capability Hypersonic Test Bed (USA)
MACSModular Artillery Charge System (USA)
MADMagnetic Anomaly Detector (共通)
MADCAPMajor Caliber Anti-Drone Air Program (USA)
MAD-FIRESMultiAzimuth Defense Fact Intercept Round Engagement Sysstem (USA)
MADISMarine Air Defense Integrated System (USA)
MADLMultifunction Advanced Data Link (USA)
MADRMobile Air-Defence Radar (Israel)
MAGICMedium-Altitude Global Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and Communicatuions relay (USA)
MAGRMiniatureised Airborne GPS Receiver (USA)
MAGTFMarine Air-Ground Task Force (USA)
MAHMarine Attack Helicopter (韓国)
MAINGATEMobile Ad-Hoc Interoperable Network GATEway (USA)
MAJESModelling and simulation as a service application for Air anf Joint Exercises & Simulation (EU)
MALADMISMidium-Altitude Air Defence Missile System (Turky)
MALDMiniature Air-Launched Decoy (USA)
MALEMedium-Altitude Long Endurance(共通)
MAKSMoscow Aviaion & Space Salon (Russia)
MANPADSMan-Portable Air-Defence System (共通)
MANTAMAMPADS Thread Avoidance (Spain,Russia)
MANTISModular Automatic and Network-capable Targeting and Interception Systems (Germany)
MAPMembership Action Plan (NATO)
MAPMilitary Aid Package (共通)
MAPSMidium Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (UK)
MAPSMounted Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing System (USA)
MARMission Adaptive Rotor (USA)
MARCCMaritime Accelerated Response Capability Cell (USA)
MARSECMaritime Security (Singapore)
MARSEUSModular ARchitecture Solution for EU States (EU)
MaRVManoeuvrable RV (共通)
MARSMultiple Artillery Rocket System (Germany)
MARS2Multimission Airborne Reconnaissance Sensor System (Israel)
MARTIMissile Alternative Range Target Instrument (USA)
MASINTMeasurement and Signitures Intelligence (共通)
MASSMulti-Ammunition Soft-kill System (Germany)
MASS_ISSMASS Integrated Sensor Suite (Germany)
MASTMiritime/Air Systems and Technologies (国際)
MAST-FMissile Air-Surface Tactique-Futue (France)
MASTERModular Advanced Strike Extended Range (USA)
MATRIXMobile Active Targeting Resource for Integrated eXperiments (USA)
M-ATVMine-resistant, Ambush-protected All-terrain Vehicles (USA)
MAVMicro Air Vehicle (USA)
MAVMitsubishi Armoured Vehicle (日本)
MAWSMissile Approach Warning System (共通)
MBMiddle Band (共通)
MBMMMulti-Band, MultiMission (USA)
MBRVModified Ballistic RV (USA)
MB-SARMulti Band SAR (USA)
MBTMain Battle Tank (共通)
MBTBritish Maritime Technology (UK)
MCASMarine Corps Air Station (USA)
MCCCMounted Close Combat Capability (Austrakia)
MCEManeuver Center of Excellence (USA)
MCHMine-Counter Helicopter (共通)
MCLMultiple Cradle Launcher (UAE)
MCMMine Counter-Measure (共通)
MCM-ITPMaterials & Components for Missile Innovation & Technology Partnership (Europe)
MCPModular Countermeasures Pod (Denmark)
MCPMissile Control Post (NATO)
MCSMounted Combat System (USA)
MCSMission Control System (UK)
MCUMission Computer Upgrade (USA)
MCVManeuver Combat Vehicle (共通)
MCVManned Combat Vehicle (USA)
MCWMMine Counter Warfighting Lab (USA)
MDAMissile Defense Agency (USA)
MDAMaritime Domain Awareness (共通)
MDACMulti-Domain Artillery Cannon (USA)
MDACSMulti-Domain Artillery Cannon System (USA)
MdCNMissile de Croisière Navale (France)
MDFMission Data File (USA)
MDLMilitary Demarcation Line (韓国)
MDOMissile Defense Organization (Israel)
MDOMultidomain Operations (USA)
MDOCMulti-Domain Operations Center (USA)
MDPAFMission Data Processing Application Framework (USA)
MDPWMulti-Domain Precision Warfare 
MDRMissile Defense Review (USA)
MDSMinimum Detectable Sensibility (共通)
MDSMissile Defense System (USA)
MDSLMissile Defense Space Layer (USA)
MDSSMulti Domain Sensing System (USA)
MDTFMulti-Domain Task Force (USA)
MDTSMissile Defense Tracking System (USA)
MDU-RMulti-function Display Unit-Replacement (USA)
MEADMiddle East Air Defense Alliance (Mid-East)
MEADSMedium Extended Air Defense System (国際)
MECCMagEagle Compressed Carriage (USA)
MFOVMedium FOV (共通)
MEDUSA-C2Multi-Environmental Domain Unmanned Systems Application Command and Control  (USA)
MEFMarine Expeditionary Force (USA)
MEFPMultiple Explosive Formed Penetrators (Israel、日本)
MEHELMobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser (USA)
MELLSMultipurpose Guided Missile System (Germany)
MEMADMiddle East Missile Defence Symposium (GCC)
MEMSMicro-ElectroMechanical System (共通)
MEOMedium-Earth Orbit (共通)
MEPMember of EP (Europe)
MEPMissile Equiment Package (USA)
MERMultiple Ejector Rack (USA)
MESAMultirole Elecrtonically Scanned Array (USA)
MESA2Middle East Strategic Alliance (Middle East, USA)
MESARMultifunction Electrically Scanned Adaptive Radar (UK)
METMinimum Energy Trajectory (共通)
MET-DMission Enableer Technologies-Demonstrator (USA)
MEUMarine Expeditionary Unit (USA)
MEUMilitary End-User (USA)
MEUASMedium Endurace UAS (USA)
MFASMulti-Function Active Sensor (USA)
MFCRMultifunction Fire-Control Radar (USA)
MFEWMulti-Function Electronic Warfare (USA)
MFFMulti-annual Financial Framework (EU)
MFIEManuever Fires Integrated Experiment (USA)
MFIXManeuver Fires Integrated Experiment (USA)
MFNMost Favoured Nation Treatment (国際)
MFOMultinational Force & Observers (国際)
MFPMobile Force Protection (USA)
MFRMulti-Function Radar (共通)
MFRFSMulti Function RF System (共通)
MF-STARMulti-Function Surveillance, Track and Guidance Radar (Israel)
MFUMissile Firing Unit (共通)
MGMain Gate (UK)
MGCSMain Ground Combat System (Europe)
MGSMounted Gun System (共通)
MGUEMilitary GPS User Equipment (USA)
MGVManned Ground Vehicle (USA)
MHRMulti-Mission Hemispheric Radar (Israel)
MHTKMiniature Hit-To-Kill (USA)
MI5Military Intelligence Section 5 (UK)
MIAAMultiple Intruder Autonoumous Avoidance (USA)
MIC4ADModular, Integrated C4I Air Defense (Israel)
MICLICMine Clearing Line Charge (韓国)
MICVMechanized Infantry Combat Vehile (USA)
MIDSMultifunctional Information Distribution System (USA)
MIDS-LVTMIDS-Low Volume Terminal (USA)
MIMOMultiple-Iinput and Multiple-Output (共通)
MIOMaritme Industries Organisation (Iran)
MIRACLMid-IR Advanced Chemical Laser (USA)
MIRMMobile Intermediate-Range Missile (USA)
MIRVMultiple Independently Retargetable Re-entry Vehicle (共通)
MISWGMultinational Industrial Security Working Group (NATO)
MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
MITTMoscow Institute of Thermal Technology (Russia)
MKVMultiple Kill Vehicle (USA)
MKV-LMKV - Lockheed Martin (USA)
MKV-RMKV - Raytheon (USA)
MLMachine Learning (共通)
MLDMaritime Laser Demonstration (USA)
MLGBMedium Laser-Guided Bomb (Israel)
MLPMobile Launch Platform (USA)
MLPMobile Landing Platform (共通)
MLRMultiple Launch Rocket (共通)
MLRMarine Littoral Regiment (USA)
MLRMid-Life Refresh (UK)
MLRSMultiple Launch Rocket System (USA)
MLSAMutual Logistics Support Arragement (共通)
MLVMultiple Launch Vehicle (共通)
MMMission Module (USA)
MM2Multi Mission (共通)
