A2/AD Anti-Access/Area-Denial (中国) A3M Air Force and ArmyAnti-jamming Modem (USA) AAA Army ARGUS A160 (USA) AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science (USA) AAAU Active Array Antenna Unit (India) AAAX Autonomous Attritable Aircraft Experomentation (India) AAC Air Armaments Center (USA) AAC Air Combat Cloud (Europe) AACUS Autonomous Aerial Cargo/Utility System (USA) AAD Advanced Air Defence (India) AAG Advanced Arresting Gear (USA) AAG Anti-Air Gun (共通) AAG Amphibious Assault Group (USA) AAMDC Army Air & Missile Defense Command (USA) AAMDS Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System (USA) AAMDTC Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Test Complex (USA) AAR Advanced Artillery Radar (Israel) AARV Armoured Ammunition Resupply Vehicle (共通) AARGM Advanced Anti-Radar Guided Missile (USA) AARGM-ER AARGM-Extended Range (USA) AAS Armed Aerial Scout (USA) AAS Advanced Airborne Sensor (USA) AASM Armement Air-Sol Modularire (France) AASPG Anti-Air SP Gun (共通) AAV Assault Amphibious Vehicle (共通) ab Air Breathing (共通) ABCT Armored BCT (USA) ABDS Active Blast Defence System (Denmark) ABIR Airborne IR (USA) ABL AirBorne Laser (USA) ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile (共通) ABM Air Burst Munition (共通) ABMS Advanced Battle Management System (USA) APBI Airbone Boost-Phase Intercept (USA) ACA Aircraft Carrier Alliance (UK) ACB Advanced Capability Build (USA) ACC Air Combat Command (Europe) ACC Air Combat Cloud (USA) ACCII Advanced Combined-Cycle Integrated Inlet (USA) ACCS Air Command and Control System (NATO) ACD Advanced Capability Development (USA) ACE Allied Command Europe (NATO) ACE Air Combat Evolution (USA) ACE Agile Combat Employment (USA) ACK Adaptive Crossdomain Kill-webs (USA) ACLANT Allied Command Atlantic (NATO) ACP Autonomous Collaborative Platform (USA) ACS Aerial Common Sensor (USA) ACS Aegis Combat Systemr (USA) ACS Autonomous Control System (USA) ACS Autonomy Core System (USA) ACSA Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (共通) ACSV Armoured Combat Support Vehicle (USA) ACT Arrays at Commercial Timescale (USA) ACTV Army Common Tactical Vehicle (USA) ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (USA) ACV Air Cushion Vehicle (共通) ACV Amphibious Combat Vehicle (USA) ACV Armored Combat Vehicle (USA) A/D Analon-to-Digital (共通) ADA Aeronautical Development Agency (India) ADA Adaptive Antenna (Israel) ADA Air Domain Awareness (UAV) ADAAW Air Dominance Air-to-Air Weapon (USA) ADAHRS Air Data, Attitude, Heading, Reference System (USA) ADAM Area Defense Anti-Munitions (USA) ADAPT Air Defence Availability Project (UK) ADCP Advanced Display Core Processor (USA) ADD Agency for Defense Development (韓国) ADGM Air Dropped Guided Munition (USA) ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone (共通) ADL Advanced Data Link (USA) ADM Acquisition Dicision Memorandum (USA) ADR Aviation Detachment Rotation (USA) ADRAS-J Active Debris Removal by Astroscale-Japan (日本) ADS Area Denial System (USA) ADS Active Defense System (Germany) ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (USA) ADSI Air Defense System Integrator (USA) AEA Airborne Electronic Attack (USA) AECC Aero Engine Corporation of China (中国) AEI American Enterprise Institute (USA) AESA Active Electronically Scanned Array (共通) AETF Army Evaluation Task Force (USA) AETP Adaptive Engine Transition Program (USA) AETP Adaptive Engine Technology Program (USA) AEW Airborne Early-Warning (共通) AEW&C Airborne Early-Warning and Control (共通) AFA Air Force Association (USA) AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (USA) AFB Air Force Base (USA) AFC Army Future Command (USA) AFC Active Flight Control (共通) AFCA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (USA) AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (USA) AFCSR Airborne FCS Radar (共通) AFGSC Air Force Global Strike Command (USA) AFINC Air Force Intranet Control (USA) AFINDEX Africa-India Filed Training Exercise (India, Africa) AFP Agence France-Press (France) AFR AESA-Fed Reflectors (共通) AFRE Advanced Full Range Engine (USA) AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory (USA) AFS Air Force Station (USA) AFSB Afloat Forward Staging Base (USA) AFSC Alliance Future Surveillance and Control (NATO) AFSOC Air Force Special Operation Command (USA) AFSPC Air Force Space Command (USA) AFSSS Air Force Space Surveillance System (USA) AFU Assault Fire Unit (USA) AFU Ukrainian Armed Forces (Ukraine) AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle (共通) AETF Army Evaluation Task Force (USA) AGBAD Army Ground Based Air Defence (Norway) AGL Automatic Grenade Launcher (共通) AGM Air-to-Ground Missile (共通) AGR Autonomous Ground Resupply (USA) AGS Advanced Gun System (USA) AGS Airborne Ground Surveillance (NATO, USA) AHEAD Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction (Swiss) AHEL Airborne HEL (USA) AHL Advanced Heavy Lifter (中国) AHSH Advanced High Speed Helicopter (Russia) AHW Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (USA) AI Artificial Intelligence (共通) AI Air Interdiction (共通) AI3 Accelerated Improve Interceptor Initiative (USA) AIAMD Army Integrated AMD (USA) AIAMDS Army Integrated AMD System (USA) AICC Aviation Industry Corporation of China (中国) AiO All in One (Israel) AIDC Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (台湾) AIEWS Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System (USA) AIP Air Independent Propulsion (共通) AIRSS Alternative IR Satellite System (USA) AIS Automated Identification System (USA) AISP Airborne SIGINT Payload (USA) AIT American Institute in Taiwan (USA) AJT Advanced Jet Trainer (台湾) A-Kit Airborne Sensor Adaptation Kit (USA) ALARM Air-Launched ARM (UK) ALAS Advanced Light Attack System (Serbia) ALASA Airborne Launch Assist Space Access (USA) ALBM Air-Launched Ballistic Missile (共通) ALCM Air-Launched Cruise Missile (共通) ALCS Airborne Launch Control System (USA) ALE Air Launched Effect (USA) ALG Advanced Landing Ground (共通) ALH Advanced Heavy Lifter (Russia, China) ALHTK Air-LaunchedHit-to-Kill (USA) ALIAS Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (USA) ALIT Aerospace Long March International Trade (中国) ALMITC Aerospace Long-March International Trade Company (中国) ALMT Aerospace Long-March International (中国) ALPS Army Long-Range Persistent Surveillance USA) ALPV Autonomous Low-Profile Vessels USA) ALRRW Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (USA) ALTA Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (日本) ALTB Airborne Laser Testbed (USA) ALTBMD Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (NATO) AMARS Advanced Multi-function Airborne Radar System (日本) AMaRV Advanced Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle (USA) AMS Agile Multi-Beam (Sweeden) AMC Air Mobility Command (USA) AMC Aviation and Missile Command (USA) AMC Air Material Command (USA) AMC Army Material Command (USA) AMCA Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (India) AMCOM Aviation and Missile Command (USA) AMD Air and Missile Defense (共通) AMDC Air and Missile Defense Command (USA)) AMDR Air and Missile Defense Radar (USA) AMDR-S AMDR S-band (USA) AMDR-X AMDR X-band (USA) AMDS AMD System (USA) AMF Airborne Maritime Fixed (USA) AMF Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (NATO) AMK Aerodynamic Modification Kit (Europe) AML Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (USA) AMOS Arctic Mobile Observing System (USA) AMP Active Mission Payload (USA) AMP-HEL Army Multi-Purpose HEL (USA) AMPS Advanced Multi-Sensory Payload System (Israel) AMPV Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (USA) AMRAAM Advanced Mediumrage AAM (USA) AMRDEC Aviation anf Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (USA) AMSAR Airborne Multirole Solid-state Active-array Radar (欧州) AMTI Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (USA) AMTI Air Moving Target Indicator (共通) AMV Advanced Maneuvering Vehicle (USA) AMV Armored Modular Vehicle (Sweeden) ANASIS Army/Navy/Air Force Satellite Information System (韓国) ANCILLARY AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-less Launch and RecoverY (USA) ANG Air National Guard (USA) ANL Anti-Navire Legere (France) ANS Autonomous Navigation System (USA) ANSILARY AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-less Launch and RecoveryY (USA) ANSR Autonomous Naval Support Round (USA) AOA Analysis Of Alternatives (USA) AOA Angle of Attack (共通) AOC Association of Old Crows (国際) AOC Air Operayion Center (USA) AOEW Advanced Off-board EW (USA) AOI Area Of Interest (共通) AOIP ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (USA) AOPV Arctic OPV (Canada) AOTD Active Optical Target Detector (USA) APAM Anti-Personnel/Anti-Materiel (USA) APAR Active Phased Array Radar (Europe) APAR Advanced Phased Array Radar (共通) APC Armoured Personnel Carrier (共通) APDS Armour Piecong Discarding Sabot (共通) APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (国際) APFSDS Armour-Piecing Fin-Stabilised Discarding-Sabot (共通) APFSDS-T APFSDS-Tracer (共通) A-PhI Atomic-Photonic Integration (共通) API Allied Prototyping Initiative (USA) APIS Array Passive ISAR Adaptive Processing (Spain) APKWS Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (USA) APMI Accelerated Precision Mortar Initiative (USA) A-PNT Assured-PNT (USA) Apple Adaptive Photonics Phase-Locked Elements (USA) APPU Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians' Union (国際) APS Active Protection System (共通) APS Army Prepositioned Stocks (USA) APT Advanced Persitent Threat (USA) AR Augmented Reality (共通) ARA Attack Recobnaissance Aircraft (USA) ARAV Aegis Readiness Assessment Vehicle (USA) ARBS Advanced Refuelling Boom System (USA) ARC Adaptive Radar Countermeasure (USA) ARCIC Army Capabilities Integration Center (USA) ARDEC Armament, Research, Development and Engineering Center (USA) ARDEL Advanced Radar Detection Laboratory (USA) ARES AESA Radar for Engagement and Surveillance (USA) ARF ASEAN Regional Forum (Asia Pacific) ARG Amphibious Ready Group (USA) ARGE Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Germany) Argus Autonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance (USA) ARGUS-IS Autonomous Real-time Groud Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System (USA) ARH Active Radar Homing (共通) ARH Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (USA) ARH Anti-Radiation Homing (共通) ARIES Airborne Reconaissance Integrated Electroni System (USA) ARL Army Research Laboratory (USA) ARLM Anti-Radiation LM (共通) ARM Anti Radiation Missile (共通) ARMDC Affordable Rapid Prototype Missile Drone Concept (英日伊) ARPAC Army Pacific Command (USA) ARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (NATO) ARRMD Affordable Rapid Response Missile Demonstrator (USA) ARRW Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (USA) ARS Artillery Rocket System (共通) ARS Aerial Refuelling Store (USA) ARSOAC Army Special Operations Aviation Command (USA) ARSST Army Space Support Team (USA) ARTEMIS Advanced Responsive Tactically Effective Mik\litary Imaging Spectrometer (USA) ARTIST Advanced Radar Technology Integrated Systems Testbed (UK) ARTS Advanced Radar Targeting System (UK) ARV American Rheinmetall Vehicles (USA) ARV Armoured Recovery Vehicle (共通) ARV-A-L Armed Robotic Vehicle-Assault-Light (USA) ARV-M Armed Robotic Vehicle-Mine Detector (韓国) ASAB Air and Missile Defence Command and Control Security Accreditation Board (NATO) ASaC Airborne Surveillance and Control (UK) ASALM Advanced Strategic Air-Launched Missile (USA) ASARS Advanced SAR System (USA) ASAT Anti-Satellite (共通) ASBM Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (中国) ASCALON Autoloaded and Scalable Outperforming Gun (Europe) ASCG Automated Small Calibre Gun (UK) ASCM Anti-Ship Cruise-Missile (共通) ASDPSWS Agile Small Deflection Precision Stabilized Weapon System (USA) ASEAN Association of South‐East Asian Nations (Asia) ASEM Asia-Europe Meeting (国際) ASEV Aegis System-Equipped Vessel (日本) ASF Adaptival Strike Frigate (UK) ASG Atomic Spin Gyroscpoe (共通) ASIP Airborne Signals Intelligence Payloard (USA) ASIP Arrow System Improvement Program (Israel) ASLAV Australian Light Armoured Vehicle (Australia) ASM Anti-Ship Missile (共通) ASMD Anti-Ship Missile Defence (Australia) ASP Anual Service Practice (USA) ASP Adjunct Sensor Prototype (USA) ASPI Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Australia) ASPJ Airborne Self-Protection Jammer (USA) ASPM Airborne Self-Protection Missile (USA) ASR Air Surveillance Radar (共通) ASRAAM Advanced Short Range AAM (欧州) ASRAD Advanced Short Range Air Defence (Europe) ASRAD-R Advanced Short Range Air Defence Missile System (Europe) ASROC Anti-Submarine Rocket (USA) ASRR Airspace and Surface Radar Reconnaissance (USA) ASTAMIDS Airborne Standoff Mine Detection System (USA) ASTAMID Airborne Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Minefield Detection (USA) ASTOR Airborne Stand-Off Radar (UK) ASTRO Applied Science & Technology Research Organization (USA) ASuW Anti-Surface Warfare (共通) ASV Autonoumous Surface Vessel (共通) ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare (共通) ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System (USA) ATALD Advanced TALD (Israel) ATBM Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile (共通) ATC Air Trafic Control (共通) ATD Advanced Technology Demonstrator (日本) ATD Advanced Teaming Demonstration (USA) ATDB Army Tiger Demonstration Brigade (韓国) ATDL Advanced Tacrical Data Link (USA) A-Team Advanced-Teaming (USA) ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Missile (共通) ATGW Anti-Tank Guided Weapon (共通) ATHENA Advanced Test High Energy Asset (USA) ATL Airborne Tactical Laser (USA) ATL Advanced Tactical Laser (USA) ATLA Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (日本) ATLAS Advanced Tracking and Launch Analysis System (USA) ATM Anti-Tank Missile (共通) ATM All Things Missile (USA) ATOC Acceptance Test Operational Capability (Italy) ATP Advanced Targeting Pod (USA) ATR Automatic Target Recognition (共通) ATRR Advanced technology Risk Reduction (USA) ATS Airpower Teaming System (USA, Australia) ATT Active Tracking Technology (韓国) ATUAS Autonomous Technology for Unmanned Air System (USA) ATV All-Terrain Vehicle (共通) AUAS Advanced UAS (USA) AUAV Assault UAV (共通) AUDROS Autonomous Drone Service AUDS Anti-UAV Defence Systems (USA,UK) AUKUS Australia, UK, US Australia, UK, US AUR All Up Round (共通) AURA Attack Utility Replacement Aircraft (USA) AUSA Association of the US Army (USA) Austrade Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Australia) AUV Autonomus Underwater Vehicle (共通) AUVSI Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (国際) AV-CAT Amphibious Vehicle-Carrier Armoured Trackway (中国) AVIC Aviation Industries of China (中国) AVM Adaptive Vehicle Make (USA) AW Alternative Warhead (USA) AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System (共通) AWD Air Warfare Destroyer (Australia) AWP Alternative Warhead Program (USA) AWS Affordable Weapon System (USA) AWS Aegis Weapon System (USA) AWS Arrow Weapon System (Israel) AZAL Azerbaijan Airlines (Azerbaijan)
BAA Broad Agency Announcement (USA) BACN Battlefield Airborne Communication Node (USA) BAMS Broard Area Maritime Surveillance (USA) BAP Baltic Air Policing (NATO) BATS Boeing Airpower Teaming System (Australia, USA) BB Base Bleed (共通) BCA Budget Control Act (USA) BCS Beam Control System (USA) BCS Battle Command System (USA) BCT Brigade Combat Team (USA) BCT-M BCT Modernization (USA) BDR Basic Design Review (USA) BDL Bharat Dynamics Ltd. (India) BDS Beidou Navigation Satellite System (中国) BECA Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (India, USA) BFSAR Battle Force Ship Assessment and Requirement (USA) BFT Blue Force Tracking (共通) BG Battle Group (France) BGW Boost-Glide Weapon (共通) BHMD Ballistic and Hypersonic Missile Defense (共通) BILL Beacon Illuminator Laser (USA) BIS Bureau of Industry and Security (USA) BIST Baseline Integration System Test (USA) BIT Built-In Test (共通) BLOS Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (共通) BM Battle Manager (国際) BM Battle Management (共通) BMC Battle Managrmrnt and Weapon Control (共通) BMC Battle Managrmrnt Control (Israel) BMC Battle Managrmrnt Center (共通) BMC4I Battle Managrmrnt and C4I (Israel) BMCS Battle Managrmrnt Control System (Israel) BMD Ballistic Missile Defense (共通) BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Organisation (Israel) BMDR Ballistic Missile Defense Review (USA) BMDS Ballistic Missile Defense System (USA) BMEW Ballistic Missile Early Warning (共通) BMEWR Ballistic Missile Early Warning Radar (共通) BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning Systems (USA) BMS Battle Management System (共通) BPOP Basic Plan on Ocean Policy (日本) BOC Battery Operations Center (USA) BOLT Boundary Laher Transition (共通) BPC Border Protection Command (豪) BPI Boost Phase Intercept (共通) BRGV Boost Glide Research Vehicle (USA) BROACH Bomb Royal Ordenance Augumantaion Charge (UK) BSIT Baseline Integrated System Test (USA) BTERM Ballistic Trajectory Extended Munition (USA) BTF Bomber Task Force (USA) BTG Battalion Tactical Group (Russia) BTID Battlefield Target Identification (UK) BTMD Beijin TongMeiDa Science and Technology Development Co. (中国) BVR Beyond-Visual-Range (共通) BVRAAM Beyond-Visual-Range AAM (共通) BWB Blended-Wing Body (共通) BWUAS Blue Water Maritime Logostics UAS (USA)
C2 Command and Control(共通) C2BMC C2 BM Communication (USA) C3 Command Control and Communications (共通) C3I C3, Intelligence (共通) C3ISR C3I, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (共通) C3T C3 - Tactics (USA) C4ADS Center for Advanced Defense Studies (USA) C4I Command, Control, Communication and Computers (共通) C4ISR C4I, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (共通) CAAA China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (中国) CAAM Common Anti-Air Missile (UK) CAATSA Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (USA) CAB Common Array Block(USA) CAB Combat Aviation Brigade (USA) CAB-E CAB-Surface(USA) CAC Chengdu(成都) Aircraft Corporation (中国) CAC Combined Armes Company (USA) CAC2S Common Aviation Command and Control System (USA) CAD Computer Aided Design (共通) CADI Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (中国) CAESAR Captor AESA Radar (Europ) CAESAR Captor AESA Radar (Europ) CAEW Conformal AEW (Israel) CAG Comptroller and Auditor General (India) CAG Carrier Air Wing (USA) C CAI China Avaition Research Institute (中国) CAHW onventionally Armed Hypersonic Weapon (USA) CAI Chengdu Aircraft Industry (中国) CAIC Chengdu(成都)Aircraft Industries (Group) Corporation (中国) CAIGA China Aviation Industry General Aircraft (中国) CAIGC China Aviation Industry Group Corporation (中国) CALCM Conventional ALCM (USA) CAM Capabilities Assurance Mission (UK) CAMM Common Anti-air Modular Missile (UK) CANDL Compact Airborne Networking Data Link (NATO) CANDOR Cyber Analytics for Network Defense and Response Options (USA) CAOC Combined Air Operation Center (USA, NATO) CAP Combat Air Patrol (共通) CAPES Combat Avianics Programmed Extention Suite (USA) CARAT Coperation Afloat Readiness and Training (USA) CARD Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (EU) CARDC China Aerodynamics Research and Development Centre (中国) CAS Close Air Support (共通) CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国) CAS Collision Avoidance System (共通) CAS Combat Air Strategy (UK) CASC China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (中国) CASIC China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (中国) CAsMM Common Anti-surface Modular Missile (UK) CAST Counter-Air Science and Technology (USA) CASTC China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporatiob (中国) CASUP Cockpit and Senso Upgrade Program (USA) CATBird Cooperative Avionics Test Bed (USA) CATIC China Aviation Technology Import-Export Corporation (中国) CATOBAR Catapult-Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (共通) CATS Combat Air Teaming System (India) CAV Common Air Vehicle (USA) CATV Cold-Weather All-Terrain Vehicle (USA) CAVS Common Armoured Vehicle System (Europe) CAW Carrier Air Wing (USA) CBARS Carrier Based Aerial Refueling System (USA) C2BMC Command, Control Battle Management, and Communications (USA) C2BMS Command, Control Battle Management System (共通) CBC2 Cloud-Based Command and Control (USA) CBO Congressional Budget Office (USA) CBP Customs and Border Protection (USA) CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (共通) CBRNe CBRN, and explosive (共通) CC Central Command (USA) CCA Collaborative Combat Aircraft (USA) CCAC China Commercial Aircraft Corporation (中国) CC-COIL Closed-Cycle COIL (USA) CCD Cooperative Cyber Defence (NATO) CCDC Combat Capabilities Development Command (USA) CCDCE CCD Centre of Excellence (NATO) CCDCOE CCD Center Of Excellence (NATO) CCDD Continuous Capability Development and Delivery (USA) CCE Combined Cycle Engine (共通) CCF Course Correcting Fuze (共通) CCFT Captive Carry Flight Test (共通) CCG China Coast Guard (中国) CCH Combatant Craft Heavy (USA) CCIE Channeled Centerbody Inlet Experiment (USA) CCJ Core Component Jammer (USA) CCM Convention on Cluster Munitions (国際) CCM Combatant Craft Medium (USA) CCM Communication Counter Measure (共通) CCP Com Cycle Propulsion (共通) CCE Combined Cycle Powered Engine (共通) CCT Captive-Carry Test (USA) CCTR Close Combat Tactical Radar (USA) CD Cross Domain (共通) CDE Continuous Detonation Engine (共通) CDITL Combined Day-In-The-Life (USA) CDL Common DataLink (USA) CDN Content Delivery Network (共通) CDR Critical Design Review (USA) CDRR Critical Design Readiness Review (USA) CDRR Competitive Demonstration and Risk-Reduction (USA) CD&RR Competitive Development and Risk Reduction (USA) CDS Costal Defense System (共通) CE Capability Enhancement (USA) CEC Cooperative Engagement Capability (USA) CECA Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (共通) CECAN Captor R-sCAn (欧州) CECC Congressional Executive Commission on China (USA) CECT China Electronics Technology Corporation (中国) CEIEC China National Electronics Import and Export Corporation (中国) CENTCOM Central Command (USA) CEO Chief Executive Officer (共通) CEP Circular Error Probability (共通) CERTEX Certification Exercise (NATO) CERTS Computer Emergency Response Teams (USA) CESM Communication ESM (UK) CETC China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (中国) CEV Combat Engineer Vehicle (共通) CFCB Carbon Filament Cluster Bomb (中国) CFE Conventional Force in Europe (Europe-Russia) CF(L)35 Conceptual Force (Land) 2035 (UK) CFM Cooperative Finacial Mechanism (Europe) CFP Call for Proposal (EU) CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (共通) CFT Captive Flight Test (共通) CFT Conformal Fuel Tank (USA) CFT Cross Functional Team (USA) CFTE China Flight Test Establishment (中国) CFX Command Fighter Advanced (Germany) CETGC China Electronics Technology Group Corp. (中国) CGM Common GPS Module (USA) CHAMP Counter-Electronics High-Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (USA) CHASE Cyber-Hunting at Scale (USA) CHEOS China High-resolution Earth Observation System (中国) C-HGB Common Hypersonic Glide Body (USA) CHIRP Commercially Hosted IR Payload (USA) CHITA Compound Helicopter Interactional Aerodynamics (USA) CHRDI China Helicopter R&D Institute (中国) CIAM Central Institute of Aviation Motors (Russia) CIAS Center for Information Assurance and Security (USA) CIC Combat Information Center (共通) CICADA Close-in Covert Autonomous Disposable Aircraft (USA) C-IED Counter-IED (共通) CID Combat ID (UK) CIDS Costial & Island Defense System (共通) CIR Cyber and Information Space (Germany) CIS Communications and Information System (NATO) CIS Commonwealth of Independent States (ex-Soviet Nations) CISA Cybersecurity & Infratructure Security Agency (USA) CISAC Center for International Security And Cooperation (USA) CIT Cyber / IT (Germany) CIWS Close-In Weapon Systems (共通) CJADC2 Combined JADC2 (USA) CJR Cobra Judy Replacement (USA) CKEM Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (USA) CKV Common Kill Vehicle (USA) CLAMP Continuous Look Attack Management for Predator (USA) CLAW Clean Area Weapon (USA) CLC Command Launch Computer (USA) CLGC Combustion Light Gas Gun (USA) CLT Common Launch Tube (USA) CLU Container Launch Unit (USA) CLU Command Launch Unit (USA) CLWS Compact Laser Weapon System (USA) CM Cruise Missile (共通) CM Counter Measure (Germany) CMC Ceramic Matrix Composite (共通) CMD CM Defense (共通) CMD Central Mulitary District (Russia) CMG Control Moment Gyro (共通) CMIC C-UAS Mobile Integrated Capability (USA) C-MMR Compact Multi-Mission Radar (Finland) CMOU Comprehensive MoU (共通) CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (共通) CMRB Composite Main Rotor Blade (USA) CMS Container Missile System (Russia) CMS Counter-Mine Suite (共通) CMS Combat Management System (共通) C-MUSIC Commercial Multi-Spectral IR Countermeasure (Israel) CNA Center for Naval Analyses (USA) CNA Central News Agency (台湾) CNAS Center for a New American Security (USA) CNSA China National Space Administration (中国) CNCE CubeSat Networked Communications Experiment (USA) CNCI Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (USA) CNMF Cyber National Mission Force (USA) COA Courses Of Action (共通) COBRA Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissance and Analysis (USA) COCOM Co-ordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (国際) CODAD Combined Diesel And Diesel (共通) CODAG Combined Diesel And Gasturbine (共通) CODDS C2BMC Operational Defense Design System (USA) CODE Collaborative Operations in Denied Environments (USA) CODE Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercise (台湾, USA) COFA Compact of Free Association (南太平洋, USA) CODLOG Combined Diesel Electric Or Gas turbine (共通) CODOG Combined Diesel Or Gas turbine (共通) COFA Compact of Free Association (USA, South Pacific) COGAG COmbined Gas turbine And Gas turbine (共通) COGLAG COmbined Gas turbine eLectric And Gas turbine (共通) COIL Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (USA) COIN Counter-Insurgency (共通) COLREGS International Regulations for Preventing Collisiona at Sea (共通) COMAC Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (中国) COMINT Comunication Intelligence (共通) COMCASA Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (共通) CONOPS Concept of Operations (USA) CONUS Continental United States (of America) (USA) CORIAN Counter-Remote Control Model Aircraft Integrated Air Defense Network (USA) COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf (共通) C2P Command and Control Processor (USA) CPB Certifiable Predator B (USA) CPCE Command Post Conputing Environment (USA) CPEC China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (中国, Pakistan) CPFH Cost Per Flying Hour (共通) CPGS Conventional Prompt Global Strike (USA) CPMIEC China National Precision Machinery Import Export Corporation (中国) CPS Common Processing System (USA) CPS Conventional Prompt Strike (USA) CPSI Conventional Prompt Strike Initiative (USA) CPT Cyber Protection Team (USA) CPX Command Post Exercise (共通) CR Continuing Resolution (USA) CR Contingency Respose (USA) CRADA Co-Operative Research And Development Agreement (USA) CRAM Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通) C-RAM Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通) CRANE Control of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effectors (USA) CRAW Compact Rapid Attack Weapon (USA) CRBM Close Range Ballistic Missile (共通) CRD2 Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (日本) CREA Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (Finland) CREW Counter RCIED EW (USA) CRC Cyber Resilience Centre (Australia) CRD2 Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (日本) CRF Control Response Firing (Germany) CRfI Capability RfI (USA) CRI Cost Reduction Initiative (USA) CROWS Common Remotely Operated Weapon Stations (USA) CRS Congressional Research Service (USA) CRW Canard Rotaor/Wing (USA) CS Combat System (USA) CS Capability Set (USA) CSAR Combat Search And Rescue (共通) CSBA Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (USA) CSBC China Shipbuilding Corporation (台湾) CSC China Shipbuilding Corporation (中国) C-SCAN Chip-Scale Combination Atomic Navigator (USA) CSCB Ctber Electromagnetic Activities's Cyber Support to Corps and Below (USA) CSDB Collaborative SDB (USA) CSEA Combat Systems Engineering Agent (USA) CSG Carrier Strike Group (USA) CSIC China State Shipbuilding Corporation (中国) CSIS Center for Strategic and International Studies (USA) CSIS Canadian Security Intelligence Service (Canada) CSIST Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology (台湾) CSL Common Source Library (USA) CSM Conventional Strike Missile (USA) CSOC China Shipbuilding and Offshore international Corporation (中国) CSP Capability Sustainment Programme (共通) CSpO Combined Space Operations (国際) CSpOC Combined Space Operations Center (USA) CSRS Coasrtal Surveillance Radar System (India, Maldives) CSSC China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (中国) CSSQT Combat Systems Ship Qualification Traial (USA) CSSRC China Ship Science Research Center (中国) CSTC China Shipbuilding Trading Co. Ltd (中国) CSTO Collective Security Treaty Organization (Russia) C-sUAS Counter Small UAS (USA) CTAS Cased Telescoped Armamment System (共通) CTBM Counter-Tactical Ballistic Missile (共通) CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (国際) CTF Combined Task Force (USA) CTM Conventional Trident Modification (USA) CTOL Conventional TakeOff and Landing (共通) CTTSO Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (USA) CTV Controlled Test Vehicle (USA) CsUAS Counter Small UAS (USA) CUAS Counter UAS (USA) C-UAS Counter UAS (USA) CUAV Counter UAV (USA) C-UAV Counter UAV (USA) CUES Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (国際) C-URAM Cointer-UAV, Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通) CV Carrior Varianf (共通) CV Combat Vehicle (共通) CVC Constant-Volume Combustion (共通) CVF Future Aircraft Carrier (UK) CVLO Counter Very-Low-Observable (共通) CW Complex Weapon (UK) CWB Conformal Weapon Bay (USA) CWC Chemical Weapons Convention (国際) CWDL Common Weapon Datalink (USA) CY Calendar Year
D/A Digital-to-Analon (共通) DAA Defense Authority Act (USA) DAA Detect-And-Avoid (共通) DA-ASAT Directascecent ASAT DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting (共通) DAC Defence Acquisition Council DACS Divert and Attitude Control System (共通) DADR Deployble Air Defence Radar (共通) DAIRCM Distributed Aperture IRCM DAMTC Direct Attack Moving Target Capability (USA) DAGR Direct Attack Guided Rocket (USA) DAPA Defence Acquisition Programme Administration (韓国) DARC Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (USA) DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA) DAS Distributed Aperture System (USA) DAS Defnsive Aids Suites (UK) DASA Defence and Security Accelerator (UK) DAS Defensive Aid Suites (共通) DASALS Distributed Aperture SAL Seeker (USA) DASS Defensive Aids Subsystem (Europe) DBF Digital Beam Forming (共通) DBM Distributed Battle Management (USA) DBR Dual Band Radar (USA) DBS Doppler Beam Sharpning (共通) DCA Defense Cooperation Agreement (共通) DCA Defensive Counter Air (共通) DCGS-A Distributed Commona Ground Station-Army (USA) DCoMPASS Digital Compact MultiPurpose Advanced Stabilised System (Israel) DCP Defence Capability Plan (Austraria, New Zealand) DCP Defence Command Paper (UK) DCR Dual-Combustion Ramjet (共通) DCS Direct Commercial Sale (USA) D&D Design and Development (USA) DD&C Detail Design and Construction (USA) DDIG Defense Department Inspector General (USA) DDL Digital Datalink (USA) DDoS Distributed DoS (共通) DDP Design and Development Phase (USA)/font> DDP Defence-in-Depth Payload (USA)/font> DDPS Department of Defence, Civil Protection, and Sports (Switzerland)/font> DDRD Directorate of Defence Research and Development (Israel) DDR&D Directorate of Defence Research and Development (Israel) DDS Data Distribution System (USA) DE Directed Energy (共通) DEA Defensive Electronic Attack (USA) DEAD Destruction of Enemy Air Defense (共通) DEDD Directed Energy Demonstrator Development (USA) DEP Distributed Electric Propulsion (USA) DE-MSHORAD Directed Energy MSHORAD (USA) DEW Directed Energy Weapon (共通) DEWS Digital Electronic Warfare Suite (USA) DExPro Defense Export Promotion Center (韓国) DFE Dynamic Force Employment (USA) DGA Direction générale de l'Armement (France) DGHEL Distributed Gain High Energy Laser (USA) DGHELWS DGHEL Weapon System (USA) DGPS Defferential GPS (共通) DHS Department for Homeland Security (USA) DIA Defense Intelligence Agency (USA) DIA Defence Innovation Agency (France) DIBMAC Defense Intelligence Ballistic Missile Analysis Commitee (USA) DICAS Defense Industrial Cooperation, Acquisition and Sustainment (日本) DIDC Defense Industry Development Council (韓国) DIGAR Digital GPS Anti-jamming Receiver (USA) DIME Dense Inert Matal Explosive (USA) DIRCM Directional IR Countermeasure (共通) Direct Distributed, Interactive, Command-and-Control Tool (USA) DIS Defence Industral Strategy (UK) DISA Defence Information System Agency (UK) DIU Defense Innovation Unit (USA) DLR German Aerospace Center (Germany) DMB Dual-Mode Brimstone (UK) DME Distance-Measuring Equipment (共通) DMLGB Dual-Mode LGB (USA) DMMM Dual-Mode Motar Munition (Israel) DMTI Dismounted MTI (USA) DMZ De-Militarized Zone (Korea) DNR Donetsk People's Republic (Ukraine) DNS Domain Name System (共通) DoD Department of Defense (USA) DoDIN DoD Information Network (USA) DoS Denial of Service (共通) DOT Developmental and Operational Testing (USA) DOT&E Director of OT&E (USA) DPAL Diode-Pumped Alkali Laser (共通) DPD Defence Policy Dialogue (共通) DPET Deployable Passive ESM Tracker (NATO) DPICM Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (USA) DPNS Dismounted Position and Navigation Sensor (UK) DPPC Defense Project Promotion Committee (韓国) DPU Defense Policy Update (Canada) DRA Direct Radiating Array (共通) DRACO Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (USA) DRC DARPA Robotics Challenge (USA) DRDL Defence Research and Development Laboratory (India) DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation (India) DRFM Digital Radio-Frequency Memory (Europe) DRPPL Draft Request for Prototype Proposal (USA) DRR Due Regard Radar (USA) DSA Defence Space Agency (India) DSARC Deep-Space Advanced Radar Capability (USA) DSC Direct Commercial Sale (USA) DSCA Defense Security Cooperation Agency (USA) DSD Discrimation Sensor Demonstrator (USA) DSI Diverter-less Supersonic Inlet (共通) DSIC Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (中国) DSMAC Digital Scene Matching and Area Co-relation (共通) DSME Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (韓国) DSP Defense Support Program (USA) DSP Demonstration Satellite Program (USA) DSRA Defence Space Research Agency (India) DSS Discriminating Space Sensor (USA) DST Defense Science and Technology (Australia) DSTA Defence Science and technology Agency (Singapore) DSTL Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (UK) DSTO Defence Science and Technology Organisation (Australia) DSWS David's Sling Weapon System (Israel) DT Development Test (USA) DTED Digital TED (共通) DTi Defence Technology Institute (Thailand) DTS Distributed Targeting System (USA) DTTI Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (USA) DVB-T Digital Video Broardcasting-Terrestrial (共通) DVH Double V-Hull (USA) DWES Distributed Weighted Engagement Scheme (USA)