MM2Military Mobility (EU)
MMAMulti-Mission Maritime Aircraft (USA)
MMCMulti-Mission Control (USA)
MMCVManoeuvre Mortar Combat Vehicle (共通)
MMEAMalaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (Malaysia)
MMHELMulti-Mission HEL (USA)
MMICMonolitghic Microwave IC (共通)
MMLMulti-Mission Launcher (USA)
MMLMissile-to-Missile Link (USA)
MMRMulti Mission Radar (共通)
MMPAMulti Mode Proximity Airburst (USA)
MMRCAMedium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (India)
MMMRMulti-Mode Maritime Radar (USA)
MMRMulti-Mission Radar (共通)
MMRMast Mounted Radar (共通)
MMRMMobile Medium-Range Missile (USA)
MMSMuti-Mission System (Europe)
MMSModern Man Station (USA)
MMSMiniature Mission Setter (USA)
MMSMobile Motar System (台湾)
MMSPMuti-Mission Signal Processor (USA)
MMTMulti-Mission Tomahawk (USA)
MMTMoving Maritime Target (USA)
MM-UGVMulti-Mission UGV (USA)
MMWMiliMeter Wave (共通)
MMWMulti-Mission Warfare (共通)
MNDNEMultiNational Division North East (NATO)
MoAMemorandum of Agreement (共通)
MOABMassive Ordnance Air Blast (USA)
MoCMemorandum of Collaboration (共通)
MOHAWCMore Opportunities with HAWC (USA)
MoIMemorandum of Implemrntation (共通)
MOKVMulti-Object Kill Vehicle (USA)
MOPMassive Ordenance Penetrator (USA)
MOSAModular Open Systems Approach (USA)
MoUMemorandum of Understanding (共通)
MPMission Package (USA)
MPAMaritime Patrol Aircraft (共通)
MPCCMilitary Planning and Conduct Capability (EU)
MPCVMuti-Purpose Combat Vehicle/font> (Europe)
MPEMission Partner Environment (USA)
MPFMobile Protection Firepower (USA)
MPLMulti-Pack Launcher (USA)
MPMMetric Precision Munition (France)
MPPMulti Purpose Penetrator (Norway)
MP-RTIPMuti-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program (USA)
MPRMedium Power Radar (蘭)
MPUGVMulti Purpose UGV (共通)
MPWHMulti Purpose Warhead (USA)
MRAMaritime Reconaissance Aircraft (共通)
MRAAMMedium Range AAM (共通)
MRADMiddle Range Air Defence Missile System (Russia)
MRADSMedium Range Air Defence (Poland)
MRAPMine Resistant Ambush Protected (USA)
MRBMMedium Range Ballistic Missile (共通)
MRCMid-Range Capability (USA)
MRCAMulti-Role Combat Aircraft (India)
MRCBFMulti-Role Carrier Boene Fighter (India)
MRCVMulti-Role Combat Vessel (Singapore)
MRFMulti-Role Fighter (共通)
MRFSMulti-Function Radio Frequency System (UK)
MRICMedium Range Intercept Capability (USA)
MRLMultiple Rocket Launcher (共通)
MRLSMultiple Rocket Launcher System (共通)
MRMMid-Range Munition (USA)
MMRMMobile Medium-Range Missile (USA)
MRCMid-Range Capability (USA)
MRO&UMaintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade (USA)
MRRMulti-Role Radar (共通)
MRRVMultirole Response Vessel (Philippine)
MRSMultiple Rocket System (共通)
MRSMedium Range Sensor (Germany)
MRSAMMedium-range SAM (India)
MRTMedium Range Target (USA)
MRTAMultiRole Transport Aircraft (India,Russia)
MRTTMulti-Role Tanker Transport 
MRVMultiple Reentry Vehicle (共通)
MSMulti-Service (USA)
MSAMaritime Surveillance Aircraft (共通)
MSAMaritime Safety Administration (中国)
MSAMMedium-range SAM (共通)
MSCMountain Strike Corps (India)
MSCCMedium Scale Crirical Components (USA)
MSDMMiniature Self-Defense Munition (USA)
MSEMissile Segment Enhancement (USA)
MSIPMulti-Stage Improvement Program (日本)
MSLMean Sea-Level (共通)
MSLManuever SHORAD Launcher (USA)
MSMTMultilateral Sanctions Monitoring Team (国際)
MSOMaritime Surveillance Operation (共通)
MSSGPMulti-Service Standard Guided Projectile (USA)
MSSTMulti-Stage Supersonic Target (USA)
MSTMaritime Strike Tomahawk (USA)
MSTFMaritime Security Task Force (Singapole)
MSVManoeuvre Support Vessel (USA)
MT&AMissile Trrops and Artillery (Russia)
M-TADSModernized-Target Acquisition Designation Sight (USA)
MTARMoving Target Artillery Round (USA)
MTBFMean Tme Between Failures (共通)
MTCMaritime Targeting Capability (USA)
MTCRMissile Technology Control Regime (国際)
MTDPMedium Term Defense Program (日本)
MTOWMaximum Take-Off Weight (共通)
MTSMultispectral Targeting System (USA)
MTTMicrowave Technology Testbed (USA)
MTVMedium Tactical Vehicle (USA)
MTVRMTV Replacement (USA)
MUASMultimission UAS (Australia)
MULEMultifunction Utility/Logistics and Equipment (USA)
MULE-TMULE-Transport (USA)
MUMManned-UnManned (USA)
MUOSMibile User Objective System (USA)
MUSMaritime Unmanned Systems (共通)
MUSICManned Unmanned Systems Integration Concept (USA)
MUSICMultiple Signal Classification (共通)
MUSICMulti-Domain Unmanned Secure Integrated Communications (USA)
MUSISMultinational Space-based Imaging System (Europe)
MUST-HITSMulti-SpecTral High Resolution Imaging and Targeting Sensor (USA)
MUTANTMisile Utility Transformation via Articulated Nose Technology (USA)
MUVMultiple Unmanned Vehicle (Europ)
MUVRModular Vertical Takeoff and Landing Resource 
MUXMAGTF Umnanned Expenditionary Capabilities (USA)
MWCMissile Warning Center (USA)
MW/MTMissile Warning and Missile Tracking (共通)
MWSMultirole Weapon System (Italy)
MWSMissile Warning System (共通)
MTIMovint Target Indicator (共通)
MTKTMult-axle Heavy Eheeled Transporter (Russia)
MTTRMultiple Target Tracking and Illuminating Radar (Europ)
N2C2NORAD/NORTHCOM Command Center> (USA, Canada)
NACNorth Atlantic Council (NATO)
NACRENew Aircraft Concepts Research (Europ)
NAMCNational Advanced Mobility Consortium (USA)
NAMDNavy Area Missile Defense (USA)
NASNaval Air Station (USA)
NASNational Academy of Sciences (USA)
NASAMSNorwegian Advanced SAM System (Norway)
NASAMSNational Advanced SAM System (Spain)
NASICNational Air and Space Intelligence Center (USA)
NAS-MDEFNATO Anti-Ship Missile Defence Evaluation Facility (NATO)
NAVAIRNavy Air Systems Command (USA)
NAVFORNaval Force (EU)
NAVSEANaval Sea Systems Command (USA)
NAVTEXNavigation Telex (国際)
NAWCWDNaval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (USA)
NBCNuclea, Biological, and Chemical (共通)
NBGNordic Battle Group (Nordic Europe)
NC3Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (USA)
NCADENetwork-Centric Airborne Defense Element (USA)
NCIANATO Communications and Information Agency (NATO)
NCIVRNorth China Institute of Vehicle Research (中国)
NCRNational Cyber Range (USA)
NCRINational Council of Resistance of Iran (Iran)
NCSISTNational CSIST (台湾)
NCTRNon-Cooperative Target Recognition (共通)
NCWNetwork Centric Warfare (共通)
NCWUNCW Upgrades (USA)
NDAANational Defense Authorization Act (USA)
NDMANational Defense Mobilization Agency (台湾)
NDINon-Developmental Item (共通)
NDIANational Defense Industrial Association (USA)
NDPGNational Defense Program Guideline (日本)
NDPGsNational Defense Program Guidelines (日本)
NDSNational Defense Strategy (USA)
NDSANational Defense Space Architecture (USA)
NDSFNational Defense Sealift Fund (USA)
NEADSNetwork-Enable Airspace Defence and Surveillance (UK)
NEMESISNetted Emulation of Multi-Element Signatures 
NEONoncombatant Evacuation Operation (USA)
NEPNucear Electric Propulsion (共通)
NEPALRDR National Environmental Policy Act (USA)
NESSYNew sources of Energy (UK, France)
NEVNeighborhood Electric Vehicle (USA)
NEWNetwork-Enable Weapon (共通)
NEWNorth Warning System (USA, Canada)
NEWSNetwork Electronic Warfare System (日本)
NextGenWSNext Generation Weapon System (USA)
NFIRENear Field Infrared Experiment (USA)
NFLoSNavy Laser Family of Systems (USA)
NFRNATO Response Force (NATO)
NGNext Generation (共通)
NGANational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (USA)
NGAAWNext Generation Area Attack Weapon (USA)
NGADNext Generation Air Dominance (USA)
NGAMNext-Generation Aegis Missile (USA)
NGAPNext Generation Adaptive Propulsion (USA)
NGAUSNational Guard Association of the US (USA)
NGBNext Generation Bomber (USA)
NGCVNext Generation Combat Vehicle (USA)
NGFNext Generation Fighter (共通)
NGINext Generation Interceptor (USA)
NGIANational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (USA)
NGISNorthrop Grumman Innovation Systems (USA)
NGJNext Generation Jammer (USA)
NGLAWNext-Genaration Land Attack Weapon (USA)
NGLRS-DNext Generation LRS-Demonstrator (USA)
NGMNext Generation Missile (USA)
NGMWSNext Generation Multiple Warhead System (UK, France)
NGONon-Government Organization (共通)
NGOPINext-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared Polar (USA)
NGOPIPNext-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared (USA)
NGOPIRNext-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared (USA)
NGRNext Generation Radar (USA)
NGSPNext Generation Sensor Producibility (USA)
NGSRINext Generation Short Range Interceptoor (USA)
NGSWNext Generation Squad Weapons (USA)
NGSW-ARNext Generation Squad Weapons-Automatic Rifle (USA)
NGSW-FCNext Generation Squad Weapons-Fire control (USA)
NGSW-RNext Generation Squad Weapons-Rifle (USA)
NG-UASNext-Generation Unmanned Aerial System (USA)
NGWSNext Generation Weapon System (France, Germany)
NICERNeutron-star Interior Composition Explorer (USA)
NIFC-CANaval Integrated Control-Counter Air (USA)
NIKNetwork Integration Kit (USA)
NIKNetwork Integration Kits (USA)
NINJANegation of Improvised Non-State Joint Aerial-Threats (USA)
NISNational Intelligence Service (韓国)
NISCNational center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (日本)
NIWCNaval Information Warfare Center (USA)
NKCENon-Kinetic Counter Electronic Capability (USA)
NLAWNext-generation Light Attack Weapon (Europe)
NLFoSNavy Laser Family of Systems (USA)
NLLNorthern Limit Line (韓国)
NLOSNon-Line-of-Sight (共通)
NLOS-CNon-Line-of-Sight Cannon (USA)
NLOS-LSNon-Line-of-Sight Launch System (USA)
NMESISNavy Marine Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (USA)
NMINATO Mission Iraq (国際)
NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance (共通)
NMSNational Military Strategy (USA)
NNbSNah- und Nächstbereichsschutz (Germany)
NNSANational Nuclea Security Administration (USA)
NNTEXNon-Lethal Technology Exercise (NATO)
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)
NOMADNetted Offboard Miniature Active Decoy )USA)
NOMAGSNational Manoeuvre Air Defence System )Norway)
NOMARSNo Manning Required Ship )USA)
NORADNorth American Aerospace Defense Command (USA)
NORDEFCONordic Defense Cooperation Northen Europe
NORINCONorth Industries Corporation (中国)
NOSNetwork Operations Squadron (USA)
NOSSNational Ocean Surveillance Satellite (USA)
NORTHCOMNorthern Command (USA)
NOTAMNotice To Airmen (国際)
NPRNuclear Posture Review (USA)
NPTNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (国際)
NRCNational Research Council (USA)
NRCNATO Russia Council (NATO, Russia)
NRFNATO Response Force (NATO)
NRESTNanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technique (中国)
NRISTNanjing Research Institute of Simulation Technique (中国)
NRLNavy Research Laboratory (USA)
NRONational Reconnaissance Office (USA)
NRUAVNaval Rotary UAV (Israel)
NSANational Security Agency (USA)
NSATUNATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NATO, Ukraine)
NSBNational Security Bureau (台湾)
NSCNational Security Council (USA、日本)
NSCNational Security Cutter (USA)
NSFNaval Support Facility (USA)
NSMNaval Strike Missile (Norway)
NSPONATO SeaSparrow Project Office (NATO)
NSSNational Shipbuilding Strategy (UK)
NSSNational Security Secretariat (日本)
NSSANational Security Space Architecturet (USA)
NSSGNaval Shipbuilding and Sustainment Group (Australia)
NSSIFNational Security Strategic Investment Fund (USA)
NSSSNational Security Space Strategy (USA)
NSTICNaval Surface Technology Innovation Consortium (USA)
NSWCNaval Surface Warfare Center (USA)
NTNew Technology (共通)
NTISRNon-Traditional ISR (USA)
NTPNuclear Thermal Propulsion (USA)
NTRNuclear Thermal Rocket (USA)
NTSNavigation Technology Satellite (USA)
NTSTNear-Term Sea-based Terminal (USA)
NTWNavy Theater Wide (USA)
NUAANanjing(南京)University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (中国)
N-UCASNaval-Unmanned Combat Air System (USA)
NWSNorth Warning System (USA, Canada)
OAOperational Assessment (USA)
OAOpen Architecture (共通)
OASOrganization of American States (America)
OASuWOffensive Anti-Surface Warfare (USA)
OAVOrganic Air Vehicle (USA)
OAWSAegis Open Architecture Weapon System (USA)
OBOGOnBoard Oxygen Generation (USA)
OBOROne Belt One Road (中国)
OBROn-Board Recorder (USA)
OBSSOff-Board Sensing Station (USA)
OBVOrbital Boost Vehicle (USA)
OCCAROrganisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (Europe)
OCOOverseas Contingency Operations (USA)
OCONUSOutside Continental United States (USA)
OCXOperational Control Segment (USA)
ODAOfficial Development Assistance (日本)
ODINObserve, Detect, Identify and Neutralize (USA)
ODINOptical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (USA)
ODNIOffice of the Director of National Intelligence (USA)
OEOperational Evaluation (USA)
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturers (共通)
OETRROperational Evaluation Test Readiness Review (USA)
OFACOffice of Foreign Assets Control (USA)
OFEOrange Flag Evaluation (USA)
OFFSETOffensive Swarm Enabled Tactics (USA)
OGELOpen General Export Licence 
OICOrganization of the Islamic Conference (国際)
OIGOffice of Inspector General (USA)
OILOSOptical Intersatellite Link Open Standard (USA)
OIROperation Inherent Resolve (USA & Allied)
OISLOptical Intersatellite Link (USA)
OITLOperator-In-The-Loop (共通)
OMBOffice of Management and Budget (USA)
OMFVOptionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (USA)
OMSE Overhead Miniature Sensor Experiment (USA)
ONIOffice of Naval Intelligence (USA)
ONROffice of Naval Research (USA)
OPAOptical Phased Array (共通)
OPCWOrganisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (国際)
OPECOrganization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (国際)
OpevalOperational Evaluation (USA)
OPFOrganic Precision Fires (USA)
OpFiresOperational Fires (USA)