EA Electronic Attack (共通) EAB Echelon Above Brigate (USA) EABO Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (USA) EAC Enhanced Air Cooperation (Austealia, USA) EAD Expendable Active Decoy (共通) EAEU EurAsian Economic Union (Russia) EALP Enclosed Assembly Launch Pod (USA) EAMM Enterprise Application Migration and Modernization (USA) eAP enhanced Air Polcing (NATO) EAPC Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (Europe) EAPS Extended Area Protection and Survivabily (USA) EAPS ID EAPS Integration Demonstration (USA) EAS European Activity Set (USA) EAS East Asia Summit (East Asia) cing EASA European Aviation Safety Agency (Europe) EASR Enterprise Air Surveillance Radar (USA) EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Europe) EBS Expeditionary Bomb Squadron (USA) ECC Enforcement Co-ordination Cell (UN) ECCM Electronic Counter Counter Measure (共通) ECCT Enterprise Capability Collaboration Team (USA) ECCU EUCOM Control Center-Ukraine (USA) ECF European Correcting Fuze (Europ) ECM Electronic Counter Measure (共通) ECMA Enterprise Cloud Management Agency (USA) ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States (Africa) ECP Engineering Change Proposal (USA) ECR Electronic Combat Reconnaissance (共通) ECRS Eurofighter Typhoon European Common Radar System (Europe) ECS Engagement Control Station (USA) ECTA Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (共通) EDA European Defence Agency (EU) EDA Excess Defense Articles (USA) EDCA Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (Philippine,USA) EDF European Defence Fund (EU) EDI European Deterrence Initiative (USA) EDIDP EDI Development Programme (EU) EDM Engineering Development Model (USA) EEAS European External Action Service (EU) EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (USA) EEP Engine Enhancement Package (韓国) EEP Explosively Formed Projectile >(共通) EEU Engineering Evaluation Unit (USA) EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone (国際) EFA Explosively Formed Axe (共通) EFP Explosively Formed Penetrator (共通) EFP or eFP Enhanced Foward Presence (NATO) EFSS Expenitionary Fire Support System (USA) EIAMDS Enhanced IAMDS (USA) E-IBCT Early-IBCT (USA) EIC European Infrastrucure Consolidation (USA) EII European Intervention Initiative (EU) EIP Early Intercept Phase (共通) EIS Environment Impact Statement (USA) EIS Enterprise Informarion Systems (USA) EISS Enhanced Integrated Sensor (USA) EJ Escort Jammer (共通) EJAB Electnonic Jammer Against Bomb (Israel) EKV Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (USA) ELES Enhanced Launcher Electronic Systems (USA) E-LGTR Enhanced-Laser-Guided Training Round (USA) E-LIDS Expeditionary LIDS (USA) ELINT Electronic Intelligence (共通) ELR Extended Long-Range (Europ) ELSA European Long-Range Strike Approach (Europ) EMA Emergency Management Agency (USA) EMALS Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (USA) EMAM Extended Mission Area Missile (USA) EMARS Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance System (USA) EMARSS Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (USA) EMBM Electro-Magnetic Battle Management (USA) EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility (共通) EMC2 Enterprie Open System Architecture Mission Computer 2.0 (USA) EMCAT Electromagnetic Catapult (UK) EMD Engineering and Manufacturing Development (USA) EMDD Engineering and Manufacturing Design and Demonstration (USA) EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference (共通) EMISAT ElectroMagnetic Intelligence Satellite (India) EMG ElectoMagnetic Gun (共通) EML ElectoMagnetic Launch (共通) EMLF ElectroMagnetic Launch Facility (USA) EMM European Modular Missile (Europe) EMP Electro-Magnetic Pulse (共通) EMPAR European Multifunction Phased-Array Radar (Europ) EMR European Mid-course Radar (USA) eMRBM extended MRBM (USA) EMG ElectoMagnetic Rail Gun (共通) EMRIS Electronically-Scanned Multifunction Reconfigurable Integrated Sensor (USA) EMRG ElectoMagnetic Rail Gun (共通) ENNPIA Exchange of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information Agreement (AUKUS) ENTAPS Engine Technologies for Aircraft Persistence and Survivability (UK) EO Electro-Optical (共通) EOC Early Operational Capability (USA) EO-DAS EO Distributed Aperture System USA EOP Enhanced Oppotunities Partner (NATO) EOR Engage On Remort (USA) EOTS EO Targeting System (共通) EPA Economic Partnership Agreement (共通) EPAA European PAA (USA) EPAWSS Eagle Passive/Active Warning Surveivability System (USA) EPC European Political Community (Europe) EPF European Peace Facility (EU) EPIAFS Enhanced Portable Inductive Artillery Fuse-Setter (USA) EPSRC Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (UK) EPU Electric Propulsion Unit (共通) ERA Explosive Reactive Armour (共通) ERAM Extended-Range Active Missile (USA) ERAM2 Extended-Range Attack Munition (USA) ERAMS Extended Range Artillery Munitions Suite (USA) ERC Extended Range Cannon (USA) ERC Expendable RC (Europe) ERCA Extended Range Cannon Artillery (USA) ERFB Extended Range Full Bore (USA) ERGM Extended Range Guided Munition (USA) ERI European Reassurance Initiative (USA) ERIP European Reassurance Initiative Program (USA) ERM Extended-Range Munition (USA) ER/MP Extended Range/Multi-Purpose (USA) ERS Early Releasse Submunitions (共通) ERS Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron (USA) ERWn Extended Range Weapon (USA) ESA European Space Agency (Europe) ESB Expeditionary Sea Base (USA) ESB Expeditionary Signal Battalion (USA) ESB-E ESB-Enhanced (USA) ESBIRS Evolved SBIRS (USA) ESDP European Security and Defence Policy (Europe) ES/ELINT Electronic Support/ELINT (Israel) ESG Expeditionary Strike Group (USA) ESIS Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (USA) ESM Electronic(-warfare) Support Measure (共通) ESPA EELV Secondary Payload Adapter (USA) ESSI European Sky Shield Initiative (Europe) ESSM Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (USA) ESSOR European Secure Software Defined Radio (Europe) ESSS External Store Supoort System (USA) EST Eastern Standard Time (USA) EST Excalibur Shaped Trajectory (USA) ETHOS Enabling Technologies for High-Speed Operable Systems (USA) ETI Emerging Technologies Institute (USA) E-TMRR Enhanced-TMRR (USA) EUBG European Union Battle Group (EU) EUFOR European Union Force (EU) EUCOM U.S. European Command (USA) E-UGS Expendable-UGS (USA) EU HYDEF European Hypersonic Defence Interceptor (EU) EUNAVFOR EU Naval Force (EU) EUROGUARD EUROpean Goal based mUlti mission Autonomous naval Reference platform Development (EU) eVTOL Electric VTOL (共通) EW Electronic Warefare (共通) EW Early Warning (共通) EWBM Electronic Warefare Battle Management (USA) EWC Early Warning Capability (蘭) EWPMT Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (USA) EWR Early Warning Radar (台湾) EWSMS Early-Warning and Space-Monitoring Systems (Russia) EXACTO EXtreme ACcuracy Tasked Ordnance (USA) ExLF Expedient Leader Follower (USA) EXPERT Experimental Reentry Vehicle (Europ) EXTRA EXTended RAnge (Israel)
F6 Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionaed, Free-Flying Spacecraft united by Information eXchange (USA) FAA Federal Aviation Administration (USA) FAAD Forward Area Air Defense (USA) FAAT First Article Acceptance Testing (USA) FAB-T Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (USA) FAC Foward Air Controller (共通) FACET Falcon Combined-Cycle Engine Technology (USA) FACO Final Assembly and Check Out (共通) FAE Fuel Air Explosive (共通) FAIC Fast Attack Interdiction Craft (Philippine) FALCON Force Application and Launch from CONUS (USA) FAR False Alarm Rate (共通) FARA Future ARA (USA) FARA-CP FARA-Competitve Prototype (USA) FAS Federation of American Scientists (USA) FASGW Future Anti-Surface Guided Weapon (UK) FASGW(H) FASGW (Haevy) (UK) FASGW(L) FASGW (Light) (UK) FBCB2 Force 21 Battle Command Brigade and Below (USA) FBCT FCS Brigade Combat Team (USA) FBO Federal Business Opportunities (USA) FBXR Forward Based X-band Radar (USA) FBXR Forward Based X-band Radar-Transportable (USA) FBX-T Forward Based X-band-Transportable (USA) FC Fire Control (共通) FCAS Future Combat Air System (Franco-German) FCAS-TI FCAS-TI (UK) FCASW Future Cruise Anti-Surface Weapon (UK, France) FC/ASW Future Cruise/Anti-Ship Weapon (UK, France) FCC Fire Control Center (共通) FCCS Fire Control and Communication Station (USA) FCDA Fire Control Dicision Aid (USA) FCE Fires Center of Excellence/font> (USA) FCLP Field Carrier Landing Practice (USA) FCP Future Capabilities Programme (UK) FCR Fire Control Radar (USA) FCS Future Combat System (USA) FCS Fire Control System (共通) FCT Foreign Comparative Testing (USA) FCU Fire Control Unit (共通) FDC Fire Distribution Centre (Norway,USA) FDI Foreign Direct Investment (共通) FDRR Final Design Readiness Review (USA) FDT&E Force Development Test and Evaluation (USA) FDU Fire Direction Unit (共通) FEANIX Future Effector Adaptable、Networked、Intelligent、Xpendable (Europe) FEFTA Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (日本) FEL Free Electron Laser (共通) FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency (USA) FEP Full Electric Propulsion (共通) FF Fire and Forget (共通) FFD Full Fleet Deployment (USA) FFF Fähigkeitslücke und Funktionale Forderung (Germany) FFID Future Force Integration Directorate (USA) FGFA Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (India) FIAC Fast Inshore Attack Craft (共通) FIAMDR Future Integrated Air and Missile Defense Radar (USA) FIDL Fully Integrated Data Link (USA) FIR Flight Information Region (国際) FIRMS Fire Information for Resource Management System (USA) FLA Fast Lightweight Autonomy (USA) FLAADS Future Local Anti-Air Defence System (Maritime) (UK) FLAADS(M) FLAADS (Land) (UK) FLAADS(M) FLAADS (Maritime) (UK) FLADS Future Local Anti-Air Defence System (UK) FLAUS Family of Low Altitude Unmanned Systems (USA) FLAVIIR Flapless Air Vehicle Integrated Industry Research (UAV) FLEC Fisheries Law Enforcement Command (中国) FLEP Final Lifetime Extension Programme (共通) FLIR Foward Looking InfraRed (共通) FLM Focuced Leathality Minition (FLM) FLRAA Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (USA) FLRDFC Future Long Range deep Fires Capability (UK) FLV Future Vertical Lift (USA) FLV-M FLV-Medium (USA) FMAN Future Missile AntiNavire (France) FMC Future Missile de Croisière (France) FMCT Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (国際) FMF Foreign Military Finacing (USA) FMF Fleet Maritme Force (USA) FMS Foreign Military Sale (USA) FMTV Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle (USA) FNC Future Naval Capabilities (USA) FOBS Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (共通) FOC Full Operational Capability (共通) FOG Fibre-Optic Gyro (共通) FOIP Free and Open Indo-Pacific (国際) FONOP Freedon-Of-Navigation Operation (USA) FOPEN Foliage Penetration (共通) FORESTER Foliage-penetration, Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Tracking and Engagement Radar (USA) FORGE Future Operationally Resilient Ground Evolution (USA) FOTA Fibre-Optic Towed Array (Europe) FOT&E Follow-On Operational Test and Evaluation (USA) FOV Field Of View (共通) FPA Focal Plane Array (共通) FPDA Five Powers Defence Arrangements (UK & Allied) FP-HMD Flat-Panel HMD (日本) FPV First Person View (共通) FRA Fiscal Responsibility Act (USA) FRONTEX Frontieres exterieures (Europ) FRP Full-Rate Production (USA) FRV Flight Research Vehicle (USA) FSA Force Structure Assessment (USA) FSA Free Syrian Army (Syria) FSAF Future Surface-to-Air Family (Europ) FSB Federal Security Service (Russia) FSC Future Surface Combatant (UK) FSU frigate systems Upgrade (NZ) FS-LIDS Fixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (USA) FTA Free Trade Agreement (共通) FTC Force Troops Command (UK) FTF Flexible Target Family (USA) FTS Force Tracking System (国際) FTS Flight Termination System (USA) FTUAS Future Tactical UAS (USA) FU Fire Unit (共通) FV (USA) FVL Future Vertical Lift (USA) FVLM FVL Medium (USA) FW Fixed Wing (共通) FYDP Future Year Defence Program (USA)
G2M GPS-Guided Munition (USA) GA-ASI General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (USA) GA-EMS General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (USA) Gagan GPS-Aided Geo-Augmented Navigation (India) GAMB Giraffe Agile Multi-Beam (Sweeden) GAMM Ground Attack Micromissile (UK) GAO Government Accountability Office (USA) GATM Global Air Trafic Management (国際) GATOR Ground Air Task Oriented Radar (USA) G/ATOR Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (USA) GATR Guided Advanced Tactical Rocket (Israel,USA) GATR-L GATR-Laser (Israel,USA) GAV Guizhou Aviation Group(中国) GAV Gremlin Air Vehicle (USA) GB Guided Bomb (共通) GBAD Ground-Based Air Defence (UK, 共通) GBADS Ground-Based Air Defence System (南ア) GBASM Ground-Based Anti-Ship Missile (USA) GBI Ground-Based Interceptor (USA) GBL Ground Based Launcher (南ア) GBR-P Ground-Based Radar Prototype (USA) GBSAA Ground-Based SAA (USA) GBSD Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (USA) GBASM Ground-Based Anti-Ship Missile (USA) GBMRAD Ground-Based, Medium-Range, Air Defence (Australia) GBWDS Ground Based Weapons Delivery System (USA) GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System (共通) GCAP Global Combat Air Programme (日、英、伊) GCC Gulf Cooperation Council (国際) GCC Ground Control Station (共通) GCGM Guided Carl-Gustaf Munition (USA,Sweedwn) GCS Global Combat Ship (UK) GCV Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) GDD Guam Defense Development (USA) GDEB General Dynamics Electric Boat (USA) GDELS General Dynamics European Land Systems (Europe, USA) GDL Gas Dynamic Laser (共通) GDLS General Dynamics Land Systems (USA) GDMS General Dynamics Mission Systems (USA) GDP Gross Domestic Product (共通) GDS Guam Defense System (USA) GEM Guidance Enhancement Missile (USA) GEM-T GEM-Tactical (USA) GEM-T GEM-TBM (USA) GEO Geosynchronous Orbit (共通) GEOINT Geospatial Intelligence (共通) GEOT-E GEO Early On-Orbit Test (USA) GEV Ground-Effect Vehicle (共通) GGNM Gliding Guided Naval Munition (韓国) GIDE Global Information Dominance Experiments (USA) GIGO GCAP International Government Organisation (日、英、伊) GISIS Global Integrated Shipping Information System (国際) GLCM Ground Launched CM (共通) GLEF Green Laser Escalation of Force (USA) GLOC Ground Lines Of Communication (共通) GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System (Russia) GLSDB Ground Launched SDB (共通) GLUAS Grenade Launched Unmanned Aerial System (USA) GM Guided Missile (共通) GMA Generic Missile Architecture (Europ) GMB Guided Mortar Bomb (Israel) GMD Ground-based Missile Defense (USA) GMLRS Guided MLRS (USA> GMM Guided Mortar Munition (Israel) GMR Ground Mobile Radio (USA) GMS Griffin Missile System (USA) GMS2 Gunship Multispectral Sensor Systems (USA) GMTI Ground Moving Target Indicator (共通) GNA Government of National Accord (Libya) GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System (共通) GNU Guidance and Navigation Unit (共通) GO Growth Option (USA) GOC Ground Operation Command (韓国) GOP Grand Old Party (USA) GOSSRA Generic Open Soldier Systems Reference Architecture (EU) GP Guard Post (韓国) GPALS Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (USA) GPAW Global Precision Attack Weapon (USA) GPFF General Purpose Frigate (UK) GPI Glide Phase Interceptor (USA) GPR Ground Penetrating Radar (共通) GPR Global Posture Review (USA) GPS Global Positioning System (共通) GrATS Bround Asset Tracking System (USA,UK) GRF Global Response Force (UK) GRWS Guided Rocket Weapo System (中国) GS Global Strike (USA) GSE Ground Soldier Ensemble (USA) GSOMIA Generel Security of Military Information Agreement (共通) GSS Ground Soldier System (USA) GSSAP Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program (USA) GTV Guided Test Vehicle (USA) GUGI Glavnoye Upravlenie Glubokovodnikh Issledovanii (RU\ussia) GUSS Ground Unmanned Support Surrogate (USA) GVSC Ground Vehicle Systems Center (USA) GXV-T Ground X-Vehicle Technology (USA)