OPF-IOPF-Infantry (USA)
OPF-MOPF-Mounted (USA)
OPF-MSOPF-Munition Syatem (USA)
OPIROverhead Persistent Infrared (USA)
OPIROverhead Persistent Infrared Polar (USA)
OPVOffshore Patrol Vessel (共通)
ORSOperationally Responsive Space (USA)
OSAOfficial Security Assistance (日本)
OSCEOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (Europe)
OSDOffice of Secretary of Defense (USA)
OSILOptical Intersatellite Link (USA)
OSINTOpen Source Intelligence (共通)
OTOperational Test (USA)
OTAOther Transaction Authority (USA)
OTDOperational Technical Demonstration (USA)
OT&EOperational Test & Evaluation (USA)
OTHOver The Horizon (共通)
OTH-ROTH-Radar (共通)
OTH-WSOTH-Weapon System (USA)
OTRROperational Test Readiness Review (USA)
OTVOrbital Test Vehicle (USA)
OUASOperational UAS (UK)
OUEOperational Utility Evaluation (USA)
OWNOver-Wing Nacelle (共通)
P1EPhase 1 Enhancement (Europe)
P2EPhase 2 Enhancement (Europe)
P2EPhase 3 Enhancement (Europe)
P2EPhase 4 Enhancement (Europe)
PAAPhased Adaptive Approach (USA,NATO)
PAACPatriot Advanced Affordable Capability (USA, Israel)
PAAMSPrincipal Anti-Air Missile System (Europ)
PAAMS(E)PAAMS (EMPAR) (France,Italy)
PAAMS(S)PAAMS (Sampson) (UK)
PAASMPrecision Attack Air-to-Surface Missile (USA)
PAATPatriot-as-a-Target (USA)
PABMProgrammable Air Bursting Munition (USA)
PACPakistan Aeronautical Complex (Pakistan)
PACEParliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Europe)
PACOMPacific Command (USA)
PADPrithvi Air Defence (India)
PADSPrcision AirDrop System (USA)
PAK-FAPerspektivnny Aviatsionnyi Kompleks - Frontovoi Aviatsyi (Russia)
PALMPrecision Attack Loitering Munition (Israel)
PALSPacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium (Pacific)
PAMPrecision Attack Missile (USA)
PAPPeaple's Armed Police (中国)
PARCSPerimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System  (USA)
PASGTPersonnwl Armor System for Ground Troops (USA)
PATPatriot-As-a-Target (USA)
PBDPower Beaming Demo (USA)
PBPPartners in the Blue Pacific (日、米、英、豪、NZ)
PBVPost Boost Vehicle (共通)
PBXPlastic Bonded Explosive (共通)
PCAPotenntial Capability Area (USA)
PCAPermanet Court of Arbitration (国際)
PCAPenetrating Counter Air (USA)
PCASPrecision Close Air Support (USA)
PCLPassive Coherent Location (共通)
PCPPlatoon Command Post (NATO)
PDAPresidential Drawdown Authority (USA)
PDBPost Deployment Build (USA)
PDEPulsed Detonation Engine (共通)
PDIPacific Deterrence Initiative (USA)
PDRPreliminary Design Review (USA)
PDRPacific Discremination Radar (USA)
PDVPrithvi Defense Vehicle (India)
PEOProgram Executive Office (USA)
PERMPrecision Extended Range Munition (USA)
PESAPassive Electronically Scanned Array (共通)
PESCOPermanent Structured Co-Operation (EU)
PFIPrivate Finance Initiative (共通)
PfPPartnership for Peace (NATO)
PGBPrecision Guided Bomb (共通)
PGKPrecision Guidance Kit (USA)
PGMPrecision Guided Munition (共通)
PGMMPrecision Guided Motar Munition (USA)
PGPSPrecision GPS (USA)
PGSPrompt Global Strike (USA)
PGSSPersistent Ground Surveillance Systems (USA)
PHIBLEXPhilippine Bilateral Exercises (Philippine, US)
PICPhotonic Integrated Circuits (共通)
PIDSPylon Integrated Dispenser System (Europe)
PIDSUPIDS Universal (Europe)
PIFPacific Islands Forum (Pacific)
PIF-PAFPilotage Induit en Force-Pilotage Aerodynamique Fort (France)
PIIPartnership Interoperability Initiative (NATO)
PIJPalestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestina)
PIMPaladin Integrated Management (USA)
PIPProducts Improvement Program (USA)
PIRATEPassive IR Airborne Tracking Equipment (UK)
P-ISRPenetrating ISR (USA)
PKKKurdistan Worker's Party (Turky)
PLAPeople's Liberation Army (中国)
PLAAFPeople's Liberation Army Air Force (中国)
PLAGFPeople's Liberation Army Ground Force (中国)
PLANPeople's Liberation Army Navy (中国)
PLGSPrecision Laser Guidance Set (USA)
PLSPalletized Loading System (共通)
PMCPower Management Control (共通)
PMCPrivate Military Company (共通)
PMECPalletized Munitiona Experomentation Campaign (USA)
PMFPopular Mobilisation Forces (Iraq)
PMRFPacific Missile Range Facility (USA)
PMTTechnological Modernization Programme (Poland)
PMTRPacific Missile Test Range (USA)
PNTPositioning, Navigation & Timing (共通)
PNVSPilot Night Vision Sensor (USA)
POMProgram Objective Memorandum (USA)
POMINSPortable Mine Neutralization System (韓国)
POSCOPohang(浦項)Iron and Steel Company (韓国)
POWERPersistent Optical Wireless Energy Relay (USA)
PPRProgram Planning Review (USA)
PPSPacific Paretnership Straategy (USA)
PR08Planning Round 08 (UK)
PRHPassive Radar Homing (共通)
PRSPersonal Reconnaissance System (USA)
PrSMPrecision Strike Missile  (USA)
PRSMPrecision Strike Missile  (USA)
PSCPolar Securuty Cutter (USA)
PSCPolitical and Security Committee (EU)
PSCAPacific Spaceport Complex Alaska (USA)
PSIProliferation Security Initiative (国際)
PSLVPolar Satellite Launch Vehicle (India)
PSMPrecision Strike Missile (USA)
PSPCPublic Services and Procurement Canada (Canada)
PSSPrecision Strike Suite (USA)
PSSPrecision Strike System (USA)
PSS-TPrecision Strike System-Tethered (USA)
PTDSPersistent Threat Detection Systems (USA)
PTIRPrecision Track Illumination Radar (USA)
PTSSPrecision Tracking Space System (USA)
PTVPatriot Target Vehicle (USA)
PVLSPeripheral VLS (USA)
PWRPratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (USA)
PWSAProliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (USA)
P&WPratt & Whitney (USA)
PYDDemocratic Union Party (Syria)
QAQuantum Apertures (USA)
QDRQuadrennial Defense Review (USA)
QISQuantum Information Science (共通)
QKDQuantum Key Distribution (共通)
QRQuick Reaction (共通)
QRAQuick Reaction Assessement (USA)
QRAQuick Reaction Alert (共通)
QRSAMQuick Reaction SAM (India)
QRCQuick Reaction Capability (USA)
QZSSQuasi-Zenith Satellite System (日本)
RAARequired Assets Available (USA)
RAAReciprocal Access Agreement (共通)
RAAMRemote Anti-Armor Mine (USA)
RACERRobotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (USA)
RACRRaytheon Advanced Combat Radar (USA)
RADBORecovery of Airbase Denied by Ordnance  (USA)
RAIDRapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (USA)
RAILRapid Autonomy Integration Lab (USA)
RAMRocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通)
RAMRolling Airframe Missile (USA)
RAMRadar Absorbing Material (共通)
RANDResearch and Development (USA)
RAPRocket-Assisted Projectile (共通)
RAPReadiness Action Plan (NATO)
RASRobot and Autonomous Systems (USA)
RASReplenishment At Sea (共通)
RATORocket-Assisted Take-Off (共通)
RATTLRSRevolutionary Approach to Time-critical Long Range Strike (USA)
RBCRos Business Consulting (Russia)
RBCCRocket-Based Combined Cycle (USA)
RBSReusable Booster System (USA)
RCRemote Carrier (Europe)
RCCTORapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (USA)
RCEERevolutionary Configurations for Energy Efficiency (USA)
RCGMRoll Controled Guided Mortar (USA)