HAA High Altitude Anti-Ship (USA) HAA High Altitude Air-Ship (USA) HAAS High Availability Aerostat System (Israel, USA) HAAWC High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Concept (USA) HAB High-Altitude Balloon (USA) HACM Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile (USA) HADES High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (USA) HADR Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (共通) HAIC Hougdu(鴻都)Aviation Industry Group (中国) HAIG Hougdu(鴻都)Aviation Industry Group (中国) HAIG Harbin Aircraft Industry Group (中国) HAL Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (India) HALE High-Altitude Long Endurance(共通) HALE-D High-Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator(USA) HALEU High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium (USA) HALL High-Altitude Long Loiter(共通) HALO HYpersonoc Air-Launch OASuW(USA) HAME High-Altitude Medium Endurance(共通) HAMMER Highly Adaptable Multi-Mission Radar (USA) Hammer Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range (France) HAN Hydroxylammonium nitrate (共通) HAPS High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (UK) HAPS High Altitude Platform System (UK) Hardbut Hard and Deeply Buried Target (UK, France) HARM High-sdeeed ARM (USA) HARMSPRO HARbor and Maritime Surveillance and PROtection (EU) HART Heterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance Team (USA) HASC House Armed Service Committee (USA) HASTE Hypersonic Accelerator Suborbital Test Electron (USA) HAV Hybrid Air Vehicle (共通) HAWC Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (USA) HAWL Hovering Aerial Weapons-delivery Kit (Philippine) HB High Band (共通) HBGV Hypersonic Boost-Glide Vehicle (共通) HBGW Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapon (共通) HBTSS Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (USA) HCDS (USA) HCM Hypersonic CM (共通) HCSC Hypersonic Conventional Strike Capability (USA) HCSM HARM Control Section Modification (USA) HCSW Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (USA) HCV Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (USA) HD High Diver (USA) HDA Hanwha Defense Australia (韓、豪) HDAM HARM Destruction of enemy air defences Attack Module (USA) HDBT Hard and Deeply Buried Target (共通) HDOTH-R Homeland Defense OTH-R (USA) HDPW Hard Target Penetrator Warhead (USA) HDR Homeland Defense Radar (USA) HDRGPWS Hypersonic Defense RGPWS (USA) HDR-H HDR-Hawaii (USA) HDR-P HDR-Pacific (USA) HDS Homeland Defense System (USA) HDR-G HDR-Guam (USA) HDS-G HDS-Guam (USA) HDWS Hypersonic Defense Weapon System (USA) HDWS Hypersonic Defense Weapon System (USA) HDWSC Hypersonic Defense Weapon System Concept (USA) HE High Explosive (共通) HeATS Helicopter-mounted Asset Tracking System (USA,UK) HE High Explosive (共通) HEAT HE Anti-Tank (共通) HEAB-T High Explosive Airburst with Trace (USA) HED Hybrid Electric Drive (USA) HEDP HE Dual Purpose (USA) HE-ER HE-Exended Range (Norway) HE-ExR HE-Exended Range (Norway) HEGM High Explosive Guided Mortar (USA) HEI High Explosive Incendiary (共通) HE-IFPC HE-IFPC (USA) HE-IMP HE-Impact (France) HEL High Energy Laser (共通) HELIOS HEL Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance (USA) HELLADS HEL Liquid Area Defense System (USA) HELMA-P HEL for Multiple Application–Power (France) HELMD HEL Mobile Demonstrator (USA) HELMTT HEL Mobile Test Truck (USA) HELS HEL System (Germany) HELSI HEL Scaling Initiative (USA) HELSTF HEL Test Facility (USA) HELTD HEL Technology Demonstrator (USA) HELTF HEL System Test Facility (USA) HELTVD HEL Tactical Vehicle Demonstration (USA) HELWS HEL Weapon System (Germany, USA) HEMTT High Expanded Movility Tactical Truck (USA) HELMTT High Energy Laser Mobile Test Truck (USA) HEO High Elliptical Orbit (共通) HEP Harpoon Enhancement Programme (Israel) HEP HE Proximiry (USA) HERTI High Endurance Rapid Technology Insertion (UK) HET Heavy Equipment Transporter (USA) HELTVD HEL Tactical Vehicle Demonstration (USA) HEU Highly Enriched Uranium (共通) HF Hsiung Feng (台湾) HFE Heavy Fuel Engine (共通) HFTE High-Frequency Test-Bed (USA) HGB Hypersoniuc Glide Body (USA) HGD Hypersoniuc Glide Defense (USA) HGTC Hypersonic Ground Test Center (USA) HGV Hypersoniuc Glide Vehicle (共通) HGW Hypersoniuc Glide Weapon (共通) HGWS Hypervelocity Gun Weapon System (USA) HHI Hyundai Heavy Industries (韓国) HHIC Hyundai Heavy Industries and Construction (韓国) HyCAT High-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities (USA) HIFIRE Hypersonic International Flight Research Experimentation (USA,Australia) HII Huntington Ingalls Industries (USA) HiJENKS High-Powered Joint Electromagnetic Non-Kinetic Strike Weapon (USA) HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (USA) HISTED High-Speed Turbojet Engine Development (USA) HIT Hypersonics Industry Team (USA) HITL Hardware In-The-Loop (共通) HK-DAS Hard-Kill Defensive Aid System (UK) HLC Heavy Lift Challene (UK) HLDF High-Level Data Fusion (USA) HM Hypersonic Missile (共通) HMD Helmet-Mounted Display (共通) HMDS Helmet-Mounted Display System (USA) HML High-Mobility Launcher (国際) HMMWV High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (USA) HMS Handheld, Manpack, Small Form Fit (USA) HNS Host Nation Support (共通) HOB Height-Of-Burst (共通) HOGE Hover Out of Ground Effect (共通) HOJ Home On Jam (共通) HOTS High Operational Temperature Sensors (USA) HPAF Hypwesonic Production Accelerator Facility (USA) HPLW High Power Laser Weapon (Gernany) HPM High-Power Microwave (共通) HPMS High-Power Microwave System (共通) HPMTT HPM Technology Testbed (USA) HPRF High-Power RF (共通) HRR High Range Resolution (USA) HRV HTV Return Vehicle (日本) HRW Human Rights Watch (国際) HSAD High Speed Antiradiation Demonstration (USA) HSL Hindustan Shipyard Limited (India) HSRFRV High-Speed Reusable Flight Reserch Vehicle (USA) HSSW High-Speed Strike Weapon (USA) HSTDV Highpersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (India) HSV High Speed Vessele (USA) HTB Hypersonic Test Bed (USA) HTBGW Hypersonic TBGW (USA) HTCDF Hypersonic Technologies and Capability Development Framework (UK) HTK Hit-To-Kill (共通) HTM Hard Target Munition (USA) HTS Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (Syria) HTSF Hard Target Smart Fuze (USA) HTV Hypersonic Test-Vehicle (USA) HTV Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (USA) HTVSF Hard Target Void-Sensing Fuze (USA) HTX Heat Exchanger (共通) HUD Head Up Display (共通) HULC Human Universal Load Carrier (USA) HUR Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence Directorate (Ukraine) HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (USA) HVGP Hyper Velocity Gliding Projrectile (日本) HVM Hyper-Velocity Missile (共通) HVP Hyper-Velocity Projectile (共通) HVX Hypersonic Air Vehicle Experomental (UK) HWB Hybrid Wing/Body (共通) HWGB Hypersonic Weapon Glide Body (共通) HWIL HardWare In-the-Loop (共通) Hybrid CoE European Center od Excellence for Counter Hybrid Threats (Finland) HyCAT Hypersonic and High-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities (USA) HYVINT Hypervelocity Interceptor (USA) HYDIS² HYpersonic Defence Interceptor Study (Europe)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency (国際) IAFTX India-Africa Field Training Exercise (India, Africa) IAI Israel Aerospace Industries (Israel) IAMD Integerated Air and Missile Defense (USA) IAMDBCS <#IADM>IAMD Battle Command System (USA) IAMDS IAMD System (USA) IAMDWS Integerated Air Defense Weapon System (USA) IARPA Intelligence Advanced Research Project Activity (USA) IBCS Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (USA) IBCT Infantry Brigade Combat Team (USA) IBMS Intgrated Battle Management Software (Europe) IBS Integrated Broadcast Service (共通) ICAD Illegal、Coercive、Aggressive、Deceptive (共通) ICAM Identity, Credential, and Access Managemen (共通) ICAP Improved Capability (USA) ICBM InterContinental Ballistic Missile (共通) ICC International Criminal Court (国際) ICC Information Command Center (USA) I2CEWS Information, Intelligence, Cyber, Electronic Warfare and Space (USA) ICAM Identity, Credential and Access Management (共通) ICJ International Court of Justice (国際) ICP Industrial Cooperation Programme (台湾) ICS Interim Capability Step (NATO) ICV Infantry Combat Vehicle (共通) ICV Intelligence and Command Vehicle (中国) ID Integrated Demonstration (USA) I&D Integration and Demonstration (USA) IDAS Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines (Germany) IDCC International Donor Coordination Centre (Europe) IDDS-A Iron Dome Defense System - Army (USA) IDECM Integrated Defensive ECM (USA) IDEX International Defense Exhibition & Conferance (UAE) IDF Indigenous Defensive Fighter (台湾) ID/IQ Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (USA) IDR Initial Design Review (USA) IDS Indigenous Defensive Submarine (台湾) IdZ Infanterist der Zukunft (Germany) IED Improvised Explosive Device (共通) IEPS Integrated Electric Propulsion (or Power) System (共通) IEWS Integrated Electronic Warfare System (共通) IFC Information Fusion Center (Singapore) IFC Integrated Functional Capability (USA) IFCN Integrated Fire Control Network (USA) IFCS Improved Fire Control System (USA) IFCS Integrated Fire Control Station (USA) IFDL Intra-Flight Data Link (USA) IFF Identification Friend or Foe (共通) IF-LC Iron First Light Configuration (Israel) IF-LD Iron First Light Decoupled (Israel) IFLK Iron First Light Kinetic (Israel) iFOG Interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyro (共通) IFPC Indirect Fire Protection Capability (USA) IFPCInc2 IFPC Increment-2 (USA) IFPCInc2-I IFPC Increment-2 Intercept (USA) IFU International Fund for Ukraine (国際) IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle (共通) IGCC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (USA) IGD Individual Gunshot Detection (USA) IGE Improved Gray Eagle (USA) IGSO Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (共通) IH Integrated Hypersonics (USA) IIF Institute of International Finance (国際) IIFP Integral Information Floating Platform (中国) IIR Imaging IR (共通) IISS International Institute for Strategic Studies (UK) IM Insensitive Munition (USA) IMC Initial Manoeuvre Capability (UK) IMCOM Installation Management Command (USA) IMD Integrated Missile Defence (USA) IMDO Israel Missile Defence Organization (Israel) IMET International Military Education and Training (USA) IMI Israel Military Industried (Israel) IMINT Image Intelligence (共通) IMO International Maritime Organization (国際) I-MPUGV Intelligent MPUGV (韓国) IMS Intelligence Mission System (Europe) IM-SHORAD Interim Maneuver SHORAD (USA) IM-SHORAD Initial Maneuver SHORAD (USA) I-MST Integrated Mast (共通) IMU Inertial Measurement Unit (共通) INDSR Institute for National Defense and Security Research (Taiwan) INE Inertial Navigation Element (共通) INF Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (国際) INFSA Integrated Naval Force Structure Assessment (USA) INKSNA Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act (USA) INS Inertial Navigation System (共通) INS Anti-Navire Leger (France) InSb Indium Antimonide (共通) InTop Integrated Topside (USA) INVENT Integrated Vehicle Energy Technology (USA) IOC Initial Operational Capability (USA) IOT Initial Operational Test (USA) IoT Internet-of-Things (共通) IOT&E IOT and Evaluation (USA) IP Internet Protocol (共通) IPA Infrastructure and Procuments Authority (UK) IPAC Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (国際) IPCP Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme (NATO) IPD Indo-Pacific Deployment (日本) IPEF Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (国際) IPMDA Indo-Pacific MDA (USA) IPDI Indo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative (USA) IPO Initial Public Offering (共通) IPODS Integrated Precision Ordnance Delivery System (USA) IPSC International Peace Keeping and Security Center (Ukraine) IQPC International Quality and Productivity Center (国際) IR InfraRed (共通) IRAP Invisible Reactive Armour Protection (Israel) IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (共通) IRCM IR CounterMeasure (共通) IRCPS Intermediate-Range CPS (USA) IR&D Independent Research and Development (共通) IRF Immediate Response Force (USA) IRGC Isramic Revolution Guard Corps (Iran) IRIGC-MTC India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Co-operation (India, Russia) IRIS-T IR Imaging System-Tail (Germany) IRIS-T SLS IRIS-T Surface Launched Short Range (Germany) IRIS-T SLM IRIS-T Surface Launched Medium Range (Germany) IRST IR Search and Tracking (共通) IS Islamic State (Iraq) ISAF International Security Assistance Force (国際) Isanke Integrated Sensing and Non-Kinetic Effest system (UK) ISAR Inverse SAR (共通) ISD In-Service Date (UK) ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Iraq) ISIS Integrated Sensor Is Structure (USA) ISIS Integrated SIGINT System (Germany) ISIS Institute for Science and International Security (USA) ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (共通) ISM Integrated Sensor Manager (USA) ISM Industry Science and Medical (共通) ISM Integrated Sensor Mast (共通) ISP Specific Impulse (共通) ISR Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (共通) ISRO Indian Space Reserch Organisation (India) ISS International Space Station (国際) ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (共通) ISV Infantry Squad Vehicle (USA) ISW Institute for the Study of War (USA) ITALD Improved TALD (Israel) ITAR International Trade in Arms Regulation (USA) ITB Integrated Test Bed (NATO) ITEP Improved Turbin Engine Program (USA) ITN Integrated Tactical Network ITP Innovation and Technology Partnership (Europ) ITPP Individually Tailored Partnership Program (日本, NATO) ITR Initial Technical Review (USA) ITT Invitation To Tender (UK) ITV Instrumented Test Vehicle (USA) ITWAA Integrated Tactical Warning Attack Assessment (USA) IUSA Indian Unmanned Strike Aircraft (India) IVAS Integrated Visual Augmentation System (USA) IWS Integrated Weapon System (USA)
JABMM Joint Air-Breathing Multi-Role Missile (USA) JABMS Joint Air Battle Management System (Australia) JADC Japan Aircraft Development Corp. (日本) JADC2 Joint All-Domain Command and Control (USA) JADO Joint All-Domain Operation (USA) JAGM Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (USA) JALN Joint Aerial Layer Network (USA) JAM-GC Joint Concept for Access and Maneuver in the Global Common (USA) JAMMS Joint Airborne Multisensor Multimission System (Italy) JASSM Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile (USA) JASSM-ER JASSM-Extended Range (USA) JASSM-XR JASSM-Extreme Range (USA) JAST Joint Advanced Strike Technology (USA) JATAS Joint Allied Threat Awareness System (USA) JATM Joint Advanced Tactical Missile (USA) JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (日本) JCA Joint Combat Aircraft (UK) JCM Joint Comman Missile (USA) JCO Joint C-sUAS Office (USA) JCPOA Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (国際) JCTD Joint Concept Technology Demonstration (USA) JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition (USA) JDI Joint Declaration of Intent (共通) JDRADM Joint Dual-Role Air Dominance Missile (USA) JDW Jane's Defence Weekly (UK) JEDI Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (USA) JEF Joint Expeditionary Force (欧州) JEON Joint Engagement Operational Needy (USA) JET Joint Estimating Team (USA) JET JSF Enterprise Terminal (USA) JEWCS Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff (NATO) JFCC IMD Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (USA) JFHQ-DoDIN Joint Force Headquarters-DoDIN (USA) JFC Joint Force Command (NATO) JFTL Joint Future Theater Lift (USA) JFTM Japan Flight Test Mission (日本) JHL-40 Jess Heavy Lift-40 (USA,Canada) JHMCS Joint Helmet-Mount Cueing System (USA) JHPSSL Joint High-Powered SSL (USA) JHSV Joint HSV (USA) JIAMDO Joint IAMD Organization (USA) JIDA Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency (USA) JIEDDO Joint IED Defeat Organisation (USA) JIM Joint Investigative Mechanism (UN) JIMEX Japan-India Marimite Exercise (日本、インド) JLENS Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (USA) JLOTS Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore System (USA) JLTV Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (USA) JMEWS Joint Multiple-Effect Warhead System (USA) JMMC Joint Mission Management Center (USA) JMR Joint Multi-Role (USA) JMU Japan Marine United (日本) JNAAM Joint New AAM (JPN,UK) JNN-N Joint Network Node-Network (USA) JOE Joint Operating Environment (USA) JORN Jindalee Operational Radar Network (Australia) JPADS Joint Precision Airdrop System (USA) JPALS Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (USA) JPIDD Japan Pacific Islands Defense Dialogue (日本, Pacific) JPO Joint Program Office (USA) JPMRC Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Training Center (USA) JREAP Joint Range Extension Application Protocol (USA, NATO) JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council (USA) JRTC Joint Readiness Training Center (USA) JSF Joint Strike Fighter (国際) JSI Japanese Super Interceptor (日本) JSLCAD Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (USA) JSM Joint Strike Missile (Norway) JSOC Joint Special Operations Command (USA) JSOTF Joint Special Operations Task Force (USA) JSOTF-P JSOTF-Philippines (USA) JSOW Joint Stand-Off Weapon (USA) JSPEAR Joint Strike Planning and Excution Auto Router (USA) JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (USA) JTA Joint Test Assembly (USA) JTAC Joint Terminal Controller (USA) JTAC Joint Terminal Attack Controller (USA) JTAGS Joint Tactical Ground System (USA) JTAM Joint Advanced Tactical Missile (USA) JTARV Joint Tactical Aerial Resupply Vehicle (USA) JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (USA) JTMC Joint Track Management Capabilities (USA) JTRS Joint Tactical Radio System (USA) J-UCAS Joint Unmanned Combat Air System (USA) JUWL Joint Universal Weapon Link (USA) JWC Joint Warfare Centre (NATO) JWCC Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (USA)
KAA Korean Air Aerospace (韓国) KAH Korean Attack Helicopter (韓国) KAI Korea Aerospace Industries (韓国) KAL-ASD Korean Air Line Aerospace Division (韓国) KAMCO Korea Asset Management Corporation (韓国) KAMD Korea Air and Missile Defense (韓国) KARI Korean Aerospace Research Institute (韓国) KCNA Korean Central News Agency (北朝鮮) KDB Korea Development Bank (韓国) KEET Kinetic Energy Electronically Timed (USA) KEI Kinetic Energy Interceptor (USA) KFOR Kosovo Force (NATO, EU) KFX Korean Fighter X (韓国) KGGB Korean GPS-Guided Bomb (韓国) KIDA Korea Institute of Defense Analyses (韓国) KIMST Korea Institute of Maritime Science and Technology Promotion (韓国) KMPR Korea Massive Punishment & Retaliation (韓国) KMEP Korean Marine Exchange Program (韓国、米国) KMSAM Korea Medium Range SAM (韓国) KnAAPO Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (Russia) KNDS KMW+Nexter Defense Systems (Germany, France) KoFC Korea Finance Corporation (韓国) KRFS Ku-band Radio Frequency System (USA) KRG Kurdistan Regional Government (Iraq) KRIT Korea Research Institude for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement (韓国) K-SAAM Krea-Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile (韓国) KSF Kosovo Security Force (Kosovo) KSOE Korea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering (韓国) KTRV Tactical Missile Corporation (Russia) KTSSM Korean Tactical Surface to Surface Missile (韓国) KuRFS Ku-band Radio Frequency System (USA) KUH Korean Utility Helicopter (韓国) KUS-VH Korean Air Unmanned System-Vertical Helicopter (韓国) KV Kill Vehicle (共通)
LAADB Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion (USA) LAAR Light Attack/Armed Reconaissance (USA) LAC Line of Actual Control (共通) LACM Land Attack Cruise Missile (共通) LACOSTE Large-Area Coverage Optical Search-while-Track and Engage (UK) LADAR Laser Detection And Ranging (共通) LADS Laser Area Defense System (USA) LaGS Laser Guided Sidewinder (Germany) LAH Light Attack Helicopter (共通) LAHAT LAser Homing AtTack (Israel) LAIRCM Large Aircraft IR CounterMeasure (USA) LALADMIS Low-Altitude Air Defence Missile System (Turky) LAM Loiter Attack Missile (USA) LAMD Low-Altitude Missile Defense System (韓国) LAMD LIG Artillery Missile Defense (韓国) LAMV Light Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle (共通) LANCA Lightweight Affordable Novel Combat Air (UK) LANPAC Land Force Pacific Symposium and Exposition (USA) LAS Light Air Support (USA) LASSO Low Altitude Stalking and Strike Ordnance (USA) LAV Light Armored Vehicle (共通) LAW Light Amphibious Warship (USA) LAW Light Anti-Armor Weapon (共通) LaWS Laser Weapon System (USA) LAWS Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (共通) LB Low Band (共通) LBASM Land-Based Anti-Ship Missile (USA) LBS Load-Bearing System (Singapore) LCA Light Combat Aircraft (India) LCAAPS Low-Cost Attritable Aircraft Platform Sharing (USA) LCAAT Low-Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology (USA) LCAC Landing Craft Air Cushioned (共通) LCAS Low-Cost Attritable Strike (USA) LCAS Low-Cost Active Seeker (USA) LCASD Low-Cost Attritable UAS Demonstration (USA) LCASD Low-Cost Attritable Strike Demonstration (USA) L-CAT Landing Catamaran (USA, France) LCC Life-Cycle Cost (共通) LCH Light Civil Helicopter (韓国) LCI Low Cost Interceptor (USA) LCIWS Laser CIWS (USA) LCM Landing Craft Mechanized (USA) LCMCM Low-Cost Miniature Cruise Missile (USA) LCMR Lightweight Counter Motar Radar (USA) LCS Littoral Combat Ship (USA) LCSS Low Cost SAL Seeker (USA) LCU Landing Craft Utility (USA) LD Laser Disignator (共通) L/D Length-to-Diameter (共通) LDEW Laser DEW (UK) LDEW CD LDEW Capability Demonstrator (UK) LDPE Long Duration Propulsive ESPA (USA) LDS Laser Dazzle Sight (UK) LDUUV Largest Developmental UUV (USA) LEAP Long Endurance AOEW Platform (USA) LEAPP Land Environment Air Picture Provision (UK) LED Light-Emitting Diode (共通) LEED Long Endurance Electronic Decoy (USA) LEMOA Logistics Exchange Momorandum of Agreement (共通) LEMV Long Endurance Multi-Payload Vehicle (USA) LEO Low-Earth Orbit (共通) LEO Lethality Enhanced Ordenance (共通) LEP Life Extension Programme (USA) LEP Laser Eye Protection (USA) LGB Laser-Guided Bomb (共通) LGP Laser-Guided Projectilet (共通) LGR Laser-Guided Rocket (USA, UAE) LHD Landing Helicopter Dock (共通) LIDAR Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (共通) LIDS Low, Slow, Small UAS Integrated Defeat System (USA) LIMA Light Mobility Aircraft (USA) LIMAWS(R) Lightweight Mobile Artillrry Weapons System (Rocket) (UK) LINUSS Lockheed Martin In-space Upgrade Satellite System (USA) LISS Long Range Intelligence and Security System (UK) LJDAM Laser JDAM (USA) LJF Land Joint Fires (UK) LLAMA Legged Locomotion and Movement Adaptation (USA) LLD Layered Laser Demonstrator (USA) LLV Light Launch Vehicle (USA) LM Loetering Munition (共通) LMADIS Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System (USA) LMAMS Lethal Miniature Munition System (USA) LMFS Lightweight multirole Frontal Aircraft (Russia) LMM Lightweight Multirole Missile (UK) LMS Littoral Mission Ship (Malaysia) LMSSR Lockheed Martin SSR (USA) LMV Littoral Mission Vessel (Singapole) LNA Low Noise Amplifier (共通) LNA Libyan National Army (Libya) LO Low-Observability (共通) LOA Letter of Acceptance (共通) LoAC Line of Actual Control (共通) LOAL Lock-On-After-Launch (共通) LOBL Lock-On-Before-Launch (共通) LoC Line of Control (共通) LOCUST Low-Cost UAV Swarming Technology (USA) LOEC Luoyang(洛陽)Optoelectronic Tevhnology Development Corporation (中国) LOEC Luoyang(洛陽)Optoelectronic Tevhnology Development Center (中国) LOGIR LOw-cost Guided Imaging Rocket ( USA、韓国) LoI Letters of Intent (共通) Lo/Lo Lift on / Lift off (共通) LOR Letter Of Request (USA) LoR Launch On Remote (USA) LORA Long-Range Artillery weapon system (Israel) LORAMIDS Long-Range Air and Missile Defence Systems (Turky) LOS Line Of Sight (共通) LOSV Large Optionally Crewed Surface Vessel (Australia) LOUT Low-Observable UAV Testbed (Germany) LPD Landing Platform Dock (共通) LPI Low Probability of Intercept (共通) LPL Low Power Laser (共通) LPLD LPL Demonstrator (USA) LPS Land Precision Strike (UK) LPWS Land-based Phalanx Weapon System (USA) LRALT Long Range Air-Launched Target (USA) LRAS3 Long Range Advanced Scouy Surveillance System (USA) LRASM Long Range Anti Ship Missile (USA) LRRM Long Range Ballistic Missile (India) LRC Long Range CM (India) LRCM Long Range Cannon (USA) LRDR Long Range Discriminating Radar (USA) LREW Long Range Engagement Weapon (USA) LRHW Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (USA) LRIP Low-Rate Initial Production (USA) LRLAP Long-Range Land Attack Projectile (USA) LRMF Long-Range Maneuverable Fires (USA) LRPB Long Range Penetrating Bomber (USA) LRPF Long Range Precision Fires (USA) LRPGK Long Range Precision Guidance Kit (USA) LR-PGK Long Range Precision Guidance Kit (USA) LRPM Long Range Precision Munition (USA) LRMP Long Range Maneuvering Projectile (USA) LRPS Long-Range Persistent Surveillance (USA) LRR Long Range Radar (UK) LRS Long-Range Strike (USA) LRSAM Long Range SAM (Israel/India) LRSB Long-Range Strike-Bomber (USA) LRS-B Long-Range Strike-Bomber (USA) LRSO Long Range Stand Off (USA) LRSOW Long Range Stand Off Weapon (USA) LRSS Long-Range Surveillance Sensor (Germany) LRSP Long-Range Strike Platform (USA) LRSW Long Range Strike Weapon (USA) LRUSV >Long Range USV (USA) LS3 (LSSS) Legged Squad Support System (USA) LSA Light Sport Aircraft (共通) LSC Large-Surface Combatant (USA) LSEG London Stock Exchange Group (UK) LSRS Littoral Surveillance Radar System (USA) LSSS (LS3) Legged Squad Support System (USA) LSV Logistics Support Vessel (USA) LTA Lighter Than Air (共通) LTA Light Tactical Aircraft (共通) LTA Launch Tube Assembly (USA) LTAMD Lower-Tier AMD (共通) LTAMDS LTAMD Sensor (USA) LTD Laser Target Designator (共通) LTFI Lower Tier Future Interceptor (USA) LTH Light Tactical Helicopter (USA) LTTE Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sri Lanka) LUA Loitering Unmmand Aircraft (台湾) LUH Light Utility Helico (USA) LunA-10 10-Year Lunar Architecture (USA) LUSTER Laser UV Sources for Tactical Efficien Raman (USA) LUSV Large USV (USA) LUT Limited User Testing (USA) luWES Luftgestützte Wirkung im Elektromagnetischen Spekturm (Germany) LV-2 Launch Vehicle-2 (USA) LVSS Light-weight Vehicle Surveillance System (USA) LVT Low Volume Terminal (USA) LW30PROX Light Weight 30 mm Proximity Sensing Ammunition (USA) LWS Laser Weapon System (共通) LWSD Laser Weapon System Demonstrator (USA)
M3 Maximum Mobility and Manipulation (USA) M3R Mobile Multi-function Modular Radar (France) M&A Mergers and Acquisitions (共通) MAC Metal-Augumented Charge (共通) MAC Multidomain Artillery Cannon (USA) M-ACE Mobile Acquisition ans Cueing Effector (USA) MACH Materials, Architecutures, and Characterizztiob for Hypersonics (USA) MACH-TB Multi-Service Advanced Capability Hypersonic Test Bed (USA) MACS Modular Artillery Charge System (USA) MAD Magnetic Anomaly Detector (共通) MADCAP Major Caliber Anti-Drone Air Program (USA) MAD-FIRES MultiAzimuth Defense Fact Intercept Round Engagement Sysstem (USA) MADIS Marine Air Defense Integrated System (USA) MADL Multifunction Advanced Data Link (USA) MADR Mobile Air-Defence Radar (Israel) MAGIC Medium-Altitude Global Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and Communicatuions relay (USA) MAGR Miniatureised Airborne GPS Receiver (USA) MAGTF Marine Air-Ground Task Force (USA) MAH Marine Attack Helicopter (韓国) MAINGATE Mobile Ad-Hoc Interoperable Network GATEway (USA) MAJES Modelling and simulation as a service application for Air anf Joint Exercises & Simulation (EU) MALADMIS Midium-Altitude Air Defence Missile System (Turky) MALD Miniature Air-Launched Decoy (USA) MALD-J MALD-Jammer (USA) MALD-N MALD-Navy (USA) MALE Medium-Altitude Long Endurance(共通) MAKS Moscow Aviaion & Space Salon (Russia) MANPADS Man-Portable Air-Defence System (共通) MANTA MAMPADS Thread Avoidance (Spain,Russia) MANTIS Modular Automatic and Network-capable Targeting and Interception Systems (Germany) MAP Membership Action Plan (NATO) MAP Military Aid Package (共通) MAPS Modular APS (USA) MAPS Midium Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (UK) MAPS Mounted Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing System (USA) MAR Mission Adaptive Rotor (USA) MARCC Maritime Accelerated Response Capability Cell (USA) MARSEC Maritime Security (Singapore) MARSEUS Modular ARchitecture Solution for EU States (EU) MaRV Manoeuvrable RV (共通) MARS Multiple Artillery Rocket System (Germany) MARS2 Multimission Airborne Reconnaissance Sensor System (Israel) MARTI Missile Alternative Range Target Instrument (USA) MASINT Measurement and Signitures Intelligence (共通) MASS Multi-Ammunition Soft-kill System (Germany) MASS_ISS MASS Integrated Sensor Suite (Germany) MAST Miritime/Air Systems and Technologies (国際) MAST-F Missile Air-Surface Tactique-Futue (France) MASTER Modular Advanced Strike Extended Range (USA) MATRIX Mobile Active Targeting Resource for Integrated eXperiments (USA) M-ATV Mine-resistant, Ambush-protected All-terrain Vehicles (USA) MAV Micro Air Vehicle (USA) MAV Mitsubishi Armoured Vehicle (日本) MAWS Missile Approach Warning System (共通) MB Middle Band (共通) MBMM Multi-Band, MultiMission (USA) MBRV Modified Ballistic RV (USA) MB-SAR Multi Band SAR (USA) MBT Main Battle Tank (共通) MBT British Maritime Technology (UK) MCAS Marine Corps Air Station (USA) MCCC Mounted Close Combat Capability (Austrakia) MCE Maneuver Center of Excellence (USA) MCH Mine-Counter Helicopter (共通) MCL Multiple Cradle Launcher (UAE) MCM Mine Counter-Measure (共通) MCM-ITP Materials & Components for Missile Innovation & Technology Partnership (Europe) MCP Modular Countermeasures Pod (Denmark) MCP Missile Control Post (NATO) MCS Mounted Combat System (USA) MCS Mission Control System (UK) MCU Mission Computer Upgrade (USA) MCV Maneuver Combat Vehicle (共通) MCV Manned Combat Vehicle (USA) MCWM Mine Counter Warfighting Lab (USA) MDA Missile Defense Agency (USA) MDA Maritime Domain Awareness (共通) MDAC Multi-Domain Artillery Cannon (USA) MDACS Multi-Domain Artillery Cannon System (USA) MdCN Missile de Croisière Navale (France) MDF Mission Data File (USA) MDL Military Demarcation Line (韓国) MDO Missile Defense Organization (Israel) MDO Multidomain Operations (USA) MDOC Multi-Domain Operations Center (USA) MDPAF Mission Data Processing Application Framework (USA) MDPW Multi-Domain Precision Warfare MDR Missile Defense Review (USA) MDS Minimum Detectable Sensibility (共通) MDS Missile Defense System (USA) MDSL Missile Defense Space Layer (USA) MDSS Multi Domain Sensing System (USA) MDTF Multi-Domain Task Force (USA) MDTS Missile Defense Tracking System (USA) MDU-R Multi-function Display Unit-Replacement (USA) MEAD Middle East Air Defense Alliance (Mid-East) MEADS Medium Extended Air Defense System (国際) MECC MagEagle Compressed Carriage (USA) MFOV Medium FOV (共通) MEDUSA-C2 Multi-Environmental Domain Unmanned Systems Application Command and Control (USA) MEF Marine Expeditionary Force (USA) MEFP Multiple Explosive Formed Penetrators (Israel、日本) MEHEL Mobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser (USA) MELLS Multipurpose Guided Missile System (Germany) MEMAD Middle East Missile Defence Symposium (GCC) MEMS Micro-ElectroMechanical System (共通) MEO Medium-Earth Orbit (共通) MEP Member of EP (Europe) MEP Missile Equiment Package (USA) MER Multiple Ejector Rack (USA) MESA Multirole Elecrtonically Scanned Array (USA) MESA2 Middle East Strategic Alliance (Middle East, USA) MESAR Multifunction Electrically Scanned Adaptive Radar (UK) MET Minimum Energy Trajectory (共通) MET-D Mission Enableer Technologies-Demonstrator (USA) MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit (USA) MEU Military End-User (USA) MEUAS Medium Endurace UAS (USA) MFAS Multi-Function Active Sensor (USA) MFCR Multifunction Fire-Control Radar (USA) MFEW Multi-Function Electronic Warfare (USA) MFEW-AL MFEW-Air Large (USA) MFF Multi-annual Financial Framework (EU) MFIE Manuever Fires Integrated Experiment (USA) MFIX Maneuver Fires Integrated Experiment (USA) MFN Most Favoured Nation Treatment (国際) MFO Multinational Force & Observers (国際) MFP Mobile Force Protection (USA) MFR Multi-Function Radar (共通) MFRFS Multi Function RF System (共通) MF-STAR Multi-Function Surveillance, Track and Guidance Radar (Israel) MFU Missile Firing Unit (共通) MG Main Gate (UK) MGCS Main Ground Combat System (Europe) MGS Mounted Gun System (共通) MGUE Military GPS User Equipment (USA) MGV Manned Ground Vehicle (USA) MHR Multi-Mission Hemispheric Radar (Israel) MHTK Miniature Hit-To-Kill (USA) MI5 Military Intelligence Section 5 (UK) MIAA Multiple Intruder Autonoumous Avoidance (USA) MIC4AD Modular, Integrated C4I Air Defense (Israel) MICLIC Mine Clearing Line Charge (韓国) MICV Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehile (USA) MIDS Multifunctional Information