RCIEDRadio-Controlled IED (共通)
RCORapid Capabilities Office (USA,UK)
RCOHRefuelling and Complex OverHaul (USA)
RCSRadar Cross Section (共通)
RCVRobotic Combat Vehicle (USA)
RCVReconnaissance Combat Vehicle (共通)
RCV-LRobotic Combat Vehicle-Light (USA)
RCWSRemote Controled Weapon System (共通)
R&DResearch and Development (共通)
RDERotating Detonation Engine (USA)
RDERRapid Defense Experimentation Reserve (USA)
RDFIReceiving Depository Financial Institution (国際)
RDPReciprocal Defence Procument (USA, NATO)
RDP-AReciprocal Defence Procument-Agreement (USA, 韓国)
RDT&EResearch, Development, Test and Evaluation (共通)
REACTResponsive Electronic Attack for Cooperation Tasks (Euripe)
ReARMMRegionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (USA)
RELIRobust Electric Laser Initiative (USA)
REPRecognized Environmental Picture Atlantic (NATO)
RFRadio Frequency (共通)
RFARadio Free Asia (USA)
RfCRequest for Comment (共通)
RFE/RLRadio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (欧州)
RfIRequest for Information (共通)
RfPRequest for Proposal (共通)
RfSRequest for Solution (共通)
RFTRady for Training (USA)
RFTRequest For Tender (共通)
RFVRACER Fleet Vehicles (USA)
RGMRevolver Gun Mount (Swiss)
RGPWSRegional Glide Phase Weapon System (USA)
RGPDWSRegional Glide Phase Defense Weapon System (USA)
RGSRelay Ground Station (USA)
RHELSRedeployable High-Energy Laser (USA)
RHIBRigir-hull Inflatable boat (USA)
RHPRACER Heavy Platform (USA)
RIATRoyal International Air Tatoo (UK)
RIFLRevoluyion In Fiber Laser (USA)
RIG-360Remote Interceptor Guidance-360 (USA)
RIMPACRim of the Pacific (国際)
RIPLRobust Information Provisioning Layer (USA)
RIwPReconfigurable Integrated-weapons Platform (USA)
RKVRedesigned Kill Vehicle (USA)
RLGRing Laser Gyro (共通)
RLKRemote Launch Kit (USA)
RLSRocket Launch System (共通)
RMReactive Material (共通)
RMARadar Modular Assembly (共通)
RMIPReliability and Maintainability Improvement Program (USA)
RMPReprogrammable Mico-Processor (USA)
RMPRadar Modernization Program (USA)
RMSRM Structure (共通)
RMSRotary and Mission Systems (USA)
RMWTResilient Missile Warning and Tracking (USA)
ROARReactor on a Rocket (USA)
ROERosoboronexport (Russia)
RoERules of Engagement (共通)
ROGUERemotely Operated Ground Unit Expeditionary (USA)
RO/RORoll-On/Roll-Out (共通)
ROTRosteknologia (Russian Technologies) (Russia)
ROVRemotely Operated Vehicles (共通)
ROVERRemotly Operated Video-Enhanced Receiver (USA)
RPARemotely Piloted Aircraft (USA)
RPASRemotely Piloted Aircraft System (Europe)
RPGRocket Propelled Grenade (共通)
RPORendezvous and Proximity Operations (共通)
RPUASRuksack Potable UAS (USA)
RRERisk-Reduction Effort (USA)
RRPRisk-Reduction Phase (USA)
RRSRisk-Reduction Study (Europ)
RRSRisk-Reduction Satellite (USA)
RRPRReduced Range Practice Rocket (USA)
RRSRisk-Reduction Segment (USA)
RRSRisk-Reduction Study (USA)
RRURapid Reaction Unit (Finland)
RRWReliable Replacement Warhead (USA)
RSCRader Suite Controller (USA)
RSGSRobotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (USA)
RspaceResilient Synchronized Planning and Assessment for the Contestrd Enviromnent (USA)
RSSRocket Support Service (USA)
RSTAReconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (共通)
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (共通)
RTXRaytheon Technologies Corporation (USA)
RUSIRoyal Uniter Service Institute (UK)
RVRe-entry Vehicle (共通)
RWRemote Weapon (共通)
RWLRadar Warnning Locator (Israel)
RWRRadar Warnning Receiver (共通)
RWSRemote Weapon Station (共通)
S2MARTSStrategic & Spectrum Missions Advanced Resilient Trusted Systems(USA) (USA)
S&ASafe and Arm (共通)
SAASense-And-Avoid (共通)
SAAMSurface-to-Air Anti-Missile (韓国)
SAASMSelective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (USA)
SAAWSmart Anti-Airfield Weapon (India)
SABScientific Advisory Board (USA)
SABERSmall Air Bomb Extended Range (UK)
SABERSmall Air Bomb Extended Range (Europe, USA)
SABRScaleable Agile Beam Radar (USA)
SABRESynergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (UK)
SACStrategic Air Command (USA)
SACShenyang Aircraft Corporation (中国)
SACSyrian Arab Coalition (Syria)
SACEURSupreme Allied Commander Europe  (NATO)
SACMSmall Advanced Counter-air-Missile (USA)
SACMSmall Advanced Capability Missile (USA)
SADIShenyang Aeronautical Design Institute (中国)
SADLSituation Awareness Data Link (USA)
SAFFiRShipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot  (USA)
SAGSurface Action Group (USA)
SAICScience Applications International Corporation (USA)
SAIC瀋陽 Aircraft Industry Group Corporation (中国)
SAISSchool of Advanced International Studies (USA)
SALSemi-Active Laser (共通)
SALHSemi-Active Laser Homing (共通)
SAMSurface to Air Missile (共通)
SAMISaudi Arabian Military Industries (Saudi Arabia)
SAMOCSurface-to-Air Missile Centre (Israel)
SAM-PRASSAM Position Ranking and Analysis System (UK)
SAMP/TSurface-to-Air Missile Platform/Terran (France)
SAPSouthern Air Policing (NATO)
SARSynthetic Aperture Radar (共通)
SARSemi Active Radar (共通)
SARSearch And Rescure (共通)
SARASikorsky Autonomous Research Aircraft (USA)
SARHSemi Active Radar Homing (共通)
SAROSpecial Allotment Release Order (Philippine)
SASACState-owened Assets Supervision nad Administration Commission (中国)
SASCSenate Armed Service Committee (USA)
SASTINDState Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (中国)
SATCOMSatellite Communication (共通)
SBISpace-Based Interceptor (USA)
SBISmall Business Innovation (共通)
SBIRSmall Buisiness Innovative Research (USA)
SBIRSSpace-Based IR System (USA)
SBLSpace-Based Laser (USA)
SBSSSpace-Based Space Surveillance (USA)
SBTSea-Based Terminal (USA)
SBVSpace-Based Visible (USA)
SBXSea-Based X-band (radar) (USA)
SCAFSystème de Combat Aérien Futur (France)
SCALPELSmall Contained Area Laser Precision Energetic Load (USA)
SCARStrike Co-ordination and Reconaissance (UK)
SCEPTORScalable Convergent Electric Propulsion Technology and Operations Research (USA)
SCIFiRESouthern Cross Integrated Flight Research Experiment (USA, Australia)
SCOStrategic Capabilities Office (USA)
SCOShanghai Cooperation Organization (国際)
SCOSStrategic C4ISR to Operationalize the Stratosphere (USA)
ScowlSlab-Coupled Optical Waveguide Laser (USA)
SCPSecurity Co-operation Participant (共通)
SCPTSpace Control Planning Team (USA)
ScramjetSupersonic Combustion Ramjet (共通)
SCSPISouth China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Iniative (USA)
SCWDLStrike Common Weapon Data Link (USA)
SDACSSolid Divert and Attitude Control System (USA)
SDASpace Development Agency (USA)
SDASystems Design Agent (USA)
SDASpace Domain Awareness (共通)
SDBSmall Diameter Bomb (USA)
SDCSyrian Democratic Council (Syria)
SDDSystem Design & Development (USA)
SDFSyrian Democratic Forces (Syria)
SDFSelf Defense Forces (Syria)
SDGsSustainable Development Goals (国際)
SDIStrategic Defense Initiaive (USA)
SDOState Defence Order (Russia)
SDRSystem Design Review (USA)
SDRSoftware Defined Radio (共通)
SDRStrategic Defense Review (共通)
SDSRStrategic Defence and Security Review (UK)
SDVSwimmer Delivery Vehicle (共通)
SEADSupression of Enemy Air Defense (共通)
SEALSea, Air and Land  (USA)
SECCScanEagle Compressed Carriage (USA)
SECTRSeeker Cost Transformation (USA)
SED-WRScramjet Engine Deonstration-Wave Rider (usa)
SEGMScan Eagle Guided Munition (USA)
SESSurface-Effect Ship (共通)
SEXTANTStation Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology (USA)
SEWShared Early Warning (USA, Europe)
SEWIPSurface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (USA)
SFAStrategic Framework Agreement (共通)
SFABSecurity Force Assistance Brigade (USA)
SFBSpace Force Base (USA)
SFFSmall Form Factor (USA)
SFMSrnsor Fused Munition (共通)
SFNTGSwedish-Finnish Naval Task Group (Nordic)
SFRJSolid-Fuel Ramjet (共通)
SFWSrnsor Fused Weapon (共通)
SGMSmall Glide Munition (USA)
SGPStandard Guided Projectile (USA)
SGPVSecond Generation Patrol Vessel (Malatsia)
SHARCSupersonic High-Altitude Ramjet Capability (USA)
SHEFEXSharp-Edged Flight Experiment (Germany)
SHELSurrogate High-Energy Laser (USA)
ShepardSeries Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Aircraft Demonstrator (USA)
SHiELDSelf-protect High-Energy Laser Demonstrator (USA)
SHIELDStrategic Homeland Integrated Ecosystems for Layered Defense (USA)
SHIELDShort and Intermediate Effectors for Layered Defense (USA)
SHORADShort-Range Air Defence (共通)
SHORADSShort-Range Air Defence System (共通)
SHOTSynchronized High OPTEMPO Targeting (USA)
SHWScramjet-powered Hypersonic Weapon (日本)
ShyfeSustained Hypersonic Flight Experiment (UK)
SiAWStand-in Attack Weapon (USA)
SIAWStand-In Attack Weapon (USA)
SIGINTSingal Intelligence (共通)
SIGMAStabilised Integrated Gun/Missile Array (UK)
SIJStand In Jammer (共通)
SILSafety Integrity Level (EU)
SINCGARSSingle Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (USA)
SIPSystem Improvement Program (USA)
SIPRSecret Internet Protocol Router (USA)
SIPRIStockholm Intrnational Peace Research Institute (Sweedwn)
SIRSoldier ISR (USA)
SJFHQStanding Joint Force Head Quarters (Europe)
SKASpace-based Kill Assessment (USA)
SKASaCSea King ASaC (UK)
SKCSSoft Kill Coordination System (USA)
SKFSyrian Kurdish Forces (Syria, Kurd)
SLAMStand-off Land Attack Missile (USA)
SLAMSimultaneous Localization and Mapping (UK)
SLAMSupersonic Low-Altitude Missile (USA)
SLAM-ERStand-off Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (USA)
SLAMMRSide-Looking Aieborne Moduler Multimission Radar (USA)
SLBMSubmarine Launched Ballistic Missile (共通)
SLCMSurface-Launched Cruise Missile (共通)
SLCMSubmarine-Launched Cruise Missile (共通)
SLCM-NNuclear-Armed SLCM (USA)
SLEPService-Life Extension Programe (USA)
SLIRBMSubmarine Launched IRBM (USA)
SLP-ASecondary Launch Platform-Airborne (USA)
SLRSatellite Laser Ranging (共通)
SLRCStrategic Long Range Cannon (USA)
SLUASSubmarine Launch Unmanned Aerial System (共通)
SLVSatellite Launch Vehicle (共通)
SLVSmall Launch Vehicle (USA)
SMASpecial Measures Agreement (USA, Korea)
SMARTSignaal Multibeam Acquisition Radar for Tracking (蘭)
SMART-LSMART-Long range (蘭)
SMBSeparate Motor-rifle Brigade (Russia)
SMCSpecialized Marine Craft (Singapore)
SMCSpace and Missile Systems Center (USA)
SMDSea-based Midcourse Defense (USA)
SMDSpace and Missile Defense (共通)
SMDCSpace and Missile Defense Command (USA)
SMDCOESpace and Missile Defense Center of Excellence (USA)
SMDPStiletto Maritime Demonstration Program (USA)
SMETSquad Mission Equipent Transport (USA)
SMETSmall Multipurpose Equipment Transport (USA)
SMESmall and Mediumsized Enterprise (共通)
SMFStrategic Missile Forces (Russia)
SMMSpecial Monitoring Mission (EU)
SMRSmall Modular Reactor (共通)
SMSCSpace and Missile Systems Center (USA)
SMSSSquad Mission Support System (USA)
SMTSSpace and Missile Tracking System (USA)
SMWDCSurface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (USA)
SNASyria National Army (Turkey, Syria)
SNASurface Navy Association  (USA)
SNLWSSurface Navy Laser Weapons System (USA)
SNMGStanding NATO Maritime Group (NATO)
SOCSpecial Operations Command (USA)
SOCEURSpecial Operations Command Europe (USA)
SOCOMSpecial Operations Command (USA)
SOFSpecial Operations Force (USA)
SOFASpecific-Status-Of-Force (USA)
SOFAStatus Of Forces Agreement (共通)
SoIStatement of Intent (共通)
SOJStand Off Jammer (共通)
SOMStand-Off Missile (Turky)
SOPStandard Operating Procedure (共通)
SOPGMSpecial Operational PGM (USA)
SoSSystem of Systems (共通)
SoSITESoS Integration Technology and Experimentation (USA)
SOSTARStand-Off Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar (Europ)
SOWSelectable Output Weapons (USA)
SPSelf-Propelled (共通)
SPAStrategic Partnership Agreement (共通)
Spce-BACNSpace-Based Adaptive Communications Node (USA)
SPAidSingle Pass AirDrop (USA)
SPDSpace Policy Directive (USA)
SPEARSelected Precision Effects at Range (UK)
SPEAR-EWSelected Precision Effects at Range-EW (UK)
SPEARSupersonic Propulsion Enabled Advanced Ramjet (USA)
SpECSpace Enterprise Consortium (USA)
SPGSelf-Propelled Gun (共通)
SPHSelf-Propelled Howitzer (共通)
SPHMSelf-Propelled Howitzer Modernization (USA)
SPJSelf-Protection Jammer (共通)
SPKSynthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (共通)
SPMSelf-Propelled Motar (共通)
SPMAGTF-CENTSpecial Marine Air Ground Task Force-Centrel Command (USA)
SPMAGTF-CRSpecial Marine Air Ground Task Force-Crisis Response (USA)
SPPSelf Protection Pod (USA)
SPREOSSelf Protection Radar Electro-Optics System (IsraelA)
SPRINTSpeed and Runway Independent Technologies (USA)
SOPGMStand-Off Precision-Guided Munition (共通)
SPOTSatellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (Europ)
SRAAMShort Range AAM (共通)
SRALTShort Range Air-Launched Target (USA)
SRAMSSuper Rapid Advanced Mortar System (Singapore)
SRBMShort Range Ballistic Missile (共通)
SRBMDShort Range Ballistic Missile Defense (共通)
SRBMDSShort Range Ballistic Missile Defense System (共通)
SR/CSlowed Rotor/Compound (USA)
SRDSystem Requirements Document (USA)
SRFStrategic Rocket Force (Russia)
SRF-JRMCShip Repair Facility and Japan Regional Maintenence Center (USA)
SRPService Release Proposal (Europ)
SRPSurveillance Radar Program (台湾)
SRPSSShort Range Precision Strike System (USA)
SRRSyatem Requirement Review (USA)
SRSSound Ranging System (India)
SRVLShipborne Rolling Vertical Landing (UK)
SRWSoldier Radio Waveform (USA)
SSSpread Spectrum (共通)
SSASpace Situational Awareness (共通)
SSCSmall Surface Combatant (USA)
SSCSpace Systems Command (USA)
SSCTFSmall Surface Combatant Task Force (USA)
SSDSShip Self Defense System (USA)
SSFStrategic Support Force (中国)
SSGWSurface-to-Surface Guided Weapon (共通)
SSJSlow-Streching Jet (France)
SSKPSingle Shot Kill Probability (共通)