Distribution System (USA) MIDS-LVT MIDS-Low Volume Terminal (USA) MIMO Multiple-Iinput and Multiple-Output (共通) MIO Maritme Industries Organisation (Iran) MIRACL Mid-IR Advanced Chemical Laser (USA) MIRM Mobile Intermediate-Range Missile (USA) MIRV Multiple Independently Retargetable Re-entry Vehicle (共通) MISWG Multinational Industrial Security Working Group (NATO) MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) MITT Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology (Russia) MKV Multiple Kill Vehicle (USA) MKV-L MKV - Lockheed Martin (USA) MKV-R MKV - Raytheon (USA) ML Machine Learning (共通) MLD Maritime Laser Demonstration (USA) MLGB Medium Laser-Guided Bomb (Israel) M-LIDS Mobile LIDS (USA) MLP Mobile Launch Platform (USA) MLP Mobile Landing Platform (共通) MLR Multiple Launch Rocket (共通) MLR Marine Littoral Regiment (USA) MLR Mid-Life Refresh (UK) MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System (USA) MLSA Mutual Logistics Support Arragement (共通) MLV Multiple Launch Vehicle (共通) MM Mission Module (USA) MM2 Multi Mission (共通) MM2 Military Mobility (EU) MMA Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft (USA) MMC Multi-Mission Control (USA) MMCV Manoeuvre Mortar Combat Vehicle (共通) MMEA Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (Malaysia) MMHEL Multi-Mission HEL (USA) MMIC Monolitghic Microwave IC (共通) MML Multi-Mission Launcher (USA) MML Missile-to-Missile Link (USA) MMR Multi Mission Radar (共通) MMPA Multi Mode Proximity Airburst (USA) MMRCA Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (India) MMMR Multi-Mode Maritime Radar (USA) MMR Multi-Mission Radar (共通) MMR Mast Mounted Radar (共通) MMRM Mobile Medium-Range Missile (USA) MMS Muti-Mission System (Europe) MMS Modern Man Station (USA) MMS Miniature Mission Setter (USA) MMS Mobile Motar System (台湾) MMSP Muti-Mission Signal Processor (USA) MMT Multi-Mission Tomahawk (USA) MMT Moving Maritime Target (USA) MM-UGV Multi-Mission UGV (USA) MMW MiliMeter Wave (共通) MMW Multi-Mission Warfare (共通) MNDNE MultiNational Division North East (NATO) MoA Memorandum of Agreement (共通) MOAB Massive Ordnance Air Blast (USA) MoC Memorandum of Collaboration (共通) MOHAWC More Opportunities with HAWC (USA) MoI Memorandum of Implemrntation (共通) MOKV Multi-Object Kill Vehicle (USA) MOP Massive Ordenance Penetrator (USA) MOS MIDS on Ship (USA) MOSA Modular Open Systems Approach (USA) MoU Memorandum of Understanding (共通) MP Mission Package (USA) MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft (共通) MPCC Military Planning and Conduct Capability (EU) MPCV Muti-Purpose Combat Vehicle/font> (Europe) MPE Mission Partner Environment (USA) MPF Mobile Protection Firepower (USA) MPL Multi-Pack Launcher (USA) MPM Metric Precision Munition (France) MPP Multi Purpose Penetrator (Norway) MP-RTIP Muti-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program (USA) MPR Medium Power Radar (蘭) MPUGV Multi Purpose UGV (共通) MPWH Multi Purpose Warhead (USA) MRA Maritime Reconaissance Aircraft (共通) MRAAM Medium Range AAM (共通) MRAD Middle Range Air Defence Missile System (Russia) MRADS Medium Range Air Defence (Poland) MRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (USA) MRBM Medium Range Ballistic Missile (共通) MRC Mid-Range Capability (USA) MRCA Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (India) MRCBF Multi-Role Carrier Boene Fighter (India) MRCV Multi-Role Combat Vessel (Singapore) MRF Multi-Role Fighter (共通) MRFS Multi-Function Radio Frequency System (UK) MRIC Medium Range Intercept Capability (USA) MRL Multiple Rocket Launcher (共通) MRLS Multiple Rocket Launcher System (共通) MRM Mid-Range Munition (USA) MMRM Mobile Medium-Range Missile (USA) MRC Mid-Range Capability (USA) MRO&U Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade (USA) MRR Multi-Role Radar (共通) MRRV Multirole Response Vessel (Philippine) MRS Multiple Rocket System (共通) MRS Medium Range Sensor (Germany) MRSAM Medium-range SAM (India) MRT Medium Range Target (USA) MRTA MultiRole Transport Aircraft (India,Russia) MRTT Multi-Role Tanker Transport MRV Multiple Reentry Vehicle (共通) MS Multi-Service (USA) MSA Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (共通) MSA Maritime Safety Administration (中国) MSAM Medium-range SAM (共通) MSC Mountain Strike Corps (India) MSCC Medium Scale Crirical Components (USA) MSDM Miniature Self-Defense Munition (USA) MSE Missile Segment Enhancement (USA) MSHORAD Maneuver SHORAD (USA) M-SHORAD Manuever SHORAD (USA) MSIP Multi-Stage Improvement Program (日本) MSL Mean Sea-Level (共通) MSL Manuever SHORAD Launcher (USA) MSMT Multilateral Sanctions Monitoring Team (国際) MSO Maritime Surveillance Operation (共通) MSSGP Multi-Service Standard Guided Projectile (USA) MSST Multi-Stage Supersonic Target (USA) MST Maritime Strike Tomahawk (USA) MSTF Maritime Security Task Force (Singapole) MSV Manoeuvre Support Vessel (USA) MSV(L) MSV Light (USA) MT&A Missile Trrops and Artillery (Russia) M-TADS Modernized-Target Acquisition Designation Sight (USA) MTAR Moving Target Artillery Round (USA) MTBF Mean Tme Between Failures (共通) MTC Maritime Targeting Capability (USA) MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime (国際) MTDP Medium Term Defense Program (日本) MTOW Maximum Take-Off Weight (共通) MTS Multispectral Targeting System (USA) MTT Microwave Technology Testbed (USA) MTV Medium Tactical Vehicle (USA) MTVR MTV Replacement (USA) MUAS Multimission UAS (Australia) MULE Multifunction Utility/Logistics and Equipment (USA) MULE-T MULE-Transport (USA) MUM Manned-UnManned (USA) MUM-T MUM-Team (USA) MUM-TX MUM-Team (USA) MUOS Mibile User Objective System (USA) MUS Maritime Unmanned Systems (共通) MUSIC Manned Unmanned Systems Integration Concept (USA) MUSIC Multiple Signal Classification (共通) MUSIC Multi-Domain Unmanned Secure Integrated Communications (USA) MUSIS Multinational Space-based Imaging System (Europe) MUST-HITS Multi-SpecTral High Resolution Imaging and Targeting Sensor (USA) MUSV Medium USV (USA) MUTANT Misile Utility Transformation via Articulated Nose Technology (USA) MUUV Medium UUV (USA) MUV Multiple Unmanned Vehicle (Europ) MUVR Modular Vertical Takeoff and Landing Resource MUX MAGTF Umnanned Expenditionary Capabilities (USA) MWC Missile Warning Center (USA) MW/MT Missile Warning and Missile Tracking (共通) MWS Multirole Weapon System (Italy) MWS Missile Warning System (共通) MTI Movint Target Indicator (共通) MTKT Mult-axle Heavy Eheeled Transporter (Russia) MTTR Multiple Target Tracking and Illuminating Radar (Europ)
N2C2 NORAD/NORTHCOM Command Center> (USA, Canada) NAC North Atlantic Council (NATO) NACRE New Aircraft Concepts Research (Europ) NAMC National Advanced Mobility Consortium (USA) NAMD Navy Area Missile Defense (USA) NAMEADSMA NATO MEADS Management Agency (NATO) NAS Naval Air Station (USA) NAS National Academy of Sciences (USA) NASAMS Norwegian Advanced SAM System (Norway) NASAMS National Advanced SAM System (Spain) NASIC National Air and Space Intelligence Center (USA) NAS-MDEF NATO Anti-Ship Missile Defence Evaluation Facility (NATO) NAVAIR Navy Air Systems Command (USA) NAVFOR Naval Force (EU) NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command (USA) NAVTEX Navigation Telex (国際) NAWCWD Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (USA) NBC Nuclea, Biological, and Chemical (共通) NBG Nordic Battle Group (Nordic Europe) NC3 Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (USA) NCADE Network-Centric Airborne Defense Element (USA) NCIA NATO Communications and Information Agency (NATO) NCIVR North China Institute of Vehicle Research (中国) NCR National Cyber Range (USA) NCRI National Council of Resistance of Iran (Iran) NCSIST National CSIST (台湾) NCTR Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (共通) NCW Network Centric Warfare (共通) NCWU NCW Upgrades (USA) NDAA National Defense Authorization Act (USA) NDMA National Defense Mobilization Agency (台湾) NDI Non-Developmental Item (共通) NDIA National Defense Industrial Association (USA) NDPG National Defense Program Guideline (日本) NDPGs National Defense Program Guidelines (日本) NDS National Defense Strategy (USA) NDSA National Defense Space Architecture (USA) NDSF National Defense Sealift Fund (USA) NEADS Network-Enable Airspace Defence and Surveillance (UK) NEMESIS Netted Emulation of Multi-Element Signatures NEO Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (USA) NEP Nucear Electric Propulsion (共通) NEPA LRDR National Environmental Policy Act (USA) NESSY New sources of Energy (UK, France) NEV Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (USA) NEW Network-Enable Weapon (共通) NEW North Warning System (USA, Canada) NEWS Network Electronic Warfare System (日本) NextGenWS Next Generation Weapon System (USA) NFIRE Near Field Infrared Experiment (USA) NFLoS Navy Laser Family of Systems (USA) NFR NATO Response Force (NATO) NG Next Generation (共通) NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (USA) NGAAW Next Generation Area Attack Weapon (USA) NGAD Next Generation Air Dominance (USA) NGAM Next-Generation Aegis Missile (USA) NGAP Next Generation Adaptive Propulsion (USA) NGAUS National Guard Association of the US (USA) NGB Next Generation Bomber (USA) NGCV Next Generation Combat Vehicle (USA) NGF Next Generation Fighter (共通) NGI Next Generation Interceptor (USA) NGIA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (USA) NGIS Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems (USA) NGJ Next Generation Jammer (USA) NGJ-MB NGJ (USA) NGLAW Next-Genaration Land Attack Weapon (USA) NGLRS-D Next Generation LRS-Demonstrator (USA) NGM Next Generation Missile (USA) NGMWS Next Generation Multiple Warhead System (UK, France) NGO Non-Government Organization (共通) NGOPI Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared Polar (USA) NGOPIP Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared (USA) NGOPIR Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared (USA) NGR Next Generation Radar (USA) NGSP Next Generation Sensor Producibility (USA) NGSRI Next Generation Short Range Interceptoor (USA) NGSW Next Generation Squad Weapons (USA) NGSW-AR Next Generation Squad Weapons-Automatic Rifle (USA) NGSW-FC Next Generation Squad Weapons-Fire control (USA) NGSW-R Next Generation Squad Weapons-Rifle (USA) NG-UAS Next-Generation Unmanned Aerial System (USA) NGWS Next Generation Weapon System (France, Germany) NICER Neutron-star Interior Composition Explorer (USA) NIFC-CA Naval Integrated Control-Counter Air (USA) NIK Network Integration Kit (USA) NIK Network Integration Kits (USA) NINJA Negation of Improvised Non-State Joint Aerial-Threats (USA) NIS National Intelligence Service (韓国) NISC National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (日本) NIWC Naval Information Warfare Center (USA) NKCE Non-Kinetic Counter Electronic Capability (USA) NLAW Next-generation Light Attack Weapon (Europe) NLFoS Navy Laser Family of Systems (USA) NLL Northern Limit Line (韓国) NLOS Non-Line-of-Sight (共通) NLOS-C Non-Line-of-Sight Cannon (USA) NLOS-LS Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System (USA) NMESIS Navy Marine Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (USA) NMI NATO Mission Iraq (国際) NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (共通) NMS National Military Strategy (USA) NNbS Nah- und Nächstbereichsschutz (Germany) NNSA National Nuclea Security Administration (USA) NNTEX Non-Lethal Technology Exercise (NATO) NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA) NOMAD Netted Offboard Miniature Active Decoy )USA) NOMAGS National Manoeuvre Air Defence System )Norway) NOMARS No Manning Required Ship )USA) NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command (USA) NORDEFCO Nordic Defense Cooperation Northen Europe NORINCO North Industries Corporation (中国) NOS Network Operations Squadron (USA) NOSS National Ocean Surveillance Satellite (USA) NORTHCOM Northern Command (USA) NOTAM Notice To Airmen (国際) NPR Nuclear Posture Review (USA) NPT Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (国際) NRC National Research Council (USA) NRC NATO Russia Council (NATO, Russia) NRF NATO Response Force (NATO) NREST Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technique (中国) NRIST Nanjing Research Institute of Simulation Technique (中国) NRL Navy Research Laboratory (USA) NRO National Reconnaissance Office (USA) NRUAV Naval Rotary UAV (Israel) NSA National Security Agency (USA) NSATU NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NATO, Ukraine) NSB National Security Bureau (台湾) NSC National Security Council (USA、日本) NSC National Security Cutter (USA) NSF Naval Support Facility (USA) NSM Naval Strike Missile (Norway) NSPO NATO SeaSparrow Project Office (NATO) NSS National Shipbuilding Strategy (UK) NSS National Security Secretariat (日本) NSSA National Security Space Architecturet (USA) NSSG Naval Shipbuilding and Sustainment Group (Australia) NSSIF National Security Strategic Investment Fund (USA) NSSS National Security Space Strategy (USA) NSTIC Naval Surface Technology Innovation Consortium (USA) NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center (USA) NT New Technology (共通) NTISR Non-Traditional ISR (USA) NTP Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (USA) NTR Nuclear Thermal Rocket (USA) NTS Navigation Technology Satellite (USA) NTST Near-Term Sea-based Terminal (USA) NTW Navy Theater Wide (USA) NUAA Nanjing(南京)University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (中国) N-UCAS Naval-Unmanned Combat Air System (USA) NWS North Warning System (USA, Canada)
OA Operational Assessment (USA) OA Open Architecture (共通) OAS Organization of American States (America) OASuW Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare (USA) OAV Organic Air Vehicle (USA) OAWS Aegis Open Architecture Weapon System (USA) OBOG OnBoard Oxygen Generation (USA) OBOR One Belt One Road (中国) OBR On-Board Recorder (USA) OBSS Off-Board Sensing Station (USA) OBV Orbital Boost Vehicle (USA) OCCAR Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (Europe) OCO Overseas Contingency Operations (USA) OCONUS Outside Continental United States (USA) OCX Operational Control Segment (USA) ODA Official Development Assistance (日本) ODIN Observe, Detect, Identify and Neutralize (USA) ODIN Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (USA) ODNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence (USA) OE Operational Evaluation (USA) OEM Original Equipment Manufacturers (共通) OETRR Operational Evaluation Test Readiness Review (USA) OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control (USA) OFE Orange Flag Evaluation (USA) OFFSET Offensive Swarm Enabled Tactics (USA) OGEL Open General Export Licence OIC Organization of the Islamic Conference (国際) OIG Office of Inspector General (USA) OILOS Optical Intersatellite Link Open Standard (USA) OIR Operation Inherent Resolve (USA & Allied) OISL Optical Intersatellite Link (USA) OITL Operator-In-The-Loop (共通) OMB Office of Management and Budget (USA) OMFV Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (USA) OMSE Overhead Miniature Sensor Experiment (USA) ONI Office of Naval Intelligence (USA) ONR Office of Naval Research (USA) OPA Optical Phased Array (共通) OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (国際) OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (国際) Opeval Operational Evaluation (USA) OPF Organic Precision Fires (USA) OpFires Operational Fires (USA) OPF-I OPF-Infantry (USA) OPF-M OPF-Mounted (USA) OPF-MS OPF-Munition Syatem (USA) OPIR Overhead Persistent Infrared (USA) OPIR Overhead Persistent Infrared Polar (USA) OPV Offshore Patrol Vessel (共通) ORS Operationally Responsive Space (USA) OSA Official Security Assistance (日本) OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (Europe) OSD Office of Secretary of Defense (USA) OSIL Optical Intersatellite Link (USA) OSINT Open Source Intelligence (共通) OT Operational Test (USA) OTA Other Transaction Authority (USA) OTD Operational Technical Demonstration (USA) OT&E Operational Test & Evaluation (USA) OTH Over The Horizon (共通) OTH-R OTH-Radar (共通) OTH-WS OTH-Weapon System (USA) OTRR Operational Test Readiness Review (USA) OTV Orbital Test Vehicle (USA) OUAS Operational UAS (UK) OUE Operational Utility Evaluation (USA) OWN Over-Wing Nacelle (共通)