SSLSpace Sensor Layer (USA)
SSLSolid State Laser (共通)
SSMSurface-To-Surface Missile (共通)
SSMMSurface-To-Surface Missile Module (USA)
SSNSource Sought Notice (USA)
SSOSun Synchronous Orbit (共通)
SSPStrategic Systems Program (USA)
SSPARSSolid-State Phased Array Radar System (USA)
SSPSSpace Solar Power Station (中国)
SSRSolid State Radar (共通)
SSRSpace Sensing Resilient (USA)
SSSSpace Surveillance System (USA)
SSSMSuperSonic Strike Missile (共通)
SSSTSuper-Sonic Sea Skimming Target (USA)
SSTSpace Surveillance Telescope (USA)
SSVStrategic Sealift Vessel (Philippine)
S&TScience And Technology (共通)
STARESystem for Tracking, Retrieval and Exploitation (USA)
STARLiteSmall TActical Radar-Lightweight (USA)
STARTStrategic Armes Reduction Treaty (国際)
STATSpace Threat Assessment Testbed (USA)
STELRSupersonic Turbine Engine for Long-Range (USA)
STITCHESSystem-of-systems Technology Integration Tool Chain for Heterogeneous Electronic Systems (USA)
STMSmall Tactical Munition (USA)
STOBARShort Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (共通)
STOLShort Take-Off Landing (共通)
STOVLShort Take-Off Verticl Landing (共通)
STRATCOMStrategic Command (USA)
STRIKFORNATOStriking and Support Forces NATO (NATO)
STSStrategic Targets System (USA)
STSSSpace Tracking and Surveillance System (USA)
STUASSmall Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (USA)
STUAVSmall Tactical Unmanned Air Vehicle (Israel)
STUFTShips Taken Up From Trade (共通)
STVTeparation Test Vehicle (USA)
SUSituational Understanding (USA)
SUASSmall Unmanned Aircraft System (共通)
SUASFPSmall Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Plan (USA)
SUAVSmall UAV (共通)
SUAVEStrategic UAV Experiment (UK)
SUGVSmall Unmanned Ground Vehicle (USA)
SUPERStand-off Ubiquitous Power/Energy Replenishment (USA)
SURGESmall Unmanned Renewable eneGy long Endurance Vehicle (USA)
SURTASSSurveillance Towed Array Sensor System (共通)
SUWSurface Warfare (共通)
SV-2Space Vehicle-2 (USA)
SVDSubscale Vehicle Demonstrator (USA)
SVESea Viper Evolution (UK)
SVLSoft Vertical Launch (UK)
SVULStinger Vehicle Universal Launcher (USA)
SWDLStrike Weapon Data Link (USA)
SWFSecure World Foundation (USA)
SWIFTSociety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (国際)
SWLFCSwept-Wing Laminar Flow Control (USA)
SWMLUSeawolf Mid-Life Update (UK)
SWUPSoftware Upgrade (共通)
SXCTSquad X Core Technologies (USA)
SyersSenior Year Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System (USA)
T1DESTranche 1 Demonstration and Experimentation System (USA)
T1TLTranche 1 Transport Layer (USA)
T2TLTranche 2 Transport Layer (USA)
T3Triple Target Terminator (USA)
TATerrain Avoidance (共通)
TATurkish Aerospace (Turkey)
TACAMOTake Charge and Move Out (USA)
TACANTactical Air Navigation (共通)
TACASTrafic Alert Collision Avoidance System (共通)
TAC-CTactical Autonomous Conbat-Chassis (USA)
TACMORTactical Multi-Mission Over the Horizon Radar (USA)
TACMSTactical Missile System (USA)
TacRSTactically Responsive Space (USA)
TacSatTactical Satellite (USA)
TacSATCOMTactical Satellite Communication (USA)
TADSTarget Acquisition Designation Sight (USA)
TAITurkish Aerospace Industries (Turky)
TAKTimes Aerospace Korea (韓国)
TALDTactical Air-Launched Decoy (Isreael)
TANAPTrans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (Turkey)
TARDECTank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (USA)
TARTarget Acquisition Radarr (共通)
TASSTowed Array Sonar System (共通)
TATDLSTaiwan Advanced TDL System (台湾)
TBCCTurbine-Based Combined-Cycle (USA)
TBDTrack Before Detect (共通)
TBGTactical Boost Glide (USA)
TBMTactical Ballistic Missile (共通)
TBMDTBM Defense (共通)
TBRTechnical Baseline Review (USA)
TCARTransatlantic Co-operative AGS Radar (NATO)
TCASTraffic Collisiob Avoidance System (USA)
TCDLTactical Common Data Link (USA)
TCMTerrain Contour Matching (共通)
TCSTactical Communication Suite (USA)
TDTechnology Demonstration (USA)
TDACSThrottleable Divert and Attitude Control System (USA)
TDDTarget Detecting Device (USA)
TDELRRThree-Dimentional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar (USA)
TDFTerritorial Defence Force (Poland)
TDLThin Disk Laser (共通)
TDOATime Defference Of Arrival (共通)
TDPTechnology Demonstration Programm (UK)
TDSTailored Deterrence Strategy (共通)
Team CWTeam CW (UK)
Team LWTeam LM (UK)
TECHREPTechnical Representative (共通)
TEDTerrain Elevation Database (共通)
TEDBFTwin-Engine Deck Based Fighter (India)
TELTransporter Elector Launcher (Russia)
TELARTransporter Elector Launcher and Radar (Russia)
TEL(D)Deployable Theatre Exploitaion Laboratory (Europ)
TERTarget Engagement Radar (共通)
TERCOMTerrain Contour Matching (共通)
TERCOMTerrein Recognision and Matching (共通)
TERNTactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node (USA)
TERPROMTerrain Profile Matching (共通)
TEWMTransportable Electronic Warfare Module (USA)
TEWSTactical Electronic Warfare System (USA)
TFTerrain Following (共通)
TFCTheater Fires Command (USA)
TFETheater Fires Element (USA)
TFFIThird Fleet Foward Initiative (USA)
TFPTailored Forward Presence (NATO)
TF/TATerrain Following / Terrain Avoidance (共通)
TF-XTurkish Fighter Experimental / National Combat Aircraft (Turkey)
TGVTactical Ground Vehicle (共通)
THELTactical HEL (USA)
THORTactical High-Power Operational Responder (USA)
THORTactical High-speed Offensive Ramjet (USA)
THOR-ERTactical High-speed Offensive Ramjet-Extended Range (USA)
ThresherTactical High-Speed, Responsive and Highly Efficient Round (UK & USA)
TITechnology Initiative (共通)
TIADTheater Information Advantage Detachment (USA)
TICADTokyo International Conference on African Development (日本、国際)
TiGERTactical Granadw Extended Range (Europe, USA)
TILLTracking Illuminator Laser (USA)
TITANTactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (USA)
TJSTactical Jamming System (USA)
TKATail-Kit Assembly (共通)
TLTube Launched (USA)
TLAMTomahawk Land Attack Missile (USA)
T-LALADMISTurkish Low-Altitude Air-Defence Missle System (Turkey)
T-LORAMIDSTurkish Long-Range Air-and-Missile-Defence System (Turkey)
TLSTerrestrial Layer System (USA)
TLS-BCTTerrestrial Layer System-Brigade Combat Team (USA)
TLS-EABTerrestrial Layer System-Echelons Above Brigade (USA)
TLVSTaktische Luftverteidigungssystem (Germany)
T-MALADMISTurkish Medium-Altitude Air-Defence Missle System (Turkey)
T-MALAMIDSTurkish Medium-Altitude Air-and-Missile Defence System (Turkey)
TMTechnology Maturation (USA)
TMCTactical Missile Corporation (Russia)
TMDTheatre Missile Defence (共通)
TMDRTactical Missile Defense Radar (USA)
TMRRTechnology Maturation and Risk Reduction (USA)
TOBSTactical Off-Board Sensors (USA)
TOCTactical Operations Center (共通)
TOMMATri-band Omni-directional Mast Mount Assembly (USA)
TOSTactical Operations Station (共通)
TPPTrans-Pacific Partnership (Trans-Pacific)
TRTechnology Refresh (USA)
T/RTransmit/Receive (共通)
TRACERTactical Reconnaissance And Counter-cencealment Enabled Radar (USA)
TRADOCTraining and Doctorine Command (USA)
TRAPTactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel (USA)
TRDITechnology Research and Development Institute (日本)
TRIDENTTraining, Readiness, Integration, Delivery and Enterprise Technology (USA)
TRISOTristructural Isotropic (共通)
TROPICSTime-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (USA)
TRRETurbo-aided Rcket-augmented Ram/scramjet Engine (中国)
TRSATelemetry Range Support Aircraft (USA)
TSCEITotal Ship Computing Environment Infrastructure (USA)
TSCFTertiary Students Christian Fellowship (日、米、韓)
TSLMTactical Surface Launch Missile (韓国)
TSPTheatre Security Package (USA)
TSRMThird Stage Rocket Motor (USA)
TSSTarget Sight System (USA)
TSSCTechnologies for Sustained Supersonic Combustion (USA)
TTLTopedo Tube Launch (USA, UK)
TTNTTactical Targeting Network Technology (USA)
TTRJThermally Throated Ramjet (USA)
TTVTarget Test Vehicle (USA)
TTWCSTactical Tomahawk Weapon Control System (USA)
TUThreat Upgrade (USA)
TUAVTactical UAV (共通)
T-UGSTactical-UGS (USA)
TUNATactical Undersea Network Architecture (USA)
TVThrust Vectoring (共通)
TVCThrust Vector Control (共通)
TVNThrust Vector Nozzle (共通)
TVSTarget Verification System (USA)
TWISTERTimely Warnibg and Inteerception with Space-based Theater Surveillance (Eurio)
TWSTrack While Scan (共通)
TWTTravelling Wave Tube (共通)
TXTransformer (USA)
UACUnited Aircraft Corp. (Russia)
UAEUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)
UAIUniversal Armaments Interface (USA)
UAMUrban Air Mobility (共通)
UARLUnversal Artillery Rocket Launcer (中国)
UASUnmanned Aerial System (共通)
UAVUnmanned Air Vehicle (共通)
UAMSUAV Airspace Management System (USA)
UCARSUAS Automated Recovery System (USA)
UCASUnmanned Combat Air System (共通)
UCAASUnmanned Carrier Aviation Air System (USA)
UCASUnmanned Combat Air System-Demonstrator (USA)
UCAVUnmanned Combat Air Vehicle (共通)
UCGVUnmanned Combat Ground Vehicle (共通)
UCLASSUnmanned Carrier-Launced Air-born Surveillance and Strike (USA)
UDCGUkraine Defense Contact Group (NATO)
UECUnited Engine Corp. (Russia)
UEWRUpgraded Early Warning Radar (USA)
UFCSUniversal Fire Control System (USA)
ULSUmnanned Logistic System (USA)
ULTVUltra-Light Tactical Vehicle (USA)
UPLUnfunded Priorities List (USA)
UGSUnattended Ground Sensor (USA)
UGVUnmanned Ground Vehicle (共通)
UHACUltra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (USA)
UIWSUnderwater Invasion Warning System (日本)
UKMTOUnited Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UK)
ULBUnmanned Little Bird (USA)
ULUAVUnder-warter Launched UAV (India)
UMAAUnmanned Maritime Autonomy Architecture (USA)
UNASURUnion of South American Nations (South America)
UNCEPUkrainian Naval Capabilities Enhancement Programme (Ukraine)
UNCLOSUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (国際)
UNICORNUnified Complex Radio Antenna (日本)
UNIFILUnited Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UN)
UNROCAUnited Nations Register of Conventional Arms (国際)
UORUrgent Operational Requirement (UK)
UPCCSUnmanned Platform Common Control System (USA)
UPLUnfunded Priorities List (USA)
USAIUkraine Security Assistance Initiative (USA)
USAIDUnited States Agency for International Development (USA)
USAVUnmanned Strike Air Vehicle (India)
USCUnited Shipbuilding Corporation (Russia)
USCGUS Coast Guard (USA)
USFUnmanned Systems Forces (Ukraine)
USFKUS Forces Korea (USA)
USAIUkraine Security Assistance Initiative (USA)
USICAUnited States Innovation and Competition Act (USA)
USJFCOMUS Joint Force Command (USA)
USRMDUltra-Short Range Missile Defense (共通)
USSTRATCOMUnited States Strategic Command (USA)
USTDAUS Trade and Development Agency (USA)
USVUnmanned Surface vehicle (共通)
USVUnmanned Surveillance Vehicle (韓国)
UTAUAS Tactical Common Data-Link Assemblt (USA)
U-TacSUAV Tactical Systems (UK)
UTMUniversal Transverse Mercator (共通)
UUVUnmanned Underwater vehicle (共通)
UVUltra-Violet (共通)
UVLUniversal Vertical Launcher (India)
UWBUltra Wide Band (共通)
VADERVehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar (USA)
VADSVulcan Air Defense System (USA)
VAMPIREVehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment (USA)
VBIEDVehicle-Borne IED 
VCRVerification Compliance Review (USA)
VDSVariable-Depth Sonar (共通)
VFAVisiting Forces Agreement (共通)
VFDRVariable-Flow Ducted Rocket (USA)
VHFVery High Frequency (USA)
VIPVUIT Interface Panel (USA)
VJTFVery High-Readiness Joint Task Force (NATO)
VLVertical Launch (共通)
VLAVertical Launch ASROC (USA)
VLOVery-Low-Obserbable (共通)
VLSVertical Launch (Launcher) System (共通)
VLSVariable Depth Sonar (共通)
VOAVoice Of America (USA)
VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol (USA)
V-LAPVery Long Range Projectile (共通)
VPMVirginia Payload Module (USA)
VPSVehicle Protection System (Israel)
VPMVirginia Payload Module (USA)
VRVirtual Reality (共通)
VRCVirtual Robotics Challenge (USA)
VSLAMVisual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (日本、インド)
VSRVolume Search Radar (USA)
V-STARVTOL Swift Tactical Aerial Resource (USA)
VSVVery Slender Vessel (共通)
VTDPVectored-Thrust Ducted Propeller (USA)
VTOLVertical Take-Off and Landing (共通)
VUITVideo from UAS for Interoperability Teaming (USA)
WAASWide Area Airborne Surveillance (USA)
WAPCWheeled APC (共通)
WCMDWind Corrected Munition Dispenser (USA)
WCSWeapon Control System (共通)
WDLWeapon Data Link (USA)
WFOVWide Field Of View (共通)
WGAWhole-of-Government Approach (NATO)
WIGWing In Ground effect (共通)
WIN-TWarfighter Information Network - Tactical (USA)
WITWise Intelligence Technology (Israel)
WLRWeapon Locating Radar (共通)
WMDWeapons of Mass Destruction (共通)
WMIWarfighter Machine Interface (USA)
WMSWeapon Mangement Suite (USA)
WNWWideband Networking Waveform (USA)
WOSAWeapon Open System Architecture (USA)
WOTWojska Obrony Terytorialnej (Poland)
WPNSWestern Pacific Naval Symposium (国際)
WRAPWartime Rapid Acquisition Projects (USA)
WSMRWhite Sands Missile Range (USA)
WSOWeapon Systems Officer (共通)
WVRAAMWithin-Visual-Range Air-to-Air Missile (USA)
XACX'ian Aircraft Corporation (中国)
XL-AUVExtra Large Autonomous Undersea Vehicle (Australia)
XLUUVExtra-Large UUV (USA)
XSExperimental Spaceplane (USA)
YBSYekîneyên Berxwedana Şengalê (Kurud)
YeS ZROYedinaya Sistema Zenitnogo Raketnogo Oruzhiya (Russia)
YPGYekîneyên Parastina Gel (People's Protection Units) (Kurud)
YPJWoman's Protection Units (Kurud)
ZEUSZumwalt Enterprise Upgrade Solution (USA)
3DAWS3-Dimensional Advanced Warning System (UK)
3DELRR3 Dimensional Expeditionary Long Range Radar (USA)
3DLRR3 Dimensional Long Range Radar (USA)
3DSoC3 Dimensional Monolithic System-on-a-Chip (共通)
3GIRSThird Generation IR Surveillance (USA)
3SMSuperSonic Strike Missile (共通)