P1E Phase 1 Enhancement (Europe) P2E Phase 2 Enhancement (Europe) P2E Phase 3 Enhancement (Europe) P2E Phase 4 Enhancement (Europe) PAA Phased Adaptive Approach (USA,NATO) PAAC Patriot Advanced Affordable Capability (USA, Israel) PAAMS Principal Anti-Air Missile System (Europ) PAAMS(E) PAAMS (EMPAR) (France,Italy) PAAMS(S) PAAMS (Sampson) (UK) PAASM Precision Attack Air-to-Surface Missile (USA) PAAT Patriot-as-a-Target (USA) PABM Programmable Air Bursting Munition (USA) PAC Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (Pakistan) PACE Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Europe) PACOM Pacific Command (USA) PAD Prithvi Air Defence (India) PADS Prcision AirDrop System (USA) PAK-FA Perspektivnny Aviatsionnyi Kompleks - Frontovoi Aviatsyi (Russia) PALM Precision Attack Loitering Munition (Israel) PALS Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium (Pacific) PAM Precision Attack Missile (USA) PAP Peaple's Armed Police (中国) PARCS Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System (USA) PASGT Personnwl Armor System for Ground Troops (USA) PAT Patriot-As-a-Target (USA) PBD Power Beaming Demo (USA) PBP Partners in the Blue Pacific (日、米、英、豪、NZ) PBV Post Boost Vehicle (共通) PBX Plastic Bonded Explosive (共通) PCA Potenntial Capability Area (USA) PCA Permanet Court of Arbitration (国際) PCA Penetrating Counter Air (USA) PCAS Precision Close Air Support (USA) PCL Passive Coherent Location (共通) PCP Platoon Command Post (NATO) PDA Presidential Drawdown Authority (USA) PDB Post Deployment Build (USA) PDE Pulsed Detonation Engine (共通) PDI Pacific Deterrence Initiative (USA) PDR Preliminary Design Review (USA) PDR Pacific Discremination Radar (USA) PDV Prithvi Defense Vehicle (India) PEO Program Executive Office (USA) PERM Precision Extended Range Munition (USA) PESA Passive Electronically Scanned Array (共通) PESCO Permanent Structured Co-Operation (EU) PFI Private Finance Initiative (共通) PfP Partnership for Peace (NATO) PGB Precision Guided Bomb (共通) PGK Precision Guidance Kit (USA) PGM Precision Guided Munition (共通) PGMM Precision Guided Motar Munition (USA) PGPS Precision GPS (USA) PGS Prompt Global Strike (USA) PGSS Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems (USA) PHIBLEX Philippine Bilateral Exercises (Philippine, US) PIC Photonic Integrated Circuits (共通) PIDS Pylon Integrated Dispenser System (Europe) PIDSU PIDS Universal (Europe) PIF Pacific Islands Forum (Pacific) PIF-PAF Pilotage Induit en Force-Pilotage Aerodynamique Fort (France) PII Partnership Interoperability Initiative (NATO) PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestina) PIM Paladin Integrated Management (USA) PIP Products Improvement Program (USA) PIRATE Passive IR Airborne Tracking Equipment (UK) P-ISR Penetrating ISR (USA) PKK Kurdistan Worker's Party (Turky) PLA People's Liberation Army (中国) PLAAF People's Liberation Army Air Force (中国) PLAGF People's Liberation Army Ground Force (中国) PLAN People's Liberation Army Navy (中国) PLGS Precision Laser Guidance Set (USA) PLS Palletized Loading System (共通) PMC Power Management Control (共通) PMC Private Military Company (共通) PMEC Palletized Munitiona Experomentation Campaign (USA) PMF Popular Mobilisation Forces (Iraq) PMRF Pacific Missile Range Facility (USA) PMT Technological Modernization Programme (Poland) PMTR Pacific Missile Test Range (USA) PNT Positioning, Navigation & Timing (共通) PNVS Pilot Night Vision Sensor (USA) POM Program Objective Memorandum (USA) POMINS Portable Mine Neutralization System (韓国) POSCO Pohang(浦項)Iron and Steel Company (韓国) POWER Persistent Optical Wireless Energy Relay (USA) PPR Program Planning Review (USA) PPS Pacific Paretnership Straategy (USA) PR08 Planning Round 08 (UK) PRH Passive Radar Homing (共通) PRS Personal Reconnaissance System (USA) PrSM Precision Strike Missile (USA) PRSM Precision Strike Missile (USA) PSC Polar Securuty Cutter (USA) PSC Political and Security Committee (EU) PSCA Pacific Spaceport Complex Alaska (USA) PSI Proliferation Security Initiative (国際) PSLV Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (India) PSM Precision Strike Missile (USA) PSPC Public Services and Procurement Canada (Canada) PSS Precision Strike Suite (USA) PSS Precision Strike System (USA) PSS-T Precision Strike System-Tethered (USA) PTDS Persistent Threat Detection Systems (USA) PTIR Precision Track Illumination Radar (USA) PTSS Precision Tracking Space System (USA) PTV Patriot Target Vehicle (USA) PVLS Peripheral VLS (USA) PWR Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (USA) PWSA Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (USA) P&W Pratt & Whitney (USA) PYD Democratic Union Party (Syria)
RAA Required Assets Available (USA) RAA Reciprocal Access Agreement (共通) RAAM Remote Anti-Armor Mine (USA) RACER Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (USA) RACR Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar (USA) RADBO Recovery of Airbase Denied by Ordnance (USA) RAID Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (USA) RAIL Rapid Autonomy Integration Lab (USA) RAM Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (共通) RAM Rolling Airframe Missile (USA) RAM Radar Absorbing Material (共通) RAND Research and Development (USA) RAP Rocket-Assisted Projectile (共通) RAP Readiness Action Plan (NATO) RAS Robot and Autonomous Systems (USA) RAS Replenishment At Sea (共通) RATO Rocket-Assisted Take-Off (共通) RATTLRS Revolutionary Approach to Time-critical Long Range Strike (USA) RBC Ros Business Consulting (Russia) RBCC Rocket-Based Combined Cycle (USA) RBS Reusable Booster System (USA) RC Remote Carrier (Europe) RCCTO Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (USA) RCEE Revolutionary Configurations for Energy Efficiency (USA) RCGM Roll Controled Guided Mortar (USA) RCIED Radio-Controlled IED (共通) RCO Rapid Capabilities Office (USA,UK) RCOH Refuelling and Complex OverHaul (USA) RCS Radar Cross Section (共通) RCV Robotic Combat Vehicle (USA) RCV Reconnaissance Combat Vehicle (共通) RCV-L Robotic Combat Vehicle-Light (USA) RCWS Remote Controled Weapon System (共通) R&D Research and Development (共通) RDE Rotating Detonation Engine (USA) RDER Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve (USA) RDFI Receiving Depository Financial Institution (国際) RDP Reciprocal Defence Procument (USA, NATO) RDP-A Reciprocal Defence Procument-Agreement (USA, 韓国) RDT&E Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (共通) REACT Responsive Electronic Attack for Cooperation Tasks (Euripe) ReARMM Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (USA) RELI Robust Electric Laser Initiative (USA) REP Recognized Environmental Picture Atlantic (NATO) RF Radio Frequency (共通) RFA Radio Free Asia (USA) RfC Request for Comment (共通) RFE/RL Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (欧州) RfI Request for Information (共通) RfP Request for Proposal (共通) RfS Request for Solution (共通) RFT Rady for Training (USA) RFT Request For Tender (共通) RFV RACER Fleet Vehicles (USA) RGM Revolver Gun Mount (Swiss) RGPWS Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (USA) RGPDWS Regional Glide Phase Defense Weapon System (USA) RGS Relay Ground Station (USA) RGS-A RGS-Asia (USA) RHELS Redeployable High-Energy Laser (USA) RHIB Rigir-hull Inflatable boat (USA) RHP RACER Heavy Platform (USA) RIAT Royal International Air Tatoo (UK) RIFL Revoluyion In Fiber Laser (USA) RIG-360 Remote Interceptor Guidance-360 (USA) RIMPAC Rim of the Pacific (国際) RIPL Robust Information Provisioning Layer (USA) RIwP Reconfigurable Integrated-weapons Platform (USA) RKV Redesigned Kill Vehicle (USA) RLG Ring Laser Gyro (共通) RLK Remote Launch Kit (USA) RLS Rocket Launch System (共通) RM Reactive Material (共通) RMA Radar Modular Assembly (共通) RMIP Reliability and Maintainability Improvement Program (USA) RMP Reprogrammable Mico-Processor (USA) RMP Radar Modernization Program (USA) RMS RM Structure (共通) RMS Rotary and Mission Systems (USA) RMWT Resilient Missile Warning and Tracking (USA) ROAR Reactor on a Rocket (USA) ROE Rosoboronexport (Russia) RoE Rules of Engagement (共通) ROGUE Remotely Operated Ground Unit Expeditionary (USA) ROGUE-Fires ROGUE-Fires (USA) RO/RO Roll-On/Roll-Out (共通) ROT Rosteknologia (Russian Technologies) (Russia) ROV Remotely Operated Vehicles (共通) ROVER Remotly Operated Video-Enhanced Receiver (USA) RPA Remotely Piloted Aircraft (USA) RPAS Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (Europe) RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade (共通) RPO Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (共通) RPUAS Ruksack Potable UAS (USA) RRE Risk-Reduction Effort (USA) RRP Risk-Reduction Phase (USA) RRS Risk-Reduction Study (Europ) RRS Risk-Reduction Satellite (USA) RRPR Reduced Range Practice Rocket (USA) RRS Risk-Reduction Segment (USA) RRS Risk-Reduction Study (USA) RRU Rapid Reaction Unit (Finland) RRW Reliable Replacement Warhead (USA) RSC Rader Suite Controller (USA) RSGS Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (USA) Rspace Resilient Synchronized Planning and Assessment for the Contestrd Enviromnent (USA) RSS Rocket Support Service (USA) RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (共通) Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (共通) RTX Raytheon Technologies Corporation (USA) RUSI Royal Uniter Service Institute (UK) RV Re-entry Vehicle (共通) RW Remote Weapon (共通) RWL Radar Warnning Locator (Israel) RWR Radar Warnning Receiver (共通) RWS Remote Weapon Station (共通)
S2MARTS Strategic & Spectrum Missions Advanced Resilient Trusted Systems(USA) (USA) S&A Safe and Arm (共通) SAA Sense-And-Avoid (共通) SAAM Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile (韓国) SAASM Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (USA) SAAW Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon (India) SAB Scientific Advisory Board (USA) SABER Small Air Bomb Extended Range (UK) SABER Small Air Bomb Extended Range (Europe, USA) SABR Scaleable Agile Beam Radar (USA) SABRE Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (UK) SAC Strategic Air Command (USA) SAC Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (中国) SAC Syrian Arab Coalition (Syria) SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe (NATO) SACM Small Advanced Counter-air-Missile (USA) SACM Small Advanced Capability Missile (USA) SADI Shenyang Aeronautical Design Institute (中国) SADL Situation Awareness Data Link (USA) SAFFiR Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (USA) SAG Surface Action Group (USA) SAIC Science Applications International Corporation (USA) SAIC 瀋陽 Aircraft Industry Group Corporation (中国) SAIS School of Advanced International Studies (USA) SAL Semi-Active Laser (共通) SALH Semi-Active Laser Homing (共通) SAM Surface to Air Missile (共通) SAMI Saudi Arabian Military Industries (Saudi Arabia) SAMOC Surface-to-Air Missile Centre (Israel) SAM-PRAS SAM Position Ranking and Analysis System (UK) SAMP/T Surface-to-Air Missile Platform/Terran (France) SAP Southern Air Policing (NATO) SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar (共通) SAR Semi Active Radar (共通) SAR Search And Rescure (共通) SARA Sikorsky Autonomous Research Aircraft (USA) SARH Semi Active Radar Homing (共通) SARO Special Allotment Release Order (Philippine) SASAC State-owened Assets Supervision nad Administration Commission (中国) SASC Senate Armed Service Committee (USA) SASTIND State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (中国) SATCOM Satellite Communication (共通) SBCT Stryker BCT (USA) SBI Space-Based Interceptor (USA) SBI Small Business Innovation (共通) SBIR Small Buisiness Innovative Research (USA) SBIRS Space-Based IR System (USA) SBL Space-Based Laser (USA) SBSS Space-Based Space Surveillance (USA) SBT Sea-Based Terminal (USA) SBV Space-Based Visible (USA) SBX Sea-Based X-band (radar) (USA) SCAF Système de Combat Aérien Futur (France) SCALPEL Small Contained Area Laser Precision Energetic Load (USA) SCAR Strike Co-ordination and Reconaissance (UK) SCEPTOR Scalable Convergent Electric Propulsion Technology and Operations Research (USA) SCIFiRE Southern Cross Integrated Flight Research Experiment (USA, Australia) SCO Strategic Capabilities Office (USA) SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization (国際) SCOS Strategic C4ISR to Operationalize the Stratosphere (USA) Scowl Slab-Coupled Optical Waveguide Laser (USA) SCP Security Co-operation Participant (共通) SCPT Space Control Planning Team (USA) Scramjet Supersonic Combustion Ramjet (共通) SCSPI South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Iniative (USA) SCWDL Strike Common Weapon Data Link (USA) SDACS Solid Divert and Attitude Control System (USA) SDA Space Development Agency (USA) SDA Systems Design Agent (USA) SDA Space Domain Awareness (共通) SDB Small Diameter Bomb (USA) SDC Syrian Democratic Council (Syria) SDD System Design & Development (USA) SDF Syrian Democratic Forces (Syria) SDF Self Defense Forces (Syria) SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (国際) SDI Strategic Defense Initiaive (USA) SDO State Defence Order (Russia) SDR System Design Review (USA) SDR Software Defined Radio (共通) SDR Strategic Defense Review (共通) SDSR Strategic Defence and Security Review (UK) SDV Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (共通) SEAD Supression of Enemy Air Defense (共通) SEAL Sea, Air and Land (USA) SECC ScanEagle Compressed Carriage (USA) SECTR Seeker Cost Transformation (USA) SED-WR Scramjet Engine Deonstration-Wave Rider (usa) SEGM Scan Eagle Guided Munition (USA) SES Surface-Effect Ship (共通) SEXTANT Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology (USA) SEW Shared Early Warning (USA, Europe) SEWIP Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (USA) SFA Strategic Framework Agreement (共通) SFAB Security Force Assistance Brigade (USA) SFB Space Force Base (USA) SFF Small Form Factor (USA) SFF-S SFF-SideHat (USA) SFM Srnsor Fused Munition (共通) SFNTG Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group (Nordic) SFRJ Solid-Fuel Ramjet (共通) SFW Srnsor Fused Weapon (共通) SGM Small Glide Munition (USA) SGP Standard Guided Projectile (USA) SGPV Second Generation Patrol Vessel (Malatsia) SHARC Supersonic High-Altitude Ramjet Capability (USA) SHEFEX Sharp-Edged Flight Experiment (Germany) SHEL Surrogate High-Energy Laser (USA) Shepard Series Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Aircraft Demonstrator (USA) SHiELD Self-protect High-Energy Laser Demonstrator (USA) SHIELD Strategic Homeland Integrated Ecosystems for Layered Defense (USA) SHIELD Short and Intermediate Effectors for Layered Defense (USA) SHORAD Short-Range Air Defence (共通) SHORADS Short-Range Air Defence System (共通) SHOT Synchronized High OPTEMPO Targeting (USA) SHW Scramjet-powered Hypersonic Weapon (日本) Shyfe Sustained Hypersonic Flight Experiment (UK) SiAW Stand-in Attack Weapon (USA) SIAW Stand-In Attack Weapon (USA) SIGINT Singal Intelligence (共通) SIGMA Stabilised Integrated Gun/Missile Array (UK) SIJ Stand In Jammer (共通) SIL Safety Integrity Level (EU) SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (USA) SIP System Improvement Program (USA) SIPR Secret Internet Protocol Router (USA) SIPRI Stockholm Intrnational Peace Research Institute (Sweedwn) SIR Soldier ISR (USA) SJFHQ Standing Joint Force Head Quarters (Europe) SKA Space-based Kill Assessment (USA) SKASaC Sea King ASaC (UK) SKCS Soft Kill Coordination System (USA) SKF Syrian Kurdish Forces (Syria, Kurd) SLAARGM Surface Launch AARGM (USA) SLAM Stand-off Land Attack Missile (USA) SLAM Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (UK) SLAM Supersonic Low-Altitude Missile (USA) SLAM-ER Stand-off Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (USA) SLAMMR Side-Looking Aieborne Moduler Multimission Radar (USA) SLAMRAAM Surface-Launched AMRAAM (USA) SLAMRAAM-ER SLAMRAAM-Extended Range (USA) SLBM Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (共通) SLCM Surface-Launched Cruise Missile (共通) SLCM Submarine-Launched Cruise Missile (共通) SLCM-N Nuclear-Armed SLCM (USA) SLEP Service-Life Extension Programe (USA) SLIRBM Submarine Launched IRBM (USA) SLP-A Secondary Launch Platform-Airborne (USA) SLR Satellite Laser Ranging (共通) SLRC Strategic Long Range Cannon (USA) SLUAS Submarine Launch Unmanned Aerial System (共通) SLV Satellite Launch Vehicle (共通) SLV Small Launch Vehicle (USA) SMA Special Measures Agreement (USA, Korea) SMART Signaal Multibeam Acquisition Radar for Tracking (蘭) SMART-L SMART-Long range (蘭) SMB Separate Motor-rifle Brigade (Russia) SMC Specialized Marine Craft (Singapore) SMC Space and Missile Systems Center (USA) SMCM Surface MCM (USA) SMD Sea-based Midcourse Defense (USA) SMD Space and Missile Defense (共通) SMDC Space and Missile Defense Command (USA) SMDCOE Space and Missile Defense Center of Excellence (USA) SMDP Stiletto Maritime Demonstration Program (USA) SMET Squad Mission Equipent Transport (USA) SMET Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (USA) SME Small and Mediumsized Enterprise (共通) SMF Strategic Missile Forces (Russia) SMM Special Monitoring Mission (EU) SMR Small Modular Reactor (共通) SMSC Space and Missile Systems Center (USA) SMSS Squad Mission Support System (USA) SMTS Space and Missile Tracking System (USA) SMWDC Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (USA) SNA Syria National Army (Turkey, Syria) SNA Surface Navy Association (USA) SNLWS Surface Navy Laser Weapons System (USA) SNMG Standing NATO Maritime Group (NATO) SOC Special Operations Command (USA) SOCEUR Special Operations Command Europe (USA) SOCOM Special Operations Command (USA) SOF Special Operations Force (USA) SOFA Specific-Status-Of-Force (USA) SOFA Status Of Forces Agreement (共通) SoI Statement of Intent (共通) SOJ Stand Off Jammer (共通) SOM Stand-Off Missile (Turky) SOP Standard Operating Procedure (共通) SOPGM Special Operational PGM (USA) SoS System of Systems (共通) SoSITE SoS Integration Technology and Experimentation (USA) SOSTAR Stand-Off Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar (Europ) SOW Selectable Output Weapons (USA) SP Self-Propelled (共通) SPA Strategic Partnership Agreement (共通) SPAAG SP AAG (共通) Spce-BACN Space-Based Adaptive Communications Node (USA) SPAid Single Pass AirDrop (USA) SPD Space Policy Directive (USA) SPEAR Selected Precision Effects at Range (UK) SPEAR-EW Selected Precision Effects at Range-EW (UK) SPEAR Supersonic Propulsion Enabled Advanced Ramjet (USA) SpEC Space Enterprise Consortium (USA) SPG Self-Propelled Gun (共通) SPH Self-Propelled Howitzer (共通) SPHM Self-Propelled Howitzer Modernization (USA) SPJ Self-Protection Jammer (共通) SPK Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (共通) SPM Self-Propelled Motar (共通) SPMAGTF-CENT Special Marine Air Ground Task Force-Centrel Command (USA) SPMAGTF-CR Special Marine Air Ground Task Force-Crisis Response (USA) SPP Self Protection Pod (USA) SPREOS Self Protection Radar Electro-Optics System (IsraelA) SPRINT Speed and Runway Independent Technologies (USA) SOPGM Stand-Off Precision-Guided Munition (共通) SPOT Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (Europ) SRAAM Short Range AAM (共通) SRALT Short Range Air-Launched Target (USA) SRAMS Super Rapid Advanced Mortar System (Singapore) SRBM Short Range Ballistic Missile (共通) SRBMD Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense (共通) SRBMDS Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense System (共通) SR/C Slowed Rotor/Compound (USA) SRD System Requirements Document (USA) SRF Strategic Rocket Force (Russia) SRF-JRMC Ship Repair Facility and Japan Regional Maintenence Center (USA) SRP Service Release Proposal (Europ) SRP Surveillance Radar Program (台湾) SRPSS Short Range Precision Strike System (USA) SRR Syatem Requirement Review (USA) SRS Sound Ranging System (India) SRVL Shipborne Rolling Vertical Landing (UK) SRW Soldier Radio Waveform (USA) SS Spread Spectrum (共通) SSA Space Situational Awareness (共通) SSC Small Surface Combatant (USA) SSC Space Systems Command (USA) SSCTF Small Surface Combatant Task Force (USA) SSDS Ship Self Defense System (USA) SSF Strategic Support Force (中国) SSGW Surface-to-Surface Guided Weapon (共通) SSJ Slow-Streching Jet (France) SSKP Single Shot Kill Probability (共通) SSL Space Sensor Layer (USA) SSL Solid State Laser (共通) SSM Surface-To-Surface Missile (共通) SSMM Surface-To-Surface Missile Module (USA) SSN Source Sought Notice (USA) SSO Sun Synchronous Orbit (共通) SSP Strategic Systems Program (USA) SSPARS Solid-State Phased Array Radar System (USA) SSPS Space Solar Power Station (中国) SSR Solid State Radar (共通) SSR Space Sensing Resilient (USA) SSS Space Surveillance System (USA) SSSM SuperSonic Strike Missile (共通) SSST Super-Sonic Sea Skimming Target (USA) SST Space Surveillance Telescope (USA) SSV Strategic Sealift Vessel (Philippine) S&T Science And Technology (共通) STARE System for Tracking, Retrieval and Exploitation (USA) STARLite Small TActical Radar-Lightweight (USA) START Strategic Armes Reduction Treaty (国際) STAT Space Threat Assessment Testbed (USA) STELR Supersonic Turbine Engine for Long-Range (USA) STITCHES System-of-systems Technology Integration Tool Chain for Heterogeneous Electronic Systems (USA) STM Small Tactical Munition (USA) STOBAR Short Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (共通) STOL Short Take-Off Landing (共通) STOVL Short Take-Off Verticl Landing (共通) STRATCOM Strategic Command (USA) STRIKFORNATO Striking and Support Forces NATO (NATO) STS Strategic Targets System (USA) STSS Space Tracking and Surveillance System (USA) STUAS Small Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (USA) STUAV Small Tactical Unmanned Air Vehicle (Israel) STUFT Ships Taken Up From Trade (共通) STV Teparation Test Vehicle (USA) SU Situational Understanding (USA) SUAS Small Unmanned Aircraft System (共通) SUASFP Small Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Plan (USA) SUAV Small UAV (共通) SUAVE Strategic UAV Experiment (UK) SUGV Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (USA) SUPER Stand-off Ubiquitous Power/Energy Replenishment (USA) SURGE Small Unmanned Renewable eneGy long Endurance Vehicle (USA) SURTASS Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (共通) SUW Surface Warfare (共通) SV-2 Space Vehicle-2 (USA) SVD Subscale Vehicle Demonstrator (USA) SVE Sea Viper Evolution (UK) SVL Soft Vertical Launch (UK) SVUL Stinger Vehicle Universal Launcher (USA) SWDL Strike Weapon Data Link (USA) SWF Secure World Foundation (USA) SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (国際) SWLFC Swept-Wing Laminar Flow Control (USA) SWMLU Seawolf Mid-Life Update (UK) SWUP Software Upgrade (共通) SXCT Squad X Core Technologies (USA) Syers Senior Year Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System (USA)
T1DES Tranche 1 Demonstration and Experimentation System (USA) T1TL Tranche 1 Transport Layer (USA) T2TL Tranche 2 Transport Layer (USA) T3 Triple Target Terminator (USA) TA Terrain Avoidance (共通) TA Turkish Aerospace (Turkey) TACAMO Take Charge and Move Out (USA) TACAN Tactical Air Navigation (共通) TACAS Trafic Alert Collision Avoidance System (共通) TAC-C Tactical Autonomous Conbat-Chassis (USA) TACMOR Tactical Multi-Mission Over the Horizon Radar (USA) TACMS Tactical Missile System (USA) TacRS Tactically Responsive Space (USA) TacSat Tactical Satellite (USA) TacSATCOM Tactical Satellite Communication (USA) TADS Target Acquisition Designation Sight (USA) TAI Turkish Aerospace Industries (Turky) TAK Times Aerospace Korea (韓国) TALD Tactical Air-Launched Decoy (Isreael) TANAP Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (Turkey) TARDEC Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (USA) TAR Target Acquisition Radarr (共通) TASS Towed Array Sonar System (共通) TATDLS Taiwan Advanced TDL System (台湾) TBCC Turbine-Based Combined-Cycle (USA) TBD Track Before Detect (共通) TBG Tactical Boost Glide (USA) TBGW TBG Weapon (USA) TBM Tactical Ballistic Missile (共通) TBMD TBM Defense (共通) TBR Technical Baseline Review (USA) TCAR Transatlantic Co-operative AGS Radar (NATO) TCAS Traffic Collisiob Avoidance System (USA) TCDL Tactical Common Data Link (USA) TCM Terrain Contour Matching (共通) T-CPB Type CPB (USA) TCS Tactical Communication Suite (USA) TD Technology Demonstration (USA) TDACS Throttleable Divert and Attitude Control System (USA) TDD Target Detecting Device (USA) TDELRR Three-Dimentional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar (USA) TDF Territorial Defence Force (Poland) TDL Thin Disk Laser (共通) TDOA Time Defference Of Arrival (共通) TDP Technology Demonstration Programm (UK) TDS Tailored Deterrence Strategy (共通) Team CW Team CW (UK) Team LW Team LM (UK) TECHREP Technical Representative (共通) TED Terrain Elevation Database (共通) TEDBF Twin-Engine Deck Based Fighter (India) TEL Transporter Elector Launcher (Russia) TELAR Transporter Elector Launcher and Radar (Russia) TEL(D) Deployable Theatre Exploitaion Laboratory (Europ) TER Target Engagement Radar (共通) TERCOM Terrain Contour Matching (共通) TERCOM Terrein Recognision and Matching (共通) TERN Tactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node (USA) TERPROM Terrain Profile Matching (共通) TEWM Transportable Electronic Warfare Module (USA) TEWS Tactical Electronic Warfare System (USA) TF Terrain Following (共通) TFC Theater Fires Command (USA) TFE Theater Fires Element (USA) TFFI Third Fleet Foward Initiative (USA) TFP Tailored Forward Presence (NATO) TF/TA Terrain Following / Terrain Avoidance (共通) TF-X Turkish Fighter Experimental / National Combat Aircraft (Turkey) TGV Tactical Ground Vehicle (共通) THEL Tactical HEL (USA) THOR Tactical High-Power Operational Responder (USA) THOR Tactical High-speed Offensive Ramjet (USA) THOR-ER Tactical High-speed Offensive Ramjet-Extended Range (USA) Thresher Tactical High-Speed, Responsive and Highly Efficient Round (UK & USA) TI Technology Initiative (共通) TIAD Theater Information Advantage Detachment (USA) TICAD Tokyo International Conference on African Development (日本、国際) TiGER Tactical Granadw Extended Range (Europe, USA) TILL Tracking Illuminator Laser (USA) TITAN Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (USA) TJS Tactical Jamming System (USA) TKA Tail-Kit Assembly (共通) TL Tube Launched (USA) TLAM Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (USA) T-LALADMIS Turkish Low-Altitude Air-Defence Missle System (Turkey) T-LORAMIDS Turkish Long-Range Air-and-Missile-Defence System (Turkey) TLS Terrestrial Layer System (USA) TLS-BCT Terrestrial Layer System-Brigade Combat Team (USA) TLS-EAB Terrestrial Layer System-Echelons Above Brigade (USA) TLVS Taktische Luftverteidigungssystem (Germany) T-MALADMIS Turkish Medium-Altitude Air-Defence Missle System (Turkey) T-MALAMIDS Turkish Medium-Altitude Air-and-Missile Defence System (Turkey) TM Technology Maturation (USA) TMC Tactical Missile Corporation (Russia) TMD Theatre Missile Defence (共通) TMDR Tactical Missile Defense Radar (USA) TMRR Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (USA) TOBS Tactical Off-Board Sensors (USA) TOC Tactical Operations Center (共通) TOMMA Tri-band Omni-directional Mast Mount Assembly (USA) TOS Tactical Operations Station (共通) TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership (Trans-Pacific) TR Technology Refresh (USA) T/R Transmit/Receive (共通) TRACER Tactical Reconnaissance And Counter-cencealment Enabled Radar (USA) TRADOC Training and Doctorine Command (USA) TRAP Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel (USA) TRDI Technology Research and Development Institute (日本) TRIDENT Training, Readiness, Integration, Delivery and Enterprise Technology (USA) TRISO Tristructural Isotropic (共通) TROPICS Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (USA) TRRE Turbo-aided Rcket-augmented Ram/scramjet Engine (中国) TRSA Telemetry Range Support Aircraft (USA) TSCEI Total Ship Computing Environment Infrastructure (USA) TSCF Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship (日、米、韓) TSLM Tactical Surface Launch Missile (韓国) TSP Theatre Security Package (USA) TSRM Third Stage Rocket Motor (USA) TSS Target Sight System (USA) TSSC Technologies for Sustained Supersonic Combustion (USA) TTL Topedo Tube Launch (USA, UK) TTNT Tactical Targeting Network Technology (USA) TTRJ Thermally Throated Ramjet (USA) TTV Target Test Vehicle (USA) TTWCS Tactical Tomahawk Weapon Control System (USA) TU Threat Upgrade (USA) TUAV Tactical UAV (共通) T-UGS Tactical-UGS (USA) TUNA Tactical Undersea Network Architecture (USA) TV Thrust Vectoring (共通) TVC Thrust Vector Control (共通) TVN Thrust Vector Nozzle (共通) TVS Target Verification System (USA) TWISTER Timely Warnibg and Inteerception with Space-based Theater Surveillance (Eurio) TWS Track While Scan (共通) TWT Travelling Wave Tube (共通) TX Transformer (USA)
UAC United Aircraft Corp. (Russia) UAE United Arab Emirates (UAE) UAI Universal Armaments Interface (USA) UAM Urban Air Mobility (共通) UARL Unversal Artillery Rocket Launcer (中国) UAS Unmanned Aerial System (共通) UAV Unmanned Air Vehicle (共通) UAMS UAV Airspace Management System (USA) UCARS UAS Automated Recovery System (USA) UCAS Unmanned Combat Air System (共通) UCAAS Unmanned Carrier Aviation Air System (USA) UCAS Unmanned Combat Air System-Demonstrator (USA) UCAV Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (共通) UCGV Unmanned Combat Ground Vehicle (共通) UCLASS Unmanned Carrier-Launced Air-born Surveillance and Strike (USA) UDCG Ukraine Defense Contact Group (NATO) UEC United Engine Corp. (Russia) UEWR Upgraded Early Warning Radar (USA) UFCS Universal Fire Control System (USA) ULS Umnanned Logistic System (USA) ULS-A ULS-Air (USA) ULTV Ultra-Light Tactical Vehicle (USA) UPL Unfunded Priorities List (USA) UGS Unattended Ground Sensor (USA) UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle (共通) UHAC Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (USA) UIWS Underwater Invasion Warning System (日本) UKMTO United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UK) ULB Unmanned Little Bird (USA) ULUAV Under-warter Launched UAV (India) UMAA Unmanned Maritime Autonomy Architecture (USA) UNASUR Union of South American Nations (South America) UNCEP Ukrainian Naval Capabilities Enhancement Programme (Ukraine) UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (国際) UNICORN Unified Complex Radio Antenna (日本) UNIFIL United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UN) UNROCA United Nations Register of Conventional Arms (国際) UOR Urgent Operational Requirement (UK) UPCCS Unmanned Platform Common Control System (USA) UPL Unfunded Priorities List (USA) USAI Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USA) USAID United States Agency for International Development (USA) USAV Unmanned Strike Air Vehicle (India) USC United Shipbuilding Corporation (Russia) USCG US Coast Guard (USA) USF Unmanned Systems Forces (Ukraine) USFK US Forces Korea (USA) USAI Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USA) USICA United States Innovation and Competition Act (USA) USJFCOM US Joint Force Command (USA) USRMD Ultra-Short Range Missile Defense (共通) USSOCOM US SOCOM (USA) USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command (USA) USTDA US Trade and Development Agency (USA) USV Unmanned Surface vehicle (共通) USV Unmanned Surveillance Vehicle (韓国) UTA UAS Tactical Common Data-Link Assemblt (USA) U-TacS UAV Tactical Systems (UK) UTM Universal Transverse Mercator (共通) U-UGS Urban-UGS (USA) UUV Unmanned Underwater vehicle (共通) UV Ultra-Violet (共通) UVL Universal Vertical Launcher (India) UWB Ultra Wide Band (共通)
VADER Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar (USA) VADS Vulcan Air Defense System (USA) VAMPIRE Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment (USA) VBIED Vehicle-Borne IED VCR Verification Compliance Review (USA) VDS Variable-Depth Sonar (共通) VFA Visiting Forces Agreement (共通) VFDR Variable-Flow Ducted Rocket (USA) VHF Very High Frequency (USA) VIP VUIT Interface Panel (USA) VJTF Very High-Readiness Joint Task Force (NATO) VJTF(L) VJTF Land (NATO) VL Vertical Launch (共通) VLA Vertical Launch ASROC (USA) VLO Very-Low-Obserbable (共通) VLS Vertical Launch (Launcher) System (共通) VLS Variable Depth Sonar (共通) VOA Voice Of America (USA) VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol (USA) V-LAP Very Long Range Projectile (共通) VPM Virginia Payload Module (USA) VPS Vehicle Protection System (Israel) VPM Virginia Payload Module (USA) VR Virtual Reality (共通) VRC Virtual Robotics Challenge (USA) VSHORAD Very SHORAD (共通) VSLAM Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (日本、インド) VSR Volume Search Radar (USA) V-STAR VTOL Swift Tactical Aerial Resource (USA) VSR VSV Very Slender Vessel (共通) VTDP Vectored-Thrust Ducted Propeller (USA) VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing (共通) VTUAV VTOL UAV (共通) VUIT Video from UAS for Interoperability Teaming (USA) VUIT-2 VUIT-2 (USA) VXP VTOL X-Plane (USA)
WAAS Wide Area Airborne Surveillance (USA) WAPC Wheeled APC (共通) WCMD Wind Corrected Munition Dispenser (USA) WCS Weapon Control System (共通) WDL Weapon Data Link (USA) WFOV Wide Field Of View (共通) WGA Whole-of-Government Approach (NATO) WIG Wing In Ground effect (共通) WIN-T Warfighter Information Network - Tactical (USA) WIT Wise Intelligence Technology (Israel) WLR Weapon Locating Radar (共通) WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction (共通) WMI Warfighter Machine Interface (USA) WMS Weapon Mangement Suite (USA) WNW Wideband Networking Waveform (USA) WOSA Weapon Open System Architecture (USA) WOT Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej (Poland) WPNS Western Pacific Naval Symposium (国際) WRAP Wartime Rapid Acquisition Projects (USA) WSMR White Sands Missile Range (USA) WSO Weapon Systems Officer (共通) WVRAAM Within-Visual-Range Air-to-Air Missile (USA)
XAC X'ian Aircraft Corporation (中国) XL-AUV Extra Large Autonomous Undersea Vehicle (Australia) XLUUV Extra-Large UUV (USA) XS Experimental Spaceplane (USA)
ZEUS Zumwalt Enterprise Upgrade Solution (USA)
3DAWS 3-Dimensional Advanced Warning System (UK) 3DELRR 3 Dimensional Expeditionary Long Range Radar (USA) 3DLRR 3 Dimensional Long Range Radar (USA) 3DSoC 3 Dimensional Monolithic System-on-a-Chip (共通) 3GIRS Third Generation IR Surveillance (USA) 3SM SuperSonic Strike Missile (共